[adb] logcat [<option>] ... [<filter-spec>] ...
-s 设置过滤器,例如指定 '*:s'
-f <filename> 输出到文件,默认情况是标准输出。
-r [<kbytes>] Rotate log every kbytes. (16 if unspecified). Requires -f
-n <count> Sets max number of rotated logs to <count>, default 4
-v <format> 设置log的打印格式, <format> 是下面的一种:
brief process tag thread raw time threadtime long
-c 清除所有log并退出
-d 得到所有log并退出 (不阻塞)
-g 得到环形 缓冲区的大小并退出
-b <buffer> 请求不同的环形缓冲区 ('main', 'system', 'radio', 'events',默认为"-b main -b system")
-B 输出log到二进制中。
其中 <tag> 表示log的component, tag (或者使用 * 表示所有) , priority 从低到高如下所示:
V Verbose
D Debug
I Info
W Warn
E Error
F Fatal
S Silent
(highest priority, on which nothing is ever printed)
在运行logcat的时候在前两列的信息中你就可以看到 logcat 的标签列表和优先级别,它是这样标出的:<priority>/<tag>
如 adb logcat ActivityManager:I MyApp:D *:S上面表达式的最后的元素 *:S ,,是设置所有的标签为”silent”,所有日志只显示有”View” and “MyApp”,如果不加*:S,那么仍然会显示其他TAG的所有信息,起不到过滤的作用.
android logcat命令
1. logcat -c 清除已有log信息
2.logcat -b main 显示主缓冲区的log
logcat -b radio 显示无线缓冲区的log
logcat -b events 显示事件缓冲区的log
3.logcat -f [filename] 将log保存到指定的文件中,例如 logcat -b radio -f /data/radio.log
4.logcat -v 设置logcat输出的格式
1. brief — Display priority/tag and PID of originating process (the default format).
2. process — Display PID only.
3. tag — Display the priority/tag only.
4. thread — Display process:thread and priority/tag only.
5. raw — Display the raw log message, with no other metadata fields.
6. time — Display the date, invocation time, priority/tag, and PID of the originating process.
7. long — Display all metadata fields and separate messages with a blank lines.
比较常用的是显示时间:logcat -v time &
5.logcat -g 查看缓冲区的大小
logcat -g main
logcat -g radio
logcat -g events
1. 系统结构
2. 关键代码及理解
一. 应用程序框架层日志系统Java接口的实现
- public final class Log {
- public static final int VERBOSE = 2;
- public static final int DEBUG = 3;
- public static final int INFO = 4;
- public static final int WARN = 5;
- public static final int ERROR = 6;
- public static final int ASSERT = 7;
- ........................
- public static int v(String tag, String msg) {
- return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, VERBOSE, tag, msg);
- }
- public static int d(String tag, String msg) {
- return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, DEBUG, tag, msg);
- }
- public static int i(String tag, String msg) {
- return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, INFO, tag, msg);
- }
- public static int w(String tag, String msg) {
- return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, WARN, tag, msg);
- }
- public static int e(String tag, String msg) {
- return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, ERROR, tag, msg);
- }
- public static int println(int priority, String tag, String msg) {
- return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, priority, tag, msg);
- }
- ...................
- public static final int LOG_ID_MAIN = 0;
- public static final int LOG_ID_RADIO = 1;
- public static final int LOG_ID_EVENTS = 2;
- public static final int LOG_ID_SYSTEM = 3;
- public static native int println_native(int bufID,
- int priority, String tag, String msg);
- }
VERBOSE ,DEBUG, INFO,WARN,ERROR,ASSERT代表Log优先级,分别由对应的v,d,i,w,e,a方法实现写入。
logcat ActivityManager:w *:S