《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第十一章 使用挣值分析进行项目控制

CHAPTER 11 Project Control Using EarnedValue Analysis



One of the hardest things to do in managingprojects is to actually measure progress.

In well-defined jobs, such as constructionprojects, it is generally fairly easy to tell where you are. When work ispoorly defined and it is only partially complete, however, you have to estimatewhere you are. This is especially true of knowledge work—work done with one’shead, rather than one’s hands. If you are writing software code, designingsomething, or writing a book, it can be very hard to judge how far along youare and how much you have left to do.



Work quality is most likely to be sacrificedwhen deadlines are tight. Constant attention is required to avoid thistendency. Project managers must pay special attention to the quality variable,in spite of the difficulty of tracking it.



Variance analysis allows the projectmanager to determine trouble spots in the project and to take correctiveaction. The following definitions are useful in understanding the analysis:

[1]Costvariance: Compares deviations and performed work.

[1]Schedulevariance: Compares planned and actual work completed.

[1]BCWS(budgeted cost of work scheduled): The budgeted cost of work scheduled to bedone in a given time period or the level of effort that is supposed to beperformed in that period.

[1]BCWP(budgeted cost of work performed): The budgeted cost of work actually performedin a given period or the budgeted level of effort actually expended. BCWP isalso called earned value and is a measure of the dollar value of the workactually accomplished in the period being monitored.

[1]ACWP(actual cost of work performed): The amount of money (or effort) actually spentin completing work in a given period.



Variances are often plotted using spendingcurves. A BCWS curve for a project is presented in Figure 11-1. It shows thecumulative spending planned for a project and is sometimes called a baselineplan.


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