Android Camera 通过V4L2与kernel driver的完整交互过程

Android Camera 通过V4L2与kernel driver的完整交互过程

之前在  Android Camera 的执行流程  这篇文章中已经详细介绍了
Android Camera  app到调用open打开camera 设备的完成过程,但是只是到此为止,并未对较底层的操作控制等做任何分析,


实例化Camera Hal接口 hardware,hardware调用initialize()进入HAL层打开Camear驱动。


    status_t initialize(hw_module_t *module)
        LOGI("Opening camera %s", mName.string());
        int rc = module->methods->open(module, mName.string(),(hw_device_t **)&mDevice);
        if (rc != OK) {
            LOGE("Could not open camera %s: %d", mName.string(), rc);
            return rc;
        return rc;


class CameraService :
    public BinderService<CameraService>,
    public BnCameraService

    class Client : public BnCamera




    camera_module_t *mModule;


此处还必须找到camera_module_t 的定,以更好的理解整个运行流程,通过追根溯源找到了camera_module_t 定义,


typedef struct camera_module {
    hw_module_t common;
    int (*get_number_of_cameras)(void);
    int (*get_camera_info)(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info);
} camera_module_t;
其中包含get_number_of_cameras方法和get_camera_info方法用于获取camera info

另外hw_module_t common;这个选项十分重要,此处应重点关注,因为是使用hw_module_t结构体中的open()方法打开设备文件的

继续找到hw_module_t 结构体的定义.在以下路径:hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hardware.h

  1. typedef struct hw_module_t {
  2.     /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
  3.     uint32_t tag;

  4.     /** major version number for the module */
  5.     uint16_t version_major;

  6.     /** minor version number of the module */
  7.     uint16_t version_minor;

  8.     /** Identifier of module */
  9.     const char *id;

  10.     /** Name of this module */
  11.     const char *name;

  12.     /** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
  13.     const char *author;

  14.     /** Modules methods */
  15.     struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;

  16.     /** module's dso */
  17.     void* dso;

  18.     /** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
  19.     uint32_t reserved[32-7];

  20. } hw_module_t;
  1. typedef struct hw_module_methods_t {
  2.     /** Open a specific device */
  3.     int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
  4.             struct hw_device_t** device);

  5. } hw_module_methods_t;
这个问题我们还是需要往前面追溯啊,当然这在上一篇文章中也没有提到,不卖关子了,其实重点就是我们调用了这个module->methods->open(module, mName.string(),(hw_device_t **)&mDevice)方法
  1. void CameraService::onFirstRef()
  2. {
  3.     BnCameraService::onFirstRef();

  4.     if (hw_get_module(CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
  5.                 (const hw_module_t **)&mModule) < 0) {
  6.         LOGE("Could not load camera HAL module");
  7.         mNumberOfCameras = 0;
  8.     }
  9.     else {
  10.         mNumberOfCameras = mModule->get_number_of_cameras();
  11.         if (mNumberOfCameras > MAX_CAMERAS) {
  12.             LOGE("Number of cameras(%d) > MAX_CAMERAS(%d).",
  13.                     mNumberOfCameras, MAX_CAMERAS);
  14.             mNumberOfCameras = MAX_CAMERAS;
  15.         }
  16.         for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfCameras; i++) {
  17.             setCameraFree(i);
  18.         }
  19.     }
  20. }
不错,这个module正是通过这个 hw_get_module方法获得的,其实他是通过方法中的 CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID作为flag最终找到已经定义好的module,那么这个已经定义好的module又在哪呢,是什么样子的呢?
这里我就直接放在这里,不在拐弯抹角了,方法路径: hardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera/CameraHal_Module.cpp
  1. static int camera_device_open(const hw_module_t* module, const char* name,
  2.                 hw_device_t** device);
  3. static int camera_device_close(hw_device_t* device);
  4. static int camera_get_number_of_cameras(void);
  5. static int camera_get_camera_info(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info);

  6. static struct hw_module_methods_t camera_module_methods = {
  7.         open: camera_device_open
  8. };

  9. camera_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
  10.     common: {
  11.          tag: HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
  12.          version_major: 1,
  13.          version_minor: 0,
  14.          id: CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
  15.          name: "TI OMAP CameraHal Module",
  16.          author: "TI",
  17.          methods: &camera_module_methods,
  18.          dso: NULL, /* remove compilation warnings */
  19.          reserved: {0}, /* remove compilation warnings */
  20.     },
  21.     get_number_of_cameras: camera_get_number_of_cameras,
  22.     get_camera_info: camera_get_camera_info,
  23. };
这里还是很关键的,通过id: CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID 作为识别码找到这个module,get module完成任务,大家可以看到,这个定义好的module实现了methods中的open方法,
实现了 camera_get_number_of_cameras camera_get_camera_info ,当然还包括了其他一些变量的初始化
  1. /* open device handle to one of the cameras
  2.  *
  3.  * assume camera service will keep singleton of each camera
  4.  * so this function will always only be called once per camera instance
  5.  */

