Simple example of a program using string class and comparison with C char:
03 |
#include <string.h> // Required by strcpy() |
04 |
#include <stdlib.h> // Required by malloc() |
15 |
SS = "This is a string" ; |
16 |
strcpy (CC, "This is a string" ); |
18 |
CC2 = ( char *) malloc (17); |
19 |
strcpy (CC2, "This is a string" ); |
This is a string
This is a string
This is a string
The C and C++ methods of managing a character data type are both valid but we will see that the C++ string class offers more functionality and convenience. The STL string does not require memory to be pre-allocated nor allocated manually. The STL string class also provides many methods of string assignment.
Example of a program using many of the build-in functions of the string class:
08 |
string a( "abcd efg" ); |
09 |
string b( "xyz ijk" ); |
12 |
cout << a << " " << b << endl; |
14 |
cout << "String empty: " << c.empty() << endl; |
18 |
cout << "String length: " << c.length() << endl; |
19 |
cout << "String size: " << c.size() << endl; |
20 |
cout << "String capacity: " << c.capacity() << endl; |
21 |
cout << "String empty: " << c.empty() << endl; |
27 |
cout << "First character: " << c[0] << endl; |
29 |
string f( " Leading and trailing blanks " ); |
30 |
cout << "String f:" << f << endl; |
31 |
cout << "String length: " << f.length() << endl; |
32 |
cout << "String f:" << f.append( "ZZZ" ) << endl; |
33 |
cout << "String length: " << f.length() << endl; |
35 |
string g( "abc abc abd abc" ); |
36 |
cout << "String g: " << g << endl; |
37 |
cout << "Replace 12,1,/"xyz/",3: " << g.replace(12,1, "xyz" ,3) << endl; |
38 |
cout << g.replace(0,3, "xyz" ,3) << endl; |
39 |
cout << g.replace(4,3, "xyz" ,3) << endl; |
40 |
cout << g.replace(4,3, "ijk" ,1) << endl; |
41 |
cout << "Find: " << g.find( "abd" ,1) << endl; |
42 |
cout << g.find( "qrs" ,1) << endl; |
44 |
string h( "abc abc abd abc" ); |
45 |
cout << "String h: " << h << endl; |
46 |
cout << "Find /"abc/",0: " << h.find( "abc" ,0) << endl; |
47 |
cout << "Find /"abc/",1: " << h.find( "abc" ,1) << endl; |
48 |
cout << "Find_first_of /"abc/",0: " << h.find_first_of( "abc" ,0) << endl; |
49 |
cout << "Find_last_of /"abc/",0: " << h.find_last_of( "abc" ,0) << endl; |
50 |
cout << "Find_first_not_of /"abc/",0: " << h.find_first_not_of( "abc" ,0) << endl; |
51 |
cout << "Find_first_not_of /" /": " << h.find_first_not_of( " " ) << endl; |
52 |
cout << "Substr 5,9: " << h.substr(5,9) << endl; |
53 |
cout << "Compare 0,3,/"abc/": " <<,3, "abc" ) << endl; |
54 |
cout << "Compare 0,3,/"abd/": " <<,3, "abd" ) << endl; |
55 |
cout << h.assign( "xyz" ,0,3) << endl; |
56 |
cout << "First character: " << h[0] << endl; |
Compile: g++ program.cpp
[Potential Pitfall] : In Red Hat Linux versions 7.x one could omit the "using namespace std; " statement. Use of this statement is good programming practice and is required in Red Hat 8.0.
[Potential Pitfall] : Red Hat 8.0 requires the reference to "#include <iostream> ". Red Hat versions 7.x used "#include <iostream.h> ". (Also fstream, ...)
