

5, Google注重语义分析和链接,Yahoo!注重title和H1,H2,H3。

6, Google比Yahoo更新的快得多。  

7,google 独有pagerank技术,而yahoo没有。

Yahoo was the shinning star of internet till few years back but then Google has trounced it in terms of search popularity. Yahoo grew at a rapid clip from 1995 to 2001 but then saw a downward. However Google is not the only search engine and even now 20- 25% searches have been made through Yahoo. Another major player in search engine market is MSN. This means that being a SEO professional we can not afford to optimize for Google only.
It?s not an easy task to optimize for 3 search engines at same time keeping in mind that each engine has got its own algorithm and they constantly change their algorithms. But knowing some basic difference does help to get better ranking. Some basic differences between yahoo and Google are:

  • Like other search engines Yahoo too spiders the pages on the web, indexes them in its database and then performs various mathematical operations to produce the search results. Yahoo spiderbot (called Slurp) is second most active spider crawler on web. Yahoo Slurp is more active than Google?s as there are more pages in Yahoo index than in Google.
  • Another difference between Yahoo and Google is sandbox. Google sandbox is deeper means if you made any change to your website, you might have to wait more than a month till these changes are reflected in search results whereas in Yahoo this time is shorter.
  • Google places more importance on off page optimization e.g. backlinks etc while Yahoo prefer on-page optimization like keyword density in title, the headings and URL. Keyword density is the major difference between Google and Yahoo.
  • Keywords in filenames and listing under the right category (and category name is part of keywords) also important to get good ranking in Yahoo, while for Google this factor is not of exceptional importance.
  • Yahoo is first a directory and then a search engine, with Google it?s just opposite.

In all above differences the major difference is keyword density. So if you have higher keyword density you?ll get better rank on Yahoo but there is a risk that your site could be banned by Google. So a keyword density below 7% is good for a better ranking in both search engines.

Nadeem Hussain
