


Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();

int width = display.getWidth(); // deprecated

int height = display.getHeight(); // deprecated          

查看API 发现:

int getWidth()、int getHeight()方法:(我用的是level 19)

This method was deprecated in API level 13. Use getSize(Point) instead. 


         public void getSize (Point outSize)

Added in API level 13

Gets the size of the display, in pixels.

Note that this value should not be used for computing layouts, since a device will typically have screen decoration (such as a status bar) along the edges of the display that reduce the amount of application space available from the size returned here. Layouts should instead use the window size.

The size is adjusted based on the current rotation of the display.

The size returned by this method does not necessarily represent the actual raw size (native resolution) of the display. The returned size may be adjusted to exclude certain system decoration elements that are always visible. It may also be scaled to provide compatibility with older applications that were originally designed for smaller displays


outSize A Point object to receive the size information. 

方案1 :If you want the the display dimensions in pixels you can usegetSize:
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;

方案2: if you're not in an Activity you can get the default Display viaWINDOW_SERVICE:
display = ((WindowManager)context.getSystemService(context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
diswidth = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
disheight = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;