Output: ./a.out
abcd efg xyz ijk
String empty: 1
abcd efgxyz ijk
String length: 15
String size: 15
String capacity: 15
String empty: 0
abcd efgxyz ijk
First character: a
String f: Leading and trailing blanks
String length: 37
String f: Leading and trailing blanks ZZZ
String length: 40
String g: abc abc abd abc
Replace 12,1,"xyz",3: abc abc abd xyzbc
xyz abc abd xyzbc
xyz xyz abd xyzbc
xyz i abd xyzbc
Find: 6
String h: abc abc abd abc
Find "abc",0: 0
Find "abc",1: 4
Find_first_of "abc",0: 0
Find_last_of "abc",0: 0
Find_first_not_of "abc",0: 3
Find_first_not_of " ": 0
Substr 5,9: bc abd ab
Compare 0,3,"abc": 0
Compare 0,3,"abd": -1
First character: x
[Potential Pitfall] : There have been some changes in the behavior of the string class from Red Hat 7.x to Red Hat 8.0:
- The compare function arguments have changed from"string",int-1, int-2); to, int-2, "string");
- The return value of the compare function call"abc",0,3) in 7.x was 12. In Red Hat 8.0,3,"abc") it is 0.
- String capacity function call "c.capacity() " is 15. The returned value in Red Hat 7.x was 16.
- Constructors:
2 |
string sVar1(C-string-variable); |
3 |
string sVar2(10, " " ); |
4 |
string sVar3(Var1, string-index); |
5 |
string sVar4(iterator-index-begin, iterator-index-end) |
- Destructor:
- Replace:
- Var.replace(beginning,end-position,string-class-variable )
- Var.replace(beginning,end-position,C-char-variable )
- Var.replace(beginning,end-position,string-class-variable,length )
- Var.replace(beginning,end-position,integer-number,single-char )
- Var.replace(beginning,end-position,new-beginning-porition,new-end-position )
Code samples:
01 |
string g( "abc abc abd abc" ); |
02 |
cout << g.replace(4,1, "ijk" ,3) << endl; |
04 |
string h( "abc abc abd abc" ); |
05 |
cout << h.replace(4,6, "ijk" ,3) << endl; |
07 |
string k( "abc abc abd abc" ); |
08 |
cout << k.replace(4,3, "ijk" ,3) << endl; |
10 |
string l( "abc abc abd abc" ); |
11 |
cout << k.replace(12,1, "xyz" ,3) << endl; |
abc ijkbc abd abc
- Beginning with the 4th index (character number 5) replace one character with 3 characters from string "ijk"
abc ijkd abc
abc ijk abd abc
abc abc abd xyzbc
- Find: (also rfind(), find_first_of(), find_last_of(), find_first_not_of(), find_last_not_of())
- Val.find(const string& argument )
Find first occurence of argument within string Val
- find(const string& argument , size_type index )
Find first occurence of argument within string Val starting search from position index .
- find(const char* argument )
- find(const char* argument , size_type index )
- find(const char* argument , size_type index , size_type length )
Find first occurence of argument within string Val starting search from position index and search for length number of characters.
STL C++ string functions:
Assuming declaration: string Var;
Function/Operation |
Description |
Var = string2 Var.assign("string-to-assign ") |
Assignment of value to string. When assigning a C "char" data type, first check if NULL to avoid failure/crash. i.e.: if( szVar ) sVar.assign( szVar ); where szVar is a C "char *" data type and sVar is of type "string". |
Var.swap(string2 ) swap(string1,string2 ) |
Swap with value held in string2. Function swap will exchange contents of two string class variables. |
Var += string2 Var.append() Var.push_back() |
Append string/characters. |
Var.insert() |
Insert characters |
Var.erase() Var = "" |
Clear string variable. No arguments necessary. |
+ |
Concatenate |
==, !=, <, <=, >, >= |
Compare strings. | ) size_t pos1, size_t len, string ) const; size_t pos1, size_t len1, const string , size_t pos2, size_t len2 ) const; |
Compare strings. Returns int:
- 0: if equal.
- -1: Not equal. 1st non matching character in Var is less in value based on ASCII table than in compare string.
- +1: Not equal. 1st non matching character is greater in value based on ASCII table.