  6. int camera_device_open(const hw_module_t* module, const char* name,
  7.                 hw_device_t** device)
  8. {
  9.     int rv = 0;
  10.     int num_cameras = 0;
  11.     int cameraid;
  12.     ti_camera_device_t* camera_device = NULL;
  13.     camera_device_ops_t* camera_ops = NULL;
  14.     android::CameraHal* camera = NULL;
  15.     android::CameraProperties::Properties* properties = NULL;

  16.     android::Mutex::Autolock lock(gCameraHalDeviceLock);

  17.     CAMHAL_LOGI("camera_device open");

  18.     if (name != NULL) {
  19.         cameraid = atoi(name);
  20.         num_cameras = gCameraProperties.camerasSupported();

  21.         if(cameraid > num_cameras)
  22.         {
  23.             LOGE("camera service provided cameraid out of bounds, "
  24.                     "cameraid = %d, num supported = %d",
  25.                     cameraid, num_cameras);
  26.             rv = -EINVAL;
  27.             goto fail;
  28.         }

  29.         if(gCamerasOpen >= MAX_SIMUL_CAMERAS_SUPPORTED)
  30.         {
  31.             LOGE("maximum number of cameras already open");
  32.             rv = -ENOMEM;
  33.             goto fail;
  34.         }

  35.         camera_device = (ti_camera_device_t*)malloc(sizeof(*camera_device));
  36.         if(!camera_device)
  37.         {
  38.             LOGE("camera_device allocation fail");
  39.             rv = -ENOMEM;
  40.             goto fail;
  41.         }

  42.         camera_ops = (camera_device_ops_t*)malloc(sizeof(*camera_ops));
  43.         if(!camera_ops)
  44.         {
  45.             LOGE("camera_ops allocation fail");
  46.             rv = -ENOMEM;
  47.             goto fail;
  48.         }

  49.         memset(camera_device, 0, sizeof(*camera_device));
  50.         memset(camera_ops, 0, sizeof(*camera_ops));

  51.         camera_device->base.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
  52.         camera_device->base.common.version = 0;
  53.         camera_device->base.common.module = (hw_module_t *)(module);
  54.         camera_device->base.common.close = camera_device_close;
  55.         camera_device->base.ops = camera_ops;

  56.         camera_ops->set_preview_window = camera_set_preview_window;
  58.         camera_ops->set_buffer_source = camera_set_buffer_source;
  59. #endif
  60.         camera_ops->set_callbacks = camera_set_callbacks;
  61.         camera_ops->enable_msg_type = camera_enable_msg_type;
  62.         camera_ops->disable_msg_type = camera_disable_msg_type;
  63.         camera_ops->msg_type_enabled = camera_msg_type_enabled;
  64.         camera_ops->start_preview = camera_start_preview;
  65.         camera_ops->stop_preview = camera_stop_preview;
  66.         camera_ops->preview_enabled = camera_preview_enabled;
  67.         camera_ops->store_meta_data_in_buffers = camera_store_meta_data_in_buffers;
  68.         camera_ops->start_recording = camera_start_recording;
  69.         camera_ops->stop_recording = camera_stop_recording;
  70.         camera_ops->recording_enabled = camera_recording_enabled;
  71.         camera_ops->release_recording_frame = camera_release_recording_frame;
  72.         camera_ops->auto_focus = camera_auto_focus;
  73.         camera_ops->cancel_auto_focus = camera_cancel_auto_focus;
  74.         camera_ops->take_picture = camera_take_picture;
  75.         camera_ops->cancel_picture = camera_cancel_picture;
  76.         camera_ops->set_parameters = camera_set_parameters;
  77.         camera_ops->get_parameters = camera_get_parameters;
  78.         camera_ops->put_parameters = camera_put_parameters;
  79.         camera_ops->send_command = camera_send_command;
  80.         camera_ops->release = camera_release;
  81.         camera_ops->dump = camera_dump;
  83.         camera_ops->reprocess = camera_reprocess;
  84.         camera_ops->cancel_reprocess = camera_cancel_reprocess;
  85. #endif

  86.         *device = &camera_device->base.common;

  87.         // -------- TI specific stuff --------

  88.         camera_device->cameraid = cameraid;

  89.         if(gCameraProperties.getProperties(cameraid, &properties) < 0)
  90.         {
  91.             LOGE("Couldn't get camera properties");
  92.             rv = -ENOMEM;
  93.             goto fail;
  94.         }

  95.         camera = new android::CameraHal(cameraid);

  96.         if(!camera)
  97.         {
  98.             LOGE("Couldn't create instance of CameraHal class");
  99.             rv = -ENOMEM;
  100.             goto fail;
  101.         }

  102.         if(properties && (camera->initialize(properties) != android::NO_ERROR))
  103.         {
  104.             LOGE("Couldn't initialize camera instance");
  105.             rv = -ENODEV;
  106.             goto fail;
  107.         }

