



为了解决这个问题,Linux引进了"网络守护进程服务程序"的概念。xinted(extended InterNET daemon)






1. sudo apt-get install xinetd    (sudo aptitude show/install xinetd)

2. sudo vi /etc/xinetd.d/myhttpd   (注意三个统一)
service myhttpd

socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait          = no 
user     = nobody
server           = /home/wuyingqiang/HttpTest/myhttpd 
server_args = /home/wuyingqiang/HttpTest/dir
disable          = no
flags            = IPv4
socket_type:    网络套接字类型,流或者数据包.  
protocol:       IP协议,通常时TCP或者UDP
wait:           取值yes/no  
user:           运行进程的用户ID
server:         执行的完整路径
server_args:    传递给server的值
disable:        用于在默认的{}中禁止服务
flags:          所使用的互联网协议

3. sudo vi /etc/services   向其中加入端口号,如:2222

4. 重启xinetd服务器  sudo service xinetd restart






#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

#define SERVER_NAME "xhttpd"
#define PROTOCOL "HTTP/1.1"
#define SERVER_URL "http://www.itcast.cn/"
#define	FORMAT_DATE "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
#define N 4096

#ifdef DEBUG

#define log(info, str)\
		fprintf(fp_tmp, "%s%s", info, str);

/* put them in the right place.

//fp_tmp = fopen(/home/akaedu/dir/log.text, "a");
//log("argv[1]", argv[1]);
//log("line:", line);


static void send_headers(int status, char *title, char *extra_header, char *mime_type, off_t length, time_t mod);
static void send_error(int status, char *title, char *extra_header, char *text);
static void strencode(char *to, size_t tosize, const char *from);
static void file_infos(char *dir, char *name);
static void strdecode(char *to, char *from);
static char *get_mime_type(char *name);
static int hexit(char c);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char line[N*2], method[N*2], path[N*2], protocol[N*2], idx[N*4], location[N*4];
    char *file;
    size_t len;

    int ich, i, n;
    struct stat sb;
    FILE *fp;
    struct dirent **dl;

    if (argc != 2)          //xinetd中的server_args
		send_error(500, "Internal Error", NULL, "Config error - no dir specified.");

    if (chdir(argv[1]) < 0) //更改工作目录
		send_error(500, "Internal Error", NULL, "Config error - couldn't chdir.");

    //http协议第一行    如:GET /hello.c HTTP/1.1
    if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) == NULL)   //提取请求行,包含请求方法/路径/协议
		send_error(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "No request found.");

    /* "%[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ]" 将一行字符串按空格切割为三个子串
	 eg:GET /form.html HTTP/1.1 
	 method   = GET
	 path     = /form.html
	 protocol = HTTP/1.1
    if (sscanf(line, "%[^ ] %[^ ] %[^ ]", method, path, protocol) != 3) //提取方法/路径/协议
		send_error(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "Can't parse request.");

    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) != NULL) {		//注意stdin被dup2至xinetd管道的读端
		if (strcmp(line, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(line, "\r\n") == 0)

    if (strcasecmp(method, "GET") != 0)
		send_error(501, "Not Implemented", NULL, "That method is not implemented.");

    if (path[0] != '/')
		send_error(400, "Bad Request", NULL, "Bad filename.");

    file = &(path[1]);		//file = path+1

    strdecode(file, file);

    if (file[0] == '\0')
		file = "./";

    len = strlen(file);
    if (file[0] == '/' || strcmp(file, "..") == 0 
					   || strncmp(file, "../", 3) == 0 
					   || strstr(file, "/../") != NULL
					   || strcmp(&(file[len-3]), "/..") == 0)
		send_error(400, "Bad Request", (char*)0, "Illegal filename.");

    if (stat(file, &sb) < 0)
		send_error(404, "Not Found", (char*)0, "File not found.");
		 *404页面 当用户输入了错误的链接时,返回的页面,用户无法解决该错误

    if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {      //路径名对应目录

		if (file[len-1] != '/') {   //路径名要以"/"结尾
	    	snprintf(location, sizeof(location), "Location: %s/", path);
	    	send_error(302, "Found", location, "Directories must end with a slash.");
		snprintf(idx, sizeof(idx), "%sindex.html", file);

