'dbconfig' => array ( 'db_host_name' => 'localhost', 'db_host_instance' => 'SQLEXPRESS', 'db_user_name' => 'root', 'db_password' => '123456', 'db_name' => 'sugarcrm', 'db_type' => 'mysql', 'db_port' => '', // 这个配置项,主要是选择当前的数据库连接类型 // ./include/database可以查看 'db_manager' => 'MysqliManager', ), 'dbconfigoption' => array ( 'persistent' => false, 'autofree' => false, 'debug' => 0, 'ssl' => false, 'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci', )
// ./include/entryPoint.php require_once('include/database/DBManagerFactory.php'); require_once('data/SugarBean.php'); // ./include/entryPoint.php // 获取数据库实例 $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); // 重置数据库连接次数 $db->resetQueryCount(); /* ./include/database/DBManager.php public static function resetQueryCount() { self::$queryCount = 0; } */ // ./include/database/DBManagerFactory.php' public static function getInstance($instanceName = '') { global $sugar_config; static $count = 0, $old_count = 0; /* 'dbconfig' => array ( 'db_host_name' => 'localhost', 'db_host_instance' => 'SQLEXPRESS', 'db_user_name' => 'root', 'db_password' => '123456', 'db_name' => 'sugarcrm', 'db_type' => 'mysql', 'db_port' => '', 'db_manager' => 'MysqliManager', ), 'dbconfigoption' => array ( 'persistent' => false, 'autofree' => false, 'debug' => 0, 'ssl' => false, 'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci', ) */ if (empty($sugar_config['dbconfig'])) { return false; } // fall back to the default instance name if (empty($sugar_config['db'][$instanceName])) { $instanceName = ''; } if (!isset(self::$instances[$instanceName])) { $config = $sugar_config['dbconfig']; $count++; // 返回具体数据库操作类 self::$instances[$instanceName] = self::getTypeInstance($config['db_type'], $config); // 设置数据库连接基本信息,主要是字符编码统一为utf8_general_ci if (!empty($sugar_config['dbconfigoption'])) { self::$instances[$instanceName]->setOptions($sugar_config['dbconfigoption']); } // 连接数据库,并设置此连接相关属性 self::$instances[$instanceName]->connect($config, true); self::$instances[$instanceName]->count_id = $count; self::$instances[$instanceName]->references = 0; // $GLOBALS['db']设置为当前的数据库连接 if (empty($instanceName) && empty($GLOBALS['db'])) { $GLOBALS['db'] = self::$instances[$instanceName]; } // 在./include/entryPoint.php中$system_config = Administration::getSettings(); if (empty($instanceName) && !empty($GLOBALS['system_config']) && $GLOBALS['system_config'] instanceof Administration && empty($GLOBALS['system_config']->db)) { $GLOBALS['system_config']->db = self::$instances[$instanceName]; } } else { $old_count++; self::$instances[$instanceName]->references = $old_count; } return self::$instances[$instanceName]; } // 获取数据库类型实例 /* $type = 'mysql'; $config = array ( 'db_host_name' => 'localhost', 'db_host_instance' => 'SQLEXPRESS', 'db_user_name' => 'root', 'db_password' => '123456', 'db_name' => 'sugarcrm', 'db_type' => 'mysql', 'db_port' => '', 'db_manager' => 'MysqliManager', ); */ public static function getTypeInstance($type, $config = array()) { global $sugar_config; // MysqliManager if (empty($config['db_manager'])) { // standard types switch ($type) { case "mysql": if (empty($sugar_config['mysqli_disabled']) && function_exists('mysqli_connect')) { $my_db_manager = 'MysqliManager'; } else { $my_db_manager = "MysqlManager"; } break; case "mssql": if (function_exists('sqlsrv_connect') && (empty($config['db_mssql_force_driver']) || $config['db_mssql_force_driver'] == 'sqlsrv' )) { $my_db_manager = 'SqlsrvManager'; } elseif (self::isFreeTDS() && (empty($config['db_mssql_force_driver']) || $config['db_mssql_force_driver'] == 'freetds' )) { $my_db_manager = 'FreeTDSManager'; } else { $my_db_manager = 'MssqlManager'; } break; default: $my_db_manager = self::getManagerByType($type, false); if (empty($my_db_manager)) { echo $type . "\n"; display_stack_trace(); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("unable to load DB manager for: $type"); sugar_die("Cannot load DB manager"); } } } else { $my_db_manager = $config['db_manager']; } // sanitize the name // 过滤非法字符 $my_db_manager = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/", "", $my_db_manager); // 从配置中获取db_manager_class,默认为空 // 走MysqliManager数据库操作逻辑 // include/database/MysqliManager.php if (!empty($config['db_manager_class'])) { $my_db_manager = $config['db_manager_class']; } else { SugarAutoLoader::requireWithCustom("include/database/{$my_db_manager}.php"); } // 实例化MysqliManager类 if (class_exists($my_db_manager)) { return new $my_db_manager(); } else { return null; } } ./include/database/MysqliManager.php // MysqlManager又继承了DBManager class MysqliManager extends MysqlManager { public function __construct() { // 执行的是DBManager的__construct方法 parent::__construct(); $this->capabilities["recursive_query"] = true; $this->capabilities["prepared_statements"] = true; } } ./include/database/DBManager.php abstract class DBManager { public function __construct() { // 设置时区,entryPoint.php引入的require_once('include/TimeDate.php'); $this->timedate = TimeDate::getInstance(); // $GLOBALS['log']日志操作类 $this->log = $GLOBALS['log']; // compatibility,看了DBHelper.php介绍都移到本类了 $this->helper = $this; // 若是从index.php->entryPoint.php过来的话,ENTRY_POINT_TYPE为gui if (defined('ENTRY_POINT_TYPE') && constant('ENTRY_POINT_TYPE') == 'api') { $this->encode = false; } } }
/** * @see DBManager::connect() */ public function connect(array $configOptions = null, $dieOnError = false) { // 这两步应该是兼容写法,当直接连接时,可以不用传参数,只需在配置文件里配置好 // 数据库信息 global $sugar_config; if (is_null($configOptions)) $configOptions = $sugar_config['dbconfig']; // 首次连接肯定没有 if (!isset($this->database)) { //mysqli connector has a separate parameter for port.. We need to separate it out from the host name // 这一步可以看出,db_host_name配置可以这么写localhost:3306 $dbhost = $configOptions['db_host_name']; $dbport = null; $pos = strpos($configOptions['db_host_name'], ':'); if ($pos !== false) { $dbhost = substr($configOptions['db_host_name'], 0, $pos); $dbport = substr($configOptions['db_host_name'], $pos + 1); } // 是否持久化连接 if (ini_get('mysqli.allow_persistent') && $this->getOption('persistent')) { $dbhost = "p:" . $dbhost; } // 连接数据库,并放入$this->database中,下次做数据库操作时 // 可以判断下此变量 $this->database = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $configOptions['db_user_name'], $configOptions['db_password'], isset($configOptions['db_name']) ? $configOptions['db_name'] : '', $dbport); // 数据库连接失败,必须返回错误,并停止程序执行 if (empty($this->database)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not connect to DB server " . $dbhost . " as " . $configOptions['db_user_name'] . ". port " . $dbport . ": " . mysqli_connect_error()); if ($dieOnError) { // $GLOBALS['app_strings']存放的是语言包数组 if (isset($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_NO_DB'])) { sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_NO_DB']); } else { sugar_die("Could not connect to the database. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details."); } } else { return false; } } } // 如果连接数据库成功,但是没有数据库认为报错并停止程序执行 if (!empty($configOptions['db_name']) && !@mysqli_select_db($this->database, $configOptions['db_name'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to select database {$configOptions['db_name']}: " . mysqli_connect_error()); if ($dieOnError) { if (isset($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_NO_DB'])) { sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_NO_DB']); } else { sugar_die("Could not connect to the database. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details."); } } else { return false; } } // cn: using direct calls to prevent this from spamming the Logs // 设置字符集 mysqli_query($this->database, "SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); $names = "SET NAMES 'utf8'"; // 这一步是从self::$instances[$instanceName]->setOptions($sugar_config['dbconfigoption']); // 获取数据的,也就是调用connect的上一步 $collation = $this->getOption('collation'); if (!empty($collation)) { $names .= " COLLATE '$collation'"; } mysqli_query($this->database, $names); if ($this->checkError('Could Not Connect', $dieOnError)) $GLOBALS['log']->info("connected to db"); $this->connectOptions = $configOptions; return true; } ./include/database/DBManager.php // 获取配置 public function getOption($option) { if (isset($this->options[$option])) { return $this->options[$option]; } return null; } // 核对错误,主要是判断数据库是否连接,最后一次数据库操作是否有误 public function checkError($msg = '', $dieOnError = false) { if (empty($this->database)) { $this->registerError($msg, "Database Is Not Connected", $dieOnError); return true; } $dberror = $this->lastDbError(); if ($dberror === false) { $this->last_error = false; return false; } $this->registerError($msg, $dberror, $dieOnError); return true; } // 如果$message不为空,说明最后一次执行sql有误 // 这时再判断$dieOnError是否要终止执行程序 public function registerError($userMessage, $message, $dieOnError = false) { if (!empty($message)) { if (!empty($userMessage)) { $message = "$userMessage: $message"; } if (empty($message)) { $message = "Database error"; } $this->log->fatal($message); if ($dieOnError || $this->dieOnError) { if (isset($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_DB_FAIL'])) { sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_DB_FAIL']); } else { sugar_die("Database error. Please check sugarcrm.log for details."); } } else { $this->last_error = $message; } } }
看完后,才发现配置文件中的db_port竟然是虚设的,而是在db_host中这样'localhost:3306'配置。是否有很大收获啊,否则 一旦数据库端口不是3306,而又在db_port中配置了端口,结果是死活连接不了数据库,结果废了大半天劲看源码发现问题竟然出现这里。
$q = "SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0"; $r = $db->query($q); ./include/database/MysqliManager.php public function query($sql, $dieOnError = false, $msg = '', $suppress = false, $keepResult = false) { $result = $this->queryMulti($sql, $dieOnError, $msg, $suppress, $keepResult, false); return $result; } protected function queryMulti($sql, $dieOnError = false, $msg = '', $suppress = false, $keepResult = false, $multiquery = true) { if (is_array($sql)) { // queryArray does not support any return sets // 其实就是批量执行 /* public function queryArray(array $sqls, $dieOnError = false, $msg = '', $suppress = false) { $last = true; foreach ($sqls as $sql) { if (!($last = $this->query($sql, $dieOnError, $msg, $suppress))) { break; } } return $last; } */ return $this->queryArray($sql, $dieOnError, $msg, $suppress); } static $queryMD5 = array(); // 此两步不执行 parent::countQuery($sql); $GLOBALS['log']->info('Query:' . $sql); /* * 主要是看看数据库是否连接 * 刚刚分析过,数据库后回话信息保持在$this->database中 * 如果没有则重新连接,出错了,那么久终止执行 public function checkConnection() { $this->last_error = ''; if (!isset($this->database)) $this->connect(); } */ $this->checkConnection(); // 记录sql开始执行时间 $this->query_time = microtime(true); // 记录执行sql $this->lastsql = $sql; // 默认执行多条sql语句查询 if ($multiquery) { $query_result = $suppress ? @mysqli_multi_query($this->database, $sql) : mysqli_multi_query($this->database, $sql); $result = mysqli_use_result($this->database); // Clear any remaining recordsets while (mysqli_next_result($this->database)) { $tmp_result = mysqli_use_result($this->database); mysqli_free_result($tmp_result); } } else $result = $suppress ? @mysqli_query($this->database, $sql) : mysqli_query($this->database, $sql); // 这两步感觉很鸡肋,因为只保存了,但是没有哪个地方用到 $md5 = md5($sql); if (empty($queryMD5[$md5])) $queryMD5[$md5] = true; // 记录sql查询时间 $this->query_time = microtime(true) - $this->query_time; $GLOBALS['log']->info('Query Execution Time:' . $this->query_time); // slow query logging // 如果执行的sql超过了配置文件中的数据,那么便记录下来 // 前提是配种文件中陪了该项,否则不执行 if ($this->dump_slow_queries($sql)) { $this->track_slow_queries($sql); } // This is some heavy duty debugging, leave commented out unless you need this: /* $bt = debug_backtrace(); $line['file'] = 'NO_FILE'; $line['line'] = 'NO_LINE'; $line['function'] = 'NO_FUNCTION'; $i = 0; foreach ( $bt as $i => $tryLine ) { if ( strpos($tryLine['file'],'include/database') === false && strpos($tryLine['file'],'include/SugarQuery') === false ) { $line = $tryLine; // Go function line up to find the real function if ( isset($bt[($i+1)]['function']) ) { $line['function'] = $bt[($i+1)]['function']; } break; } } $dumpQuery = str_replace(array(' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',"\n","\t","\r"), array(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',), $sql); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("{$line['file']}:{$line['line']} ${line['function']} \nQuery: $dumpQuery\n"); */ // 默认为false不执行 if ($keepResult) { $this->lastResult = $result; } // 若数据库挂了便写条报警并重新再连接 if ($this->database && mysqli_errno($this->database) == 2006 && $this->retryCount < 1) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('mysqli has gone away, retrying'); $this->retryCount++; $this->disconnect(); $this->connect(); return $this->query($sql, $dieOnError, $msg, $suppress, $keepResult); } else { $this->retryCount = 0; } // 查看sql是否有误 $this->checkError($msg . ' Query Failed: ' . $sql, $dieOnError); // 没有的话便返回查询结果 return $result; } ./incldue/database/DBManager.php // 如果执行的sql超过了配置文件中的数据,那么便记录下来 public function dump_slow_queries($query) { global $sugar_config; $do_the_dump = isset($sugar_config['dump_slow_queries']) ? $sugar_config['dump_slow_queries'] : false; $slow_query_time_msec = isset($sugar_config['slow_query_time_msec']) ? $sugar_config['slow_query_time_msec'] : 5000; if ($do_the_dump) { if ($slow_query_time_msec < ($this->query_time * 1000)) { // Then log both the query and the query time $this->log->fatal('Slow Query (time:' . $this->query_time . "\n" . $query); return true; } } return false; }
while($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $load = array(); $load['name'] = $a['name']; $load['symbol'] = $a['symbol']; $load['conversion_rate'] = $a['conversion_rate']; $this->currencies[$a['id']] = $load; } ./include/database/DBManager.php public function fetchByAssoc($result, $encode = true) { if (empty($result)) return false; // 这是针对老旧版本的api来了,不用看 if (is_int($encode) && func_num_args() == 3) { // old API: $result, $rowNum, $encode $GLOBALS['log']->deprecated("Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code."); $encode = func_get_arg(2); } if ($result instanceof PreparedStatement) { $row = $result->preparedStatementFetch(); } else { /* * 这里就是简单的调用mysqli_fetch_assoc处理 public function fetchRow($result) { if (empty($result)) return false; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); if ($row == null) $row = false; //Make sure MySQLi driver results are consistent with other database drivers return $row; } */ $row = $this->fetchRow($result); } // 如果设置了编码,则需转码 /* public function encodeHTML($string) { if (empty($string) || !$this->encode) { return $string; } /** Not using ENT_HTML401|ENT_SUBSTITUTE since they are 5.4+ only */ return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); } */ if (!empty($row) && $encode && $this->encode) { return array_map(array($this, "encodeHTML"), $row); } else { return $row; } }