  108.         gCameraHals[cameraid] = camera;
  109.         gCamerasOpen++;
  110.     }

  111.     return rv;

  112. fail:
  113.     if(camera_device) {
  114.         free(camera_device);
  115.         camera_device = NULL;
  116.     }
  117.     if(camera_ops) {
  118.         free(camera_ops);
  119.         camera_ops = NULL;
  120.     }
  121.     if(camera) {
  122.         delete camera;
  123.         camera = NULL;
  124.     }
  125.     *device = NULL;
  126.     return rv;
  127. }
从这里可以知道,这里就像一个控制中心,上传调用到这里被分发出去,实现各自的操作,我们就以 startPreview 为例进行分析

  1. int camera_start_preview(struct camera_device * device)
  2. {
  3.     int rv = -EINVAL;
  4.     ti_camera_device_t* ti_dev = NULL;

  5.     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);

  6.     if(!device)
  7.         return rv;

  8.     ti_dev = (ti_camera_device_t*) device;

  9.     rv = gCameraHals[ti_dev->cameraid]->startPreview();

  10.     return rv;
  11. }
这里每open一个device就会相应的创建并且初始化一个CameraHal 对象,定义在: hardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera/CameraHal.cpp
并且把这个对象保存在gCameraHals这个数组中,正因为这样这里 camera_start_preview 才可以通过这个数据检索对象调用方法
现在我们就看看这个 startPreview ( ) 方法是怎样实现的
  1. /**
  2.    @brief Start preview mode.

  3.    @param none
  4.    @return NO_ERROR Camera switched to VF mode
  5.    @todo Update function header with the different errors that are possible

  6.  */
  7. status_t CameraHal::startPreview() {

  9.     // When tunneling is enabled during VTC, startPreview happens in 2 steps:
  10.     // When the application sends the command CAMERA_CMD_PREVIEW_INITIALIZATION,
  11.     // cameraPreviewInitialization() is called, which in turn causes the CameraAdapter
  12.     // to move from loaded to idle state. And when the application calls startPreview,
  13.     // the CameraAdapter moves from idle to executing state.
  14.     //
  15.     // If the application calls startPreview() without sending the command
  16.     // CAMERA_CMD_PREVIEW_INITIALIZATION, then the function cameraPreviewInitialization()
  17.     // AND startPreview() are executed. In other words, if the application calls
  18.     // startPreview() without sending the command CAMERA_CMD_PREVIEW_INITIALIZATION,
  19.     // then the CameraAdapter moves from loaded to idle to executing state in one shot.
  20.     status_t ret = cameraPreviewInitialization();

  21.     // The flag mPreviewInitializationDone is set to true at the end of the function
  22.     // cameraPreviewInitialization(). Therefore, if everything goes alright, then the
  23.     // flag will be set. Sometimes, the function cameraPreviewInitialization() may
  24.     // return prematurely if all the resources are not available for starting preview.
  25.     // For example, if the preview window is not set, then it would return NO_ERROR.
  26.     // Under such circumstances, one should return from startPreview as well and should
  27.     // not continue execution. That is why, we check the flag and not the return value.
  28.     if (!mPreviewInitializationDone) return ret;

  29.     // Once startPreview is called, there is no need to continue to remember whether
  30.     // the function cameraPreviewInitialization() was called earlier or not. And so
  31.     // the flag mPreviewInitializationDone is reset here. Plus, this preserves the
  32.     // current behavior of startPreview under the circumstances where the application
  33.     // calls startPreview twice or more.
  34.     mPreviewInitializationDone = false;

  35.     ///Enable the display adapter if present, actual overlay enable happens when we post the buffer
  36.     if(mDisplayAdapter.get() != NULL) {
  37.         CAMHAL_LOGDA("Enabling display");
  38.         int width, height;
  39.         mParameters.getPreviewSize(&width, &height);

  41.         ret = mDisplayAdapter->enableDisplay(width, height, &mStartPreview);
  42. #else
  43.         ret = mDisplayAdapter->enableDisplay(width, height, NULL);
  44. #endif

  45.         if ( ret != NO_ERROR ) {
  46.             CAMHAL_LOGEA("Couldn't enable display");

  47.             // FIXME: At this stage mStateSwitchLock is locked and unlock is supposed to be called
  48.             // only from mCameraAdapter->sendCommand(CameraAdapter::CAMERA_START_PREVIEW)
  49.             // below. But this will never happen because of goto error. Thus at next
  50.             // startPreview() call CameraHAL will be deadlocked.
  51.             // Need to revisit mStateSwitch lock, for now just abort the process.
  52.             CAMHAL_ASSERT_X(false,
  53.                 "At this stage mCameraAdapter->mStateSwitchLock is still locked, "
  54.                 "deadlock is guaranteed");

  55.             goto error;
  56.         }

  57.     }

  58.     ///Send START_PREVIEW command to adapter
  59.     CAMHAL_LOGDA("Starting CameraAdapter preview mode");

