Mahout版本:0.7,hadoop版本:1.0.4,jdk:1.7.0_25 64bit。
Mahout系列之Decision Forest写了几篇,其中的一些过程并没有详细说明,这里就分析一下,作为Decision Forest算法系列的结束篇。
主要的问题包括:(1)在Build Forest中分析完了Step1Mapper后就没有向下分析了,而是直接进行TestForest的分析了,中间其实还是有很多操作的,比如:把Step1Mapper的Job的输出进行转换写入文件。(2)在BuildForest中没有分析当输入是Categorical的情况,这种情况下面执行的某些步骤是不一样的,主要是在DecisionTreeBuilder中的build方法中的区分。(3)在前一篇中最后的使用forest进行对数据的分类只是简要的说了下,这里详细分析下代码。(4)决策树同样可以做回归分析,在Describe阶段设置为回归问题就可以了,但是这里就不想做分析了。下面来分条进行分析:
if (isOutput(conf)) { log.debug("Parsing the output..."); DecisionForest forest = parseOutput(job); HadoopUtil.delete(conf, outputPath); return forest; }isOutput():
protected static boolean isOutput(Configuration conf) { return conf.getBoolean("debug.mahout.rf.output", true); }可以看到这个函数去判断是否设置了debug.mahout.rf.output,如果没有设置则返回true,否则,就说明设置过了就按照设置的值来返回。这里一般都没有设置,所以就会运行if里面的代码先把job的输出传入到forest变量,然后删除job的输出。看parseOutput的操作:
protected DecisionForest parseOutput(Job job) throws IOException { Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration(); int numTrees = Builder.getNbTrees(conf); Path outputPath = getOutputPath(conf); TreeID[] keys = new TreeID[numTrees]; Node[] trees = new Node[numTrees]; processOutput(job, outputPath, keys, trees); return new DecisionForest(Arrays.asList(trees)); }这里面又有一个processOutput函数,前面就是设置一些变量的size之类的,然后到processOutput函数,看这个函数:
protected static void processOutput(JobContext job, Path outputPath, TreeID[] keys, Node[] trees) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(keys == null && trees == null || keys != null && trees != null, "if keys is null, trees should also be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(keys == null || keys.length == trees.length, "keys.length != trees.length"); Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration(); FileSystem fs = outputPath.getFileSystem(conf); Path[] outfiles = DFUtils.listOutputFiles(fs, outputPath); // read all the outputs int index = 0; for (Path path : outfiles) { for (Pair<TreeID,MapredOutput> record : new SequenceFileIterable<TreeID, MapredOutput>(path, conf)) { TreeID key = record.getFirst(); MapredOutput value = record.getSecond(); if (keys != null) { keys[index] = key; } if (trees != null) { trees[index] = value.getTree(); } index++; } } // make sure we got all the keys/values if (keys != null && index != keys.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("Some key/values are missing from the output"); } }这里看到就是把job的输出按条读出然后写入到Node[] trees数组中,然后把数组转换为list,赋值给DecisionForest变量new DecisionForest(Arrays.asList(trees))。最后返回到BuildForest中DFUtils.storeWritable(getConf(), forestPath, forest);,这个主要是写文件,基本没啥内容了。
(2)当输入数据中存在有Categorical的属性列时,最先的不同就是在dataset的values属性。这个values数组当输入数据属性是Numerical的时候对应的值就是null,如果是Categorical的时候就会存入相应的离散值。其次就是在DecisionTreeBuilder中find the best split这一部分的代码(源文件中192行),这里计算Split的时候分为了Categorical和Numerical,如下:
public Split computeSplit(Data data, int attr) { if (data.getDataset().isNumerical(attr)) { return numericalSplit(data, attr); } else { return categoricalSplit(data, attr); } }看categoricalSplit函数:
