const maxm=33554432; maxn=250000; var s,i,j,n,l:longint; c:char; v:array[0..maxm] of 0..6; state,f:array[1..maxn] of longint; procedure bfs; var head,tail,i,u,x:longint; begin head:=0; tail:=1; state[1]:=1 shl 25-1; f[1]:=0; repeat inc(head); u:=state[head]; if v[u]=6 then exit;; for i:=0 to 24 do begin x:=u xor (1 shl i); if i mod 5<>0 then x:=x xor (1 shl (i-1)); if (i+1) mod 5<>0 then x:=x xor (1 shl (i+1)); if i<20 then x:=x xor (1 shl (i+5)); if i>4 then x:=x xor (1 shl (i-5)); if v[x]=0 then begin inc(tail); state[tail]:=x; v[x]:=v[u]+1; if x=0 then exit; end; end; until head>=tail; end; begin readln(n); bfs; for l:=1 to n do begin s:=0; for i:=1 to 5 do for j:=1 to 5 do begin if j<5 then read(c) else readln(c); if c='1' then s:=s+(1 shl ((i-1)*5+j-1)); end; if l<n then readln; if s=1 shl 25-1 then writeln(0) else if v[s]=0 then writeln(-1) else writeln(v[s]); end; end.