  60.     ret = mCameraAdapter->sendCommand(CameraAdapter::CAMERA_START_PREVIEW);

  61.     if(ret!=NO_ERROR) {
  62.         CAMHAL_LOGEA("Couldn't start preview w/ CameraAdapter");
  63.         goto error;
  64.     }
  65.     CAMHAL_LOGDA("Started preview");

  66.     mPreviewEnabled = true;
  67.     mPreviewStartInProgress = false;
  68.     return ret;

  69.     error:

  70.         CAMHAL_LOGEA("Performing cleanup after error");

  71.         //Do all the cleanup
  72.         freePreviewBufs();
  73.         mCameraAdapter->sendCommand(CameraAdapter::CAMERA_STOP_PREVIEW);
  74.         if(mDisplayAdapter.get() != NULL) {
  75.             mDisplayAdapter->disableDisplay(false);
  76.         }
  77.         mAppCallbackNotifier->stop();
  78.         mPreviewStartInProgress = false;
  79.         mPreviewEnabled = false;

  81.         return ret;
  82. }
先说一下吧,这里调用 mCameraAdapter 对象的 sendCommand 方法

  1. status_t BaseCameraAdapter::sendCommand(CameraCommands operation, int value1, int value2, int value3, int value4) {
  2.     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
  3.     struct timeval *refTimestamp;
  4.     BuffersDescriptor *desc = NULL;
  5.     CameraFrame *frame = NULL;


  7.     switch ( operation ) {
  8.         case:
  9.             ...............
  10.         case CameraAdapter::CAMERA_START_PREVIEW:
                CAMHAL_LOGDA("Start Preview");
                if ( ret == NO_ERROR )
                    ret = setState(operation);

                if ( ret == NO_ERROR )
                    ret = startPreview();

                if ( ret == NO_ERROR )
                    ret = commitState();
                    ret |= rollbackState();
  11.     }
  12. }
  1. status_t BaseCameraAdapter::setState(CameraCommands operation)
  2. {
  3.     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;


  5.     const char *printState = getLUTvalue_translateHAL(operation, CamCommandsLUT);

  6.     mLock.lock();

  7.     switch ( mAdapterState )
  8.         {

  9.         case INTIALIZED_STATE:
  10.             ............

  11.         case LOADED_PREVIEW_STATE:

  12.             switch ( operation )
  13.                 {

  14.                 case CAMERA_START_PREVIEW:
  15.                     CAMHAL_LOGDB("Adapter state switch LOADED_PREVIEW_STATE->PREVIEW_STATE event = %s",
  16.                             printState);
  17.                     mNextState = PREVIEW_STATE;
  18.                     break;
  19.                 }
  20.         }
  21. }
  1. status_t BaseCameraAdapter::startPreview()
  2. {
  3.     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;



  6.     return ret;
  7. }
就是这里了,所以我用可很醒目的颜色标注出来,很多人会想当然的理解,你不是调用了 startPreview 方法嘛,那就是他了啊!可是这里为什么什么动作都没做呢??

mCameraAdapter - > sendCommand ( CameraAdapter : : CAMERA_START_PREVIEW ) ;
这个方式是在 CameraHal startPreview ( )   方法中 被调用的
所以我要知道这个 mCameraAdapter 对象原型是什么啊,他从哪里而来,原来他是 CameraHal 这个类的一个成员,定义在: hardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera/inc/CameraHal.h
CameraAdapter *mCameraAdapter;
这里必须打破砂锅追到底,找到 CameraAdapter 这个类的定义,他的定义同样这这个.h文件中

  1. /**
  2.   * CameraAdapter interface class
  3.   * Concrete classes derive from this class and provide implementations based on the specific camera h/w interface
  4.   */

  5. class CameraAdapter: public FrameNotifier, public virtual RefBase
  6. {
  7. protected:
  8.     enum AdapterActiveStates {
  9.         INTIALIZED_ACTIVE = 1 << 0,
  10.         LOADED_PREVIEW_ACTIVE = 1 << 1,
  11.         PREVIEW_ACTIVE = 1 << 2,
  12.         LOADED_CAPTURE_ACTIVE = 1 << 3,
  13.         CAPTURE_ACTIVE = 1 << 4,
  14.         BRACKETING_ACTIVE = 1 << 5,
  15.         AF_ACTIVE = 1 << 6,
  16.         ZOOM_ACTIVE = 1 << 7,
  17.         VIDEO_ACTIVE = 1 << 8,
  18.         LOADED_REPROCESS_ACTIVE = 1 << 9,
  19.         REPROCESS_ACTIVE = 1 << 10,
  20.     };
  21. public:
  22.     typedef struct
  23.         {
  24.          CameraBuffer *mBuffers;
  25.          uint32_t *mOffsets;
  26.          int mFd;
  27.          size_t mLength;
  28.          size_t mCount;
  29.          size_t mMaxQueueable;
  30.         } BuffersDescriptor;