		if (stat(idx, &sb) >= 0) {
	    	file = idx;
	    	goto do_file;	//如果有index.html则跳到do_file:

		send_headers(200, "Ok", NULL, "text/html", -1, sb.st_mtime);
		printf("<html><head><title>Index of %s</title></head>"
		               "\n<body bgcolor=\"#99cc99\"><h4>Index of %s</h4>\n<pre>\n"
		               , file, file);
		 *  int scandir(const char *dirp, 
		 *				struct dirent ***namelist,
		 *			    int (*filter)(const struct dirent *),
		 *			    int (*compar)(const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **)
		 *			   );
		 *	依据匹配项目,扫描一个目录
		 *	扫描dirp目录下(不包括子目录)满足filter过滤模式的文件,
		 *  返回的结果是compare函数经过排序的,并保存在namelist中。
		 *	scandir() 函数扫描目录 dirp,对每一个目录项(文件名)调用filter()。
		 *	把每一个filter() 返回非零项目保存在一个通过malloc(3) 分配的缓存区里,
		 *	再通过比较函数是compar() 的qsort(3) 函数排序,最后收集在namelist 的数组里,
		 *	这个数组也是通过malloc(3) 分配的。如果filter 是 NULL,所有项目都被选择
		 *  alphasort和versionsort是使用到的两种排序的函数
		 *	scandir() 函数返回被选择的目录条数,或者如果出错返回 -1。
		n = scandir(file, &dl, NULL, alphasort);    //读取目录下各个目录项,并返回每个文件信息.

		if (n < 0)
	    	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
				file_infos(file, dl[i]->d_name);

		printf("</pre>\n<hr>\n<address><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></address>\n</body></html>\n"

	} else {					//所请求非目录而是一个文件

do_file:                        //获取文件内容并返回给客户端

		fp = fopen(file, "r");	//只读方式将文件打开
		if (fp == (FILE*)0)
	    	send_error(403, "Forbidden", (char*)0, "File is protected.");

		//发送http协议头,200表示成功, OK是随便写的
		send_headers(200, "Ok", (char*)0, get_mime_type(file), sb.st_size, sb.st_mtime);
		while ((ich = getc(fp)) != EOF)


static void file_infos(char *dir, char *name)
    static char encoded_name[N];
    static char path[N];
    char timestr[16];
    struct stat sb;

    strencode(encoded_name, sizeof(encoded_name), name);
    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dir, name);

    if (lstat(path, &sb) < 0)
		printf("<a href=\"%s\">%-32.32s</a>    ???\n", encoded_name, name);     
    else {
		strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%d%b%Y %H:%M", localtime(&sb.st_mtime));
		printf("<a href=\"%s\">%-32.32s</a>    %15s %14lld\n", encoded_name, name, timestr, (int64_t)sb.st_size);
	 *size_t strftime(char *s, size_t max, const char *format,
						const struct tm *tm);
	 * 将当前系统的绝对时间,按格式输出。
	 * format以百分号(%)开始的格式命令集合,格式化输出结果放在s中。
	 * %d 十进制表示的日期(01~31)
	 * %b 月份英文单词的简写
	 * %Y 带世纪部分的十进制年份
	 * %H 24小时制的小时
	 * %M 十进制表示的分钟数(00~59)

 *status:错误号  title:错误名  text:错误描述
static void send_error(int status, char* title, char* extra_header, char* text)
    send_headers(status, title, extra_header, "text/html", -1, -1);
    printf("<html><head><title>%d %s</title></head>\n<body bgcolor=\"#cc9999\"><h4>%d %s</h4>\n", 
			status, title, status, title);

    printf("%s\n", text);
    printf("<hr>\n<address><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></address>\n</body></html>\n", SERVER_URL, SERVER_NAME);

    exit( 1 );