private static Split categoricalSplit(Data data, int attr) { double[] values = data.values(attr); int[][] counts = new int[values.length][data.getDataset().nblabels()]; int[] countAll = new int[data.getDataset().nblabels()]; Dataset dataset = data.getDataset(); // compute frequencies for (int index = 0; index < data.size(); index++) { Instance instance = data.get(index); counts[ArrayUtils.indexOf(values, instance.get(attr))][(int) dataset.getLabel(instance)]++; countAll[(int) dataset.getLabel(instance)]++; } int size = data.size(); double hy = entropy(countAll, size); // H(Y) double hyx = 0.0; // H(Y|X) double invDataSize = 1.0 / size; for (int index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { size = DataUtils.sum(counts[index]); hyx += size * invDataSize * entropy(counts[index], size); } double ig = hy - hyx; return new Split(attr, ig); }
else { // CATEGORICAL attribute double[] values = data.values(best.getAttr()); // tree is complemented Collection<Double> subsetValues = null; if (complemented) { subsetValues = Sets.newHashSet(); for (double value : values) { subsetValues.add(value); } values = fullSet.values(best.getAttr()); } int cnt = 0; Data[] subsets = new Data[values.length]; for (int index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { if (complemented && !subsetValues.contains(values[index])) { continue; } subsets[index] = data.subset(Condition.equals(best.getAttr(), values[index])); if (subsets[index].size() >= minSplitNum) { cnt++; } } // size of the subset is less than the minSpitNum if (cnt < 2) { // branch is not split double label; if (data.getDataset().isNumerical(data.getDataset().getLabelId())) { label = sum / data.size(); } else { label = data.majorityLabel(rng); } log.debug("branch is not split Leaf({})", label); return new Leaf(label); } selected[best.getAttr()] = true; Node[] children = new Node[values.length]; for (int index = 0; index < values.length; index++) { if (complemented && (subsetValues == null || !subsetValues.contains(values[index]))) { // tree is complemented double label; if (data.getDataset().isNumerical(data.getDataset().getLabelId())) { label = sum / data.size(); } else { label = data.majorityLabel(rng); } log.debug("complemented Leaf({})", label); children[index] = new Leaf(label); continue; } children[index] = build(rng, subsets[index]); } selected[best.getAttr()] = alreadySelected; childNode = new CategoricalNode(best.getAttr(), values, children); }其实上面的代码和Numerical差不多,可以说作为Numerical的一种特殊情况,即对于Numerical把其区分为等于属性值和不等于属性值即可(但是Numerical是分为小于和等于、大于两种)。其他基本就差不多了。
public double classify(Dataset dataset, Random rng, Instance instance) { if (dataset.isNumerical(dataset.getLabelId())) { double sum = 0; int cnt = 0; for (Node tree : trees) { double prediction = tree.classify(instance); if (prediction != -1) { sum += prediction; cnt++; } } return sum / cnt; } else { int[] predictions = new int[dataset.nblabels()]; for (Node tree : trees) { double prediction = tree.classify(instance); if (prediction != -1) { predictions[(int) prediction]++; } } if (DataUtils.sum(predictions) == 0) { return -1; // no prediction available }上面就是前篇讲到的所有树都对这个数据进行分类,然后按最多次数的那个类别即是最后的结果。但是一棵树是如何分类的?这个又分为了两种,好吧,应该不难猜,就是Numerical的树和Categorical的树。分别来看,首先是Numerical:
public double classify(Instance instance) { if (instance.get(attr) < split) { return loChild.classify(instance); } else { return hiChild.classify(instance); } }看到它是去找它的子树去了,然后最后到哪里?其实是到了Leaf的classify函数了:
@Override public double classify(Instance instance) { return label; }这个也是一个递归的过程,其实就是建树过程的一个反过程而已,这样其实Categorical也是一样的了,只是要做些转换而已:
public double classify(Instance instance) { int index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(values, instance.get(attr)); if (index == -1) { // value not available, we cannot predict return -1; } return childs[index].classify(instance); }这样基本就ok了,下次再看这个算法的时候应该是要分析回归问题了?