  31.     enum CameraCommands
  32.         {
  33.         CAMERA_START_PREVIEW = 0,
  34.         CAMERA_STOP_PREVIEW = 1,
  35.         CAMERA_START_VIDEO = 2,
  36.         CAMERA_STOP_VIDEO = 3,
  38.         CAMERA_STOP_IMAGE_CAPTURE = 5,
  40.         CAMERA_CANCEL_AUTOFOCUS = 7,
  42.         CAMERA_START_SMOOTH_ZOOM = 9,
  43.         CAMERA_STOP_SMOOTH_ZOOM = 10,
  44.         CAMERA_USE_BUFFERS_PREVIEW = 11,
  45.         CAMERA_SET_TIMEOUT = 12,
  46.         CAMERA_CANCEL_TIMEOUT = 13,
  54.         CAMERA_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED = 21,
  55.         CAMERA_START_FD = 22,
  56.         CAMERA_STOP_FD = 23,
  57.         CAMERA_SWITCH_TO_EXECUTING = 24,
  61.         CAMERA_START_REPROCESS = 27,
  62. #endif
  64.         CAMERA_SETUP_TUNNEL = 28,
  65.         CAMERA_DESTROY_TUNNEL = 29,
  66. #endif
  68.         };

  69.     enum CameraMode
  70.         {
  71.         CAMERA_PREVIEW,
  73.         CAMERA_VIDEO,
  75.         CAMERA_REPROCESS,
  76.         };

  77.     enum AdapterState {
  96.     };

  97. public:

  98.     ///Initialzes the camera adapter creates any resources required
  99.     virtual int initialize(CameraProperties::Properties*) = 0;

  100.     virtual int setErrorHandler(ErrorNotifier *errorNotifier) = 0;

  101.     //Message/Frame notification APIs
  102.     virtual void enableMsgType(int32_t msgs,
  103.                                frame_callback callback = NULL,
  104.                                event_callback eventCb = NULL,
  105.                                void *cookie = NULL) = 0;
  106.     virtual void disableMsgType(int32_t msgs, void* cookie) = 0;
  107.     virtual void returnFrame(CameraBuffer* frameBuf, CameraFrame::FrameType frameType) = 0;
  108.     virtual void addFramePointers(CameraBuffer *frameBuf, void *buf) = 0;
  109.     virtual void removeFramePointers() = 0;

  110.     //APIs to configure Camera adapter and get the current parameter set
  111.     virtual int setParameters(const CameraParameters& params) = 0;
  112.     virtual void getParameters(CameraParameters& params) = 0;

  113.     //Registers callback for returning image buffers back to CameraHAL
  114.     virtual int registerImageReleaseCallback(release_image_buffers_callback callback, void *user_data) = 0;

  115.     //Registers callback, which signals a completed image capture
  116.     virtual int registerEndCaptureCallback(end_image_capture_callback callback, void *user_data) = 0;

  117.     //API to send a command to the camera
  118.     virtual status_t sendCommand(CameraCommands operation, int value1=0, int value2=0, int value3=0, int value4=0) = 0;

  119.     virtual ~CameraAdapter() {};

  120.     //Retrieves the current Adapter state
  121.     virtual AdapterState getState() = 0;

  122.     //Retrieves the next Adapter state
  123.     virtual AdapterState getNextState() = 0;

  124.     // Receive orientation events from CameraHal
  125.     virtual void onOrientationEvent(uint32_t orientation, uint32_t tilt) = 0;

  126.     // Rolls the state machine back to INTIALIZED_STATE from the current state
  127.     virtual status_t rollbackToInitializedState() = 0;

  128.     // Retrieves the current Adapter state - for internal use (not locked)
  129.     virtual status_t getState(AdapterState &state) = 0;
  130.     // Retrieves the next Adapter state - for internal use (not locked)
  131.     virtual status_t getNextState(AdapterState &state) = 0;

  132. protected:
  133.     //The first two methods will try to switch the adapter state.
  134.     //Every call to setState() should be followed by a corresponding
  135.     //call to commitState(). If the state switch fails, then it will
  136.     //get reset to the previous state via rollbackState().
  137.     virtual status_t setState(CameraCommands operation) = 0;
  138.     virtual status_t commitState() = 0;
  139.     virtual status_t rollbackState() = 0;
  140. };
懂C++面向对象思想应该都知道 virtual这个关键字是干什么的,
如果一个类的方法被定义为 virtual 如果该类的子类实现了同样的方法,则这个方法被调用的时候,会忽略父类的实现,而直接调用子类的实现, 前提是方法名,包括变量类型,个数必须一致
那么这里有没有类继承了 CameraAdapter 这个类,并且实现了其中的一些虚拟函数呢??答案是肯定的,我可是吃了苦头才发现的
CameraAdapter 这个类呢? 先给路径:hardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera/inc/BaseCameraAdapter.h

