create table system.session_event_history tablespace <name> storage (freelist groups <value>) initrans <value> as select b.sid, b.serial#, b.username, b.osuser, b.paddr, b.process, b.logon_time, b.type, a.event, a.total_waits, a.total_timeouts, a.time_waited, a.average_wait, a.max_wait, sysdate as logoff_timestamp from v$session_event a, v$session b where 1 = 2; create table system.sesstat_history tablespace < name > storage (freelist groups <value>) initrans <value> as select c.username, c.osuser, a.sid, c.serial#, c.paddr, c.process, c.logon_time, a.statistic#, b.name, a.value, sysdate as logoff_timestamp from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session c where 1 = 2;一个好的分区方案可以让你快速清除旧的数据。后面创建触发器:
-- This script creates a database logoff trigger for the purpose of -- collecting historical performance data during logoffs. -- It is applicable to Oracle8i Database and above. -- You must be connected as "/ as sysdba" to create this trigger. create or replace trigger sys.logoff_trig before logoff on database declare logoff_sid pls_integer; logoff_time date := sysdate; begin select sid into logoff_sid from v$mystat where rownum < 2; insert into system.session_event_history (sid, serial#, username, osuser, paddr, process, logon_time, type, event, total_waits, total_timeouts, time_waited, average_wait, max_wait, logoff_timestamp) select a.sid, b.serial#, b.username, b.osuser, b.paddr, b.process, b.logon_time, b.type, a.event, a.total_waits, a.total_timeouts, a.time_waited, a.average_wait, a.max_wait, logoff_time from v$session_event a, v$session b where a.sid = b.sid and b.username = login_user and b.sid = logoff_sid; -- If you are on earlier releases of Oracle9i Database, you should check to -- see if your database is affected by bug #2429929, which causes -- misalignment of SID numbers between the V$SESSION_EVENT and V$SESSION -- views. The SID number in the V$SESSION_EVENT view is off by 1. -- If your database is affected, please replace the above -- "where a.sid = b.sid" with "where b.sid = a.sid + 1". insert into system.sesstat_history (username, osuser, sid, serial#, paddr, process, logon_time, statistic#, name, value, logoff_timestamp) select c.username, c.osuser, a.sid, c.serial#, c.paddr, c.process, c.logon_time, a.statistic#, b.name, a.value, logoff_time from v$sesstat a, v$statname b, v$session c where a.statistic# = b.statistic# and a.sid = c.sid and b.name in ('CPU used when call started', --调用开始时使用的CPU时间。 'CPU used by this session', --会话自用户调用起至结束期间使用CPU时间的总量。 'recursive cpu usage', --非用户调用(递归调用)使用的CPU时间总量。 'parse time cpu') --(硬和软)解析使用的CPU时间的总量。 and c.sid = logoff_sid and c.username = login_user; end; /总结: