The Personnel TimeManagement component offers you support inperforming all human resources processes involving the planning,recording, and valuation of internal and external employees’ workperformed and absence times. It provides other SAP applicationswith planning data and delivers information to business processessuch as:
TimeManagement has user-oriented interfacesthat support centralized and decentralized entry and administrationof time and labor data. Data can be processed centrally byadministrators in the human resources department or else inindividual departments by time administrators such as supervisors,secretaries, and employees themselves.
TimeManagement enables you to record time andlabor data online or using self-service applications. Theself-service applications range from the classic time recordingsubsystem, through Web applications, to mobile businessapplications. Employees can use these applications to requestleave, record working times for orders or projects, for example,and display their key time accounts.
TimeManagement allows you to represent allcompany agreements, collective agreement stipulations, and legalrequirements the world over. It is highly flexible, meaning thatyou can support new concepts such as managing long-term timeaccounts.
You can select the scope of functions individuallywithin Personnel Time Management. You can:
This means that SAP Time Management can be implementedby all companies who
Personnel Time Management is embedded in the basicfunctions of Personnel Administration.
Possible Integrationwith Other SAP HR Components
DesiredFunction功能描述 |
RequiredComponent需要部件 |
Determination of the grosswage总工资 |
Payroll薪资 |
Using attendance and absenceinformation (availability) to organize events在组织事件中使用出勤和缺勤信息 |
Training and EventManagement培训和事件管理 |
Possible Integrationwith Other Components in the SAP System
DesiredFunction功能描述 |
RequiredComponent需要部件 |
Allocating work and assigningpersonnel costs according to the source分配工作和按来源赋予人员成本 |
Controlling 控制 |
Using attendance and absenceinformation (availability) for capacity planning and orderscheduling在能力计划和订单计划中使用出勤和缺勤信息 |
Logistics 后勤 |
Using employee-related confirmations from Logistics inTime Management 从后勤系统中的时间管理中使用员工关联确认 |
Logistics 后勤 |
Using cross-application employee time recording forinternal and external employees in Time Management 内部或外部员工时间管理使用跨应用员工时间记录 |
Cross-Application Time Sheet 跨应用时间表 |
Valuating work performed by external employees, andmonitoring them in Purchasing 评估在外员工的工作和在采购中监管 |
Materials Management 物料管理 |
Determining key figures, analyzing time and labor dataand personnel costs 定义关键指标,分析时间和劳动数据和人员成本 |
Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) |
Planning employee time andlabor
You can use Shift Planning to plan working times,shifts, and absences for the employees assigned toyou. You can take the employees' qualifications,working time preferences, laws, guidelines, and cost factors intoaccount.
You can make sure there are enough qualified employeesavailable for the tasks at hand. If required, you can make changesto schedules and put employees at the disposal of otherdepartments. You can simulate shift planning to check and valuatethe anticipated amount of overtime, for example. You can provideemployees and supervisors with planning overviews.
For more information,see ShiftPlanning (PT-SP).
Recording and administeringtime and labor data
You are not limited to one method of time recordingwhen entering time and labor data. There are different methods oftime recording depending on the technical prerequisites, thedemands on the data being recorded, and the employee's tasks:
Regardless of the method chosen, thetime data is subject to a number of consistency checks and is thenavailable for evaluations.
You can enter durations(hours) or times (clock times). You are not limited to oneparticular concept of time data recording: You can representdifferent concepts in different areas of your enterprise, fromrecording all actual times (positive recording) to recording onlydeviations to the work schedule (negativerecording).你可以输入持续时间和时钟时间。你没有限制时间数据记录的一部分。你可以在你企业的不同地方表示成不同的概念,从记录所有实际数据(正向考勤)和只记录一工作计划的缺勤(逆向考勤)。
For more information,see TimeData Recording and Administration and TimeManager’s Workplace.
Evaluating time and labor data
You can use time evaluation to valuate time data andprovide bonus and overtime wage types for SAPHR Payroll or athird-party payroll system. Time evaluation isflexible enough to accommodate even the most complex legalregulations, such as fully-automated calculation of leave andtime-off entitlements in the USA, New Zealand, or Australia. Thisalso includes legal regulations such as the Family and MedicalLeave Act in the USA.
你可以用时间考勤评估时间数据和提供奖金和加班工作类型作为SAPHR 薪资或第三方系统的薪资。时间考勤足够灵活来满足以至复杂的法律规则。例如全自动计划休假和休息权限,在美国,新西兰,或澳大利亚。这也包括诸如法律规则家庭和医疗法案。
Time evaluation efficiently evaluates recorded timesand checks individual company and standard working time provisions.Automatic checks for value limits minimize the effort inadministrating and monitoring data thanks to the message processingfunction for time administrators. Time evaluation manages all kindsof time accounts, such as the flextime balance, overtime accounts,or lifetime working time accounts. Simulations enable you tovaluate future work and leave entitlements.
For more information,see TimeEvaluation.
Calculating incentive wages data
You can use Incentive Wages to enter, prepare, andvaluate payroll-relevant data for employees who arepaid incentive wages or a premium wage. Both formsof payment take account of employees’ performance.
You can implementincentive wages for individuals or for groups. In individualincentive wages, the amount of remuneration depends on oneindividual’sperformance only, whereas in group incentive wages, the result ofthe entire group is taken into account.
You can transfer payroll-relevant data from alogistics system to the human resources system. This is especiallyrelevant for work confirmations from the following SAP logisticssystems:
For more information,see IncentiveWages.
Information on Time andLabor
The TimeManagement Information System providesusers with extensive options for evaluating time data, includingsimple standard reports such as leave overviews and attendancechecks for time administrators. You can put together datasets forhuman resources analysts that provide specific views of attendancesand absences, balances, and wage types. The data warehouseapplication SAPBusiness Information Warehouse provides youwith cross-departmental and cross-component data for analyzing timeand labor data and personnel costs. It delivers important keyfigures for valuating productivity, costs, and absence times, forexample.
时间管理信息系统提供给用户丰富的考勤评估,包括单独的报告如请假总揽和出勤检查。也可以把出勤和缺勤,余额和工资类别作为特别视图来分析。SAP BW提供跨部门和不么间的时间和劳动数据和个人成本数据分析。也提供重要关键指标如评估生产力,成本,缺勤等等。
For more information,see InformationSystem (PT) and thedocumentation on SAP Business InformationWarehouse.