  1. class BaseCameraAdapter : public CameraAdapter
  2. {

  3. public:

  4.     BaseCameraAdapter();
  5.     virtual ~BaseCameraAdapter();

  6.     ///Initialzes the camera adapter creates any resources required
  7.     virtual status_t initialize(CameraProperties::Properties*) = 0;

  8.     virtual int setErrorHandler(ErrorNotifier *errorNotifier);

  9.     //Message/Frame notification APIs
  10.     virtual void enableMsgType(int32_t msgs, frame_callback callback=NULL, event_callback eventCb=NULL, void* cookie=NULL);
  11.     virtual void disableMsgType(int32_t msgs, void* cookie);
  12.     virtual void returnFrame(CameraBuffer * frameBuf, CameraFrame::FrameType frameType);
  13.     virtual void addFramePointers(CameraBuffer *frameBuf, void *y_uv);
  14.     virtual void removeFramePointers();

  15.     //APIs to configure Camera adapter and get the current parameter set
  16.     virtual status_t setParameters(const CameraParameters& params) = 0;
  17.     virtual void getParameters(CameraParameters& params) = 0;

  18.     //API to send a command to the camera
  19.     virtual status_t sendCommand(CameraCommands operation, int value1 = 0, int value2 = 0, int value3 = 0, int value4 = 0 );

  20.     virtual status_t registerImageReleaseCallback(release_image_buffers_callback callback, void *user_data);

  21.     virtual status_t registerEndCaptureCallback(end_image_capture_callback callback, void *user_data);

  22.     //Retrieves the current Adapter state
  23.     virtual AdapterState getState();
  24.     //Retrieves the next Adapter state
  25.     virtual AdapterState getNextState();

  26.     // Rolls the state machine back to INTIALIZED_STATE from the current state
  27.     virtual status_t rollbackToInitializedState();

  28. protected:
  29.     //The first two methods will try to switch the adapter state.
  30.     //Every call to setState() should be followed by a corresponding
  31.     //call to commitState(). If the state switch fails, then it will
  32.     //get reset to the previous state via rollbackState().
  33.     virtual status_t setState(CameraCommands operation);
  34.     virtual status_t commitState();
  35.     virtual status_t rollbackState();

  36.     // Retrieves the current Adapter state - for internal use (not locked)
  37.     virtual status_t getState(AdapterState &state);
  38.     // Retrieves the next Adapter state - for internal use (not locked)
  39.     virtual status_t getNextState(AdapterState &state);

  40.     //-----------Interface that needs to be implemented by deriving classes --------------------

  41.     //Should be implmented by deriving classes in order to start image capture
  42.     virtual status_t takePicture();

  43.     //Should be implmented by deriving classes in order to start image capture
  44.     virtual status_t stopImageCapture();

  45.     //Should be implmented by deriving classes in order to start temporal bracketing
  46.     virtual status_t startBracketing(int range);

  47.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to stop temporal bracketing
  48.     virtual status_t stopBracketing();

  49.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in oder to initiate autoFocus
  50.     virtual status_t autoFocus();

  51.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in oder to initiate autoFocus
  52.     virtual status_t cancelAutoFocus();

  53.     //Should be called by deriving classes in order to do some bookkeeping
  54.     virtual status_t startVideoCapture();

  55.     //Should be called by deriving classes in order to do some bookkeeping
  56.     virtual status_t stopVideoCapture();

  57.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to start camera preview
  58.     virtual status_t startPreview();

  59.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to stop camera preview
  60.     virtual status_t stopPreview();

  61.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to start smooth zoom
  62.     virtual status_t startSmoothZoom(int targetIdx);

  63.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to stop smooth zoom
  64.     virtual status_t stopSmoothZoom();

  65.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to stop smooth zoom
  66.     virtual status_t useBuffers(CameraMode mode, CameraBuffer* bufArr, int num, size_t length, unsigned int queueable);

  67.     //Should be implemented by deriving classes in order queue a released buffer in CameraAdapter
  68.     virtual status_t fillThisBuffer(CameraBuffer* frameBuf, CameraFrame::FrameType frameType);

  69.     //API to get the frame size required to be allocated. This size is used to override the size passed
  70.     //by camera service when VSTAB/VNF is turned ON for example
  71.     virtual status_t getFrameSize(size_t &width, size_t &height);

  72.     //API to get required data frame size
  73.     virtual status_t getFrameDataSize(size_t &dataFrameSize, size_t bufferCount);

  74.     //API to get required picture buffers size with the current configuration in CameraParameters
  75.     virtual status_t getPictureBufferSize(size_t &length, size_t bufferCount);

  76.     // Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to start face detection
  77.     // ( if supported )
  78.     virtual status_t startFaceDetection();

  79.     // Should be implemented by deriving classes in order to stop face detection
  80.     // ( if supported )
  81.     virtual status_t stopFaceDetection();

  82.     virtual status_t switchToExecuting();

  83.     virtual status_t setupTunnel(uint32_t SliceHeight, uint32_t EncoderHandle, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);