 *Content-Type:		数据项的类型(必选项)
 *Content-length:	数据项的大小
 *Content-Encoding:	数据项使用的编码方式
 *Content-Language:	数据项使用的语言
 *Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1		指明属性的首部
 *Content-Length: 508
 *													这是一行空行
 *<html> 文档内容 </html>							数据项

static void
send_headers(int status, char* title, char* extra_header, char* mime_type, off_t length, time_t mod)
    time_t now;
    char timebuf[100];

    printf("%s %d %s\r\n", PROTOCOL, status, title);//HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    printf("Server: %s\r\n", SERVER_NAME);//Server: xhttpd
    now = time((time_t*)0);
    strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), FORMAT_DATE, gmtime(&now));
    printf("Date: %s\r\n", timebuf);
	// Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:34:26 GMT

    if (extra_header != NULL)
		printf("%s\r\n", extra_header);

    if (mime_type != NULL)
		printf("Content-Type: %s\r\n", mime_type);

    if (length >= 0)
		printf("Content-Length: %lld\r\n", (int64_t)length);

    if (mod != (time_t)-1) {	//强转
		strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), FORMAT_DATE, gmtime(&mod));
		printf("Last-Modified: %s\r\n", timebuf);		
	printf("Connection: close\r\n");

static char *get_mime_type(char *name)
    char* dot;

    dot = strrchr(name, '.');	//自右向左查找‘.’字符;如不存在返回NULL

	 *charset=iso-8859-1	西欧的编码,说明网站采用的编码是英文;
	 *charset=gb2312		说明网站采用的编码是简体中文;
	 *charset=utf-8			代表世界通用的语言编码;
     *						可以用到中文、韩文、日文等世界上所有语言编码上
	 *charset=euc-kr		说明网站采用的编码是韩文;
	 *charset=big5			说明网站采用的编码是繁体中文;
    if (dot == (char*)0)
		return "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".html") == 0 || strcmp(dot, ".htm") == 0)
		return "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".jpg") == 0 || strcmp(dot, ".jpeg") == 0)
		return "image/jpeg";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".gif") == 0)
		return "image/gif";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".png") == 0)
		return "image/png";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".css") == 0)	
		return "text/css";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".au") == 0)	
		return "audio/basic";
    if (strcmp( dot, ".wav") == 0)
		return "audio/wav";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".avi") == 0)
		return "video/x-msvideo";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".mov") == 0 || strcmp(dot, ".qt") == 0)
		return "video/quicktime";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".mpeg") == 0 || strcmp(dot, ".mpe") == 0)
		return "video/mpeg";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".vrml") == 0 || strcmp(dot, ".wrl") == 0)	
		return "model/vrml";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".midi") == 0 || strcmp(dot, ".mid") == 0)	
		return "audio/midi";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".mp3") == 0)
		return "audio/mpeg";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".ogg") == 0)	
		return "application/ogg";
    if (strcmp(dot, ".pac") == 0)	
		return "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig";

	return "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1";

 * 处理URL中%20之类的东西!是"解码"过程。
 * %20 URL编码中的‘ ’(space)
 * %21 '!' %22 '"' %23 '#' %24 '$'
 * %25 '%' %26 '&' %27 ''' %28 '('......
 * 相关知识html中的‘ ’(space)是 
static void strdecode(char *to, char *from)
    for ( ; *from != '\0'; ++to, ++from) {
		if (from[0] == '%' && isxdigit(from[1]) && isxdigit(from[2])) {
	    	*to = hexit(from[1])*16 + hexit(from[2]);
	    	from += 2;//移过已经处理的两个字符(%21指针指向1),表达式3的++from还会再向后移一个字符
	    } else
	    	*to = *from;
    *to = '\0';

//16进制数转化为10进制, return 0不会出现 
static int hexit(char c)
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
		return c - '0';
    if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
		return c - 'a' + 10;
    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
		return c - 'A' + 10;

    return 0;		

//strencode(encoded_name, sizeof(encoded_name), name);
static void strencode(char* to, size_t tosize, const char* from)
    int tolen;

    for (tolen = 0; *from != '\0' && tolen + 4 < tosize; ++from) {
		if (isalnum(*from) || strchr("/_.-~", *from) != (char*)0) {
			*to = *from;
		} else {
			sprintf(to, "%%%02x", (int) *from & 0xff);	
			to += 3;
			tolen += 3;
    *to = '\0';
