// FindInPartiallySortedMatrix.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// 《剑指Offer——名企面试官精讲典型编程题》代码
// 著作权所有者:何海涛
#include "stdafx.h"
// 二维数组matrix中,每一行都从左到右递增排序,
// 每一列都从上到下递增排序
bool Find(int* matrix, int rows, int columns, int number)
bool found = false;
if(matrix != NULL && rows > 0 && columns > 0)
int row = 0;
int column = columns - 1;
while(row < rows && column >=0)
if(matrix[row * columns + column] == number)
found = true;
else if(matrix[row * columns + column] > number)
-- column;
++ row;
return found;
// ====================测试代码====================
void Test(char* testName, int* matrix, int rows, int columns, int number, bool expected)
if(testName != NULL)
printf("%s begins: ", testName);
bool result = Find(matrix, rows, columns, number);
if(result == expected)
// 1 2 8 9
// 2 4 9 12
// 4 7 10 13
// 6 8 11 15
// 要查找的数在数组中
void Test1()
int matrix[][4] = {{1, 2, 8, 9}, {2, 4, 9, 12}, {4, 7, 10, 13}, {6, 8, 11, 15}};
Test("Test1", (int*)matrix, 4, 4, 7, true);
// 1 2 8 9
// 2 4 9 12
// 4 7 10 13
// 6 8 11 15
// 要查找的数不在数组中
void Test2()
int matrix[][4] = {{1, 2, 8, 9}, {2, 4, 9, 12}, {4, 7, 10, 13}, {6, 8, 11, 15}};
Test("Test2", (int*)matrix, 4, 4, 5, false);
// 1 2 8 9
// 2 4 9 12
// 4 7 10 13
// 6 8 11 15
// 要查找的数是数组中最小的数字
void Test3()
int matrix[][4] = {{1, 2, 8, 9}, {2, 4, 9, 12}, {4, 7, 10, 13}, {6, 8, 11, 15}};
Test("Test3", (int*)matrix, 4, 4, 1, true);
// 1 2 8 9
// 2 4 9 12
// 4 7 10 13
// 6 8 11 15
// 要查找的数是数组中最大的数字
void Test4()
int matrix[][4] = {{1, 2, 8, 9}, {2, 4, 9, 12}, {4, 7, 10, 13}, {6, 8, 11, 15}};
Test("Test4", (int*)matrix, 4, 4, 15, true);
// 1 2 8 9
// 2 4 9 12
// 4 7 10 13
// 6 8 11 15
// 要查找的数比数组中最小的数字还小
void Test5()
int matrix[][4] = {{1, 2, 8, 9}, {2, 4, 9, 12}, {4, 7, 10, 13}, {6, 8, 11, 15}};
Test("Test5", (int*)matrix, 4, 4, 0, false);
// 1 2 8 9
// 2 4 9 12
// 4 7 10 13
// 6 8 11 15
// 要查找的数比数组中最大的数字还大
void Test6()
int matrix[][4] = {{1, 2, 8, 9}, {2, 4, 9, 12}, {4, 7, 10, 13}, {6, 8, 11, 15}};
Test("Test6", (int*)matrix, 4, 4, 16, false);
// 鲁棒性测试,输入空指针
void Test7()
Test("Test7", NULL, 0, 0, 16, false);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;