  84.     virtual status_t destroyTunnel();

  85.     virtual status_t cameraPreviewInitialization();

  86.     // Receive orientation events from CameraHal
  87.     virtual void onOrientationEvent(uint32_t orientation, uint32_t tilt);

  88.     // ---------------------Interface ends-----------------------------------

  89.     status_t notifyFocusSubscribers(CameraHalEvent::FocusStatus status);
  90.     status_t notifyShutterSubscribers();
  91.     status_t notifyZoomSubscribers(int zoomIdx, bool targetReached);
  92.     status_t notifyMetadataSubscribers(sp<CameraMetadataResult> &meta);

  93.     //Send the frame to subscribers
  94.     status_t sendFrameToSubscribers(CameraFrame *frame);

  95.     //Resets the refCount for this particular frame
  96.     status_t resetFrameRefCount(CameraFrame &frame);

  97.     //A couple of helper functions
  98.     void setFrameRefCount(CameraBuffer* frameBuf, CameraFrame::FrameType frameType, int refCount);
  99.     int getFrameRefCount(CameraBuffer* frameBuf, CameraFrame::FrameType frameType);
  100.     int setInitFrameRefCount(CameraBuffer* buf, unsigned int mask);
  101.     static const char* getLUTvalue_translateHAL(int Value, LUTtypeHAL LUT);

  102.     .................
  103.     .................
  104. }
这里我只列出了一部分代码,不过大家清楚了, BaseCameraAdapter 继承 CameraAdapter,不过这里还没完呢,看看这个类中定义的方法
那么多的 virtual  方法,后来自己才发现的,他还是被别的类继承了,而且其中的很多方法被子类重新实现了
所以实现上上面调用的 startPreview方法其实不是 BaseCameraAdapter.cpp中实现的那个 startPreview方法
那挺调用的 startPreview方法在哪里呢,自然是继承了 BaseCameraAdapter 类的那个子类实现的 startPreview

  1. /**
  2.   * Class which completely abstracts the camera hardware interaction from camera hal
  3.   * TODO: Need to list down here, all the message types that will be supported by this class
  4.                 Need to implement BufferProvider interface to use AllocateBuffer of OMX if needed
  5.   */
  6. class V4LCameraAdapter : public BaseCameraAdapter
  7. {
  8. public:

  9.     /*--------------------Constant declarations----------------------------------------*/
  10.     static const int32_t MAX_NO_BUFFERS = 20;

  11.     ///@remarks OMX Camera has six ports - buffer input, time input, preview, image, video, and meta data
  12.     static const int MAX_NO_PORTS = 6;

  13.     ///Five second timeout
  14.     static const int CAMERA_ADAPTER_TIMEOUT = 5000*1000;

  15. public:

  16.     V4LCameraAdapter(size_t sensor_index);
  17.     ~V4LCameraAdapter();

  18.     ///Initialzes the camera adapter creates any resources required
  19.     virtual status_t initialize(CameraProperties::Properties*);

  20.     //APIs to configure Camera adapter and get the current parameter set
  21.     virtual status_t setParameters(const CameraParameters& params);
  22.     virtual void getParameters(CameraParameters& params);

  23.     // API
  24.     virtual status_t UseBuffersPreview(CameraBuffer *bufArr, int num);
  25.     virtual status_t UseBuffersCapture(CameraBuffer *bufArr, int num);

  26.     static status_t getCaps(const int sensorId, CameraProperties::Properties* params, V4L_HANDLETYPE handle);

  27. protected:

  28. //----------Parent class method implementation------------------------------------//看看人家这里说的很清楚,这是父类的方法
  29.     virtual status_t startPreview();
  30.     virtual status_t stopPreview();
  31.     virtual status_t takePicture();
  32.     virtual status_t stopImageCapture();
  33.     virtual status_t autoFocus();
  34.     virtual status_t useBuffers(CameraMode mode, CameraBuffer *bufArr, int num, size_t length, unsigned int queueable);
  35.     virtual status_t fillThisBuffer(CameraBuffer *frameBuf, CameraFrame::FrameType frameType);
  36.     virtual status_t getFrameSize(size_t &width, size_t &height);
  37.     virtual status_t getPictureBufferSize(size_t &length, size_t bufferCount);
  38.     virtual status_t getFrameDataSize(size_t &dataFrameSize, size_t bufferCount);
  39.     virtual void onOrientationEvent(uint32_t orientation, uint32_t tilt);
  40. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  41. private:

  42.     class PreviewThread : public Thread {
  43.             V4LCameraAdapter* mAdapter;
  44.         public:
  45.             PreviewThread(V4LCameraAdapter* hw) :
  46.                     Thread(false), mAdapter(hw) { }
  47.             virtual void onFirstRef() {
  48.                 run("CameraPreviewThread", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);
  49.             }
  50.             virtual bool threadLoop() {
  51.                 mAdapter->previewThread();
  52.                 // loop until we need to quit
  53.                 return true;
  54.             }
  55.         };