Where string is another STL string or null terminated C string. |
Var.length() |
Return length of string. No arguments necessary. The methods length(), size() and capacity() all return the same value. |
Var.size() |
Return length of string. No arguments necessary. |
Var.capacity() |
Return length of string + 1. Red Hat 7.x. Red Hat 8.0+ returns the number of characters without the "+1". Number of characters that can be held without re-allocation. No arguments necessary. |
Var.max_size() |
Returns a very large number. No arguments necessary. |
Var.empty() |
Returns 1 if an empty string. Returns 0 if not empty. |
<< |
Output stream |
>> getline() |
Input stream |
Var.c_str() |
Returns C string pointer. C char string is null terminated. Do not free memory using this pointer! | |
Returns C string pointer. C char string is NOT null terminated. Do not free memory using this pointer! |
Var[] ) |
Access individual characters. Return single character at specified position (integer). |
Var.find(string ) Var.find(string, positionFirstChar ) Var.find(string, positionFirstChar, len ) |
Find first occurance of string or substring. Returns int position of first occurance in string. Where len is the length of the sequence to search for. Returns string::npos if not found. i.e. if(Var.find("abc") == string::npos) cout << "Not found" << endl; |
Var.rfind() |
Find last occurance of string or substring. |
Var.find_first_of(string , position) Var.find_first_of( string , size_t position, size_t len ) |
Find strings and substrings. Where string is another STL string or null terminated C string. If position = 0, than start at beginning of string. |
Var.find_last_of() |
Find strings and substrings. |
Var.find_first_not_of() Var.find_last_not_of() |
Find strings and substrings. |
Var.replace(pos1, len1, string ) Var.replace(itterator1, itterator2, const string ) Var.replace(pos1, len1, string , pos2, len2) |
Replace section of string with new characters. pos2 and len2 are given when using only a substring of string . Where string is another STL string or null terminated C string. |
Var.substr(pos, len) |
Return substring of text given a start position in string object and length. |
Var.begin() Var.end() |
Iterators |
Var.rbegin() Var.rend() |
Reverse iterators |
Note that in most cases the string functions have been overloaded to accept both string class arguments and C char variables.
ANSI C++ string class iterators: |
Iterators provide the ability to access the individual characters in a string.
07 |
string alphabetLC= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ; |
09 |
string::const_iterator cii; |
12 |
for (cii=alphabetLC.begin(); cii!=alphabetLC.end(); cii++) |
14 |
cout << ii++ << " " << *cii << endl; |
This will print the integer position in the string followed by the letter for all characters in the alphabet.
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 d
4 e
5 f
6 g
7 h
Iterator types:
- string::traits_type
- string::value_type
- string::size_type
- string::difference_type
- string::reference
- string::const_reference
- string::pointer
- string::const_pointer
- string::iterator
- string::const_iterator
- string::reverse_iterator
- string::const_reverse_iterator
- string::npos
ANSI C++ string class and the C standard library: |
The full use of the C standard library is available for use by utilizing the ".c_str" function return of the string class.
08 |
char *phrase1= "phrase" ; |
09 |
string phrase2( "Second phrase" ); |
13 |
strcpy (phraseA,phrase2.c_str()); |
14 |
phraseB = strstr (phrase2.c_str(),phrase1); |
16 |
printf ( "phraseA: %s/n" ,phraseA); |
17 |
printf ( "phraseB: %s/n" ,phraseB); |
18 |
printf ( "phrase2: %s/n" ,phrase2.c_str()); |
Compile and run:
g++ test.cpp
phraseA: Second phrase
phraseB: phrase
phrase2: Second phrase
Using ostringstream and an internal write: |
In memory I/O string processing used as a data type conversion. This can also be used to make use of formatting of output in memory. File: int2string.cpp
06 |
string int2string( const int & number) |
16 |
string test= "SSSSS" ; |
17 |
test += int2string(number); |
Compile and run:
g++ int2string.cpp
[Potential Pitfall] : Returned string value must be used right away without other memory being set as string destructor will free the memory associated with its contents. It is much safer for the function to return a char data type or pass the string reference as an argument. |
Using istringstream and an internal read: |
This is used to make use of reading and parsing a string in memory. It will also allow data type conversion from a string to the type read. File: test.cpp
08 |
string test= "AAA 123 SSSSS 3.141592654" ; |
09 |
istringstream totalSString( test ); |
10 |
string string1, string2; |
14 |
totalSString >> string1 >> integer1 >> string2 >> PI; |
16 |
cout << "Individual parsed variables:" << endl; |
17 |
cout << "First string: " << string1 << endl; |
18 |
cout << "First integer: " << integer1 << endl; |
19 |
cout << "Value of PI: " << PI << endl; |
Compile and run:
g++ test.cpp
Individual parsed variables:
First string: AAA
First integer: 123
Value of PI: 3.14159
- Read lines from standard input:
01 |
while ( getline(std::cin, sLine) ) |
06 |
cout << sLine[0] << sLine[1] << endl; |
- Read lines from input file:
01 |
#define SYS_CONFIG_FILE "/etc/file.conf" |
11 |
string::size_type posBeginIdx, posEndIdx; |
12 |
string::size_type ipos=0; |
15 |
const string sDelim( ":" ); |
17 |
ifstream myInputFile(SYS_CONFIG_FILE, ios::in); |
20 |
sError = "File SYS_CONFIG_FILE could not be opened" ; |
24 |
while ( getline(myInputFile,sLine) ) |
29 |
posEndIdx = sLine.find_first_of( sDelim ); |
30 |
sKeyWord = sLine.substr( ipos, posEndIdx ); |
31 |
posBeginIdx = posEndIdx + 1; |
- Strip blank characters:
02 |
stripLeadingAndTrailingBlanks(string& StringToModify) |
04 |
if (StringToModify.empty()) return ; |
06 |
int startIndex = StringToModify.find_first_not_of( " " ); |
07 |
int endIndex = StringToModify.find_last_not_of( " " ); |
08 |
string tempString = StringToModify; |
09 |
StringToModify.erase(); |
11 |
StringToModify = tempString.substr(startIndex, (endIndex-startIndex+ 1) ); |
The String Class and Debugging in GDB: |
The first thing you will notice when using the C++ string class is that you can't de-reference any of the string class variables directly with GDB, ddd,... One must create a helper routine (for older versions of gdb) or use string class funtions (newer versions of gdb) to print out the value of the string variable.
08 |
void ps(string& s){ cout << s << endl; } |
12 |
string a( "String A" ); |
17 |
cout << "Hello!" << endl; |
Compile program with symbolic code for the debugger: g++ -g testprog.cpp
Start gdb debugger: gdb ./a.out
(gdb) l 1,18 - List lines 1 to 18
1 #include <string>
2 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace std;
6 // Helper routine ps to print a string class variable.
8 void ps(string& s){ cout << s << endl; }
10 int main()
11 {
12 string a("String A");
13 string b;
15 b = "String B";
17 cout << "Hello!" << endl;
18 }
(gdb) break 17
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804893b: file testprog.cpp, line 17.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/user1/a.out
Breakpoint 1, main () at testprog.cpp:17
17 cout << "Hello!" << endl;
(gdb) p a - Gdb can't de-reference string class variable "a"
$1 = {static npos = Cannot access memory at address 0x83a32d0
(gdb) call ps(a)
String A - Call helper function ps to print string conents.
(gdb) call ps(b)
String B
(gdb) c
Program exited normally.
(gdb) quit
With newer versions of gdb, one may use built-in string class functions:
(gdb) p a.c_str()
$1 = 0x8049e34 "String A"
(gdb) p b.c_str()
$3 = 0x8049e4c "String B"
(gdb) p b.empty()
$2 = false
(gdb) p b.size()
$4 = 8
Dereference string and wstring using GDB macro functions. See GDB tutorial on dereferencing STL strings and containers .
- The string class is NOT a native data type, it is an object class and thus can not be handled like the traditional pointer to variable in gdb.
- One can pass strings by reference (i.e. argument declarations using (string& variable-name ) ), by value (string variable-name ) , and by pointer (string *variable-name ) .
- When using a reference, one may mimic the protection of a variable that passing by value enables by using (const string& variable-name )
- GNU C++ Library: String classes
- IBM AIX IString class example
- STL: basic_string - SGI STL home
- C++