  56.     //Used for calculation of the average frame rate during preview
  57.     status_t recalculateFPS();

  58.     char * GetFrame(int &index);

  59.     int previewThread();

  60. public:

  61. private:
  62.     //capabilities data
  63.     static const CapPixelformat mPixelformats [];
  64.     static const CapResolution mPreviewRes [];
  65.     static const CapFramerate mFramerates [];
  66.     static const CapResolution mImageCapRes [];

  67.     //camera defaults
  68.     static const char DEFAULT_PREVIEW_FORMAT[];
  69.     static const char DEFAULT_PREVIEW_SIZE[];
  70.     static const char DEFAULT_FRAMERATE[];
  71.     static const char DEFAULT_NUM_PREV_BUFS[];

  72.     static const char DEFAULT_PICTURE_FORMAT[];
  73.     static const char DEFAULT_PICTURE_SIZE[];
  74.     static const char DEFAULT_FOCUS_MODE[];
  75.     static const char * DEFAULT_VSTAB;
  76.     static const char * DEFAULT_VNF;

  77.     static status_t insertDefaults(CameraProperties::Properties*, V4L_TI_CAPTYPE&);
  78.     static status_t insertCapabilities(CameraProperties::Properties*, V4L_TI_CAPTYPE&);
  79.     static status_t insertPreviewFormats(CameraProperties::Properties* , V4L_TI_CAPTYPE&);
  80.     static status_t insertPreviewSizes(CameraProperties::Properties* , V4L_TI_CAPTYPE&);
  81.     static status_t insertImageSizes(CameraProperties::Properties* , V4L_TI_CAPTYPE&);
  82.     static status_t insertFrameRates(CameraProperties::Properties* , V4L_TI_CAPTYPE&);
  83.     static status_t sortAscend(V4L_TI_CAPTYPE&, uint16_t ) ;

  84.     status_t v4lIoctl(int, int, void*);
  85.     status_t v4lInitMmap(int&);
  86.     status_t v4lInitUsrPtr(int&);
  87.     status_t v4lStartStreaming();
  88.     status_t v4lStopStreaming(int nBufferCount);
  89.     status_t v4lSetFormat(int, int, uint32_t);
  90.     status_t restartPreview();

  91.     int mPreviewBufferCount;
  92.     int mPreviewBufferCountQueueable;
  93.     int mCaptureBufferCount;
  94.     int mCaptureBufferCountQueueable;
  95.     KeyedVector<CameraBuffer *, int> mPreviewBufs;
  96.     KeyedVector<CameraBuffer *, int> mCaptureBufs;
  97.     mutable Mutex mPreviewBufsLock;
  98.     mutable Mutex mCaptureBufsLock;
  99.     mutable Mutex mStopPreviewLock;

  100.     CameraParameters mParams;

  101.     bool mPreviewing;
  102.     bool mCapturing;
  103.     Mutex mLock;

  104.     int mFrameCount;
  105.     int mLastFrameCount;
  106.     unsigned int mIter;
  107.     nsecs_t mLastFPSTime;

  108.     //variables holding the estimated framerate
  109.     float mFPS, mLastFPS;

  110.     int mSensorIndex;

  111.     // protected by mLoc
大家看到了 V4LCameraAdapter 又继承了 BaseCameraAdapter,双层继承,实现了父类的一些方法
所有这里算是媳妇熬着婆了,终于找到了我们想要的 startPreview
不过看到终于进入了 V4LCameraAdapter 这个类,我知道,离成功已经很近了,V4L2就是直接去和driver谈判的
V4LCameraAdapter 这个类中的startPreview方法吧,路径: ardware/ti/omap4xxx/camera/V4LCameraAdapter/V4LCameraAdapter.cpp

  1. status_t V4LCameraAdapter::startPreview()
  2. {
  3.     status_t ret = NO_ERROR;

  5.     Mutex::Autolock lock(mPreviewBufsLock);

  6.     if(mPreviewing) {
  7.         ret = BAD_VALUE;
  8.         goto EXIT;
  9.     }

  10.     for (int i = 0; i < mPreviewBufferCountQueueable; i++) {

  11.         mVideoInfo->buf.index = i;
  12.         mVideoInfo->buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
  13.         mVideoInfo->buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;

  14.         ret = v4lIoctl(mCameraHandle, VIDIOC_QBUF, &mVideoInfo->buf);
  15.         if (ret < 0) {
  16.             CAMHAL_LOGEA("VIDIOC_QBUF Failed");
  17.             goto EXIT;
  18.         }
  19.         nQueued++;
  20.     }

  21.     ret = v4lStartStreaming();

  22.     // Create and start preview thread for receiving buffers from V4L Camera
  23.     if(!mCapturing) {
  24.         mPreviewThread = new PreviewThread(this);
  25.         CAMHAL_LOGDA("Created preview thread");
  26.     }


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