
1. highcharts实例代码,其中导出功能没有配置本地化,用的是官方导出接口。
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
                var chart;
                $(document).ready(function() {
                     * highcharts数据图表
                     * @param {object} chart 图表的相关参数配置
                     * @param {object} credits 图表版权信息参数配置
                     * @param {object} lang 图表语言参数配置
                     * @param {object} exporting 导出配置
                     * @param {object} title 标题配置
                     * @param {object} xAxis X轴配置
                     * @param {object} yAxis Y轴配置
                     * @param {object} plotOptions 各类型图表绘制配置
                     * @param {object} labels 数据图表标签配置
                     * @param {array} series 数据源配置

                    chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
                         * 图表配置
                         * @param {string} renderTo 图表加载的位置
                         * @param {int} width 图表的宽度
                         * @param {int} hight 图表的高度
                         * @param {string} type 图表的默认类型
                         * @param {string} zoomType 图表的缩放选项,有:x, y, xy

                        chart: {
                            // 图表加载的位置
                            renderTo: 'container',
                            // 图表宽度
                            width: 600,
                            // 图表高度
                            hight: 500,
                            // 默认图表类型
                            type: 'line',
                            // 缩放配置:x,y,xy
                            zoomType: ''

                         * 版权信息配置,不用修改直接复制
                         * @param {boolean} enabled 是否显示版权信息
                         * @param {string} href 版权信息所链接到的地址
                         * @param {string} text 版权信息所显示的文字内容

                            enabled: false,
                            href: "http://www.msnui.tk/Admin",
                            text: '微源网络科技'

                         * 语言配置,不用修改直接复制
                         * @param {string} exportButtonTitle 导出按钮的标题文字
                         * @param {string} printButtonTitle 打印按钮的标题文字


                         * 导出配置,不用修改直接复制
                         * @param {boolean} enabled 是否允许导出
                         * @param {object} buttons 关于与导出和打印按钮相关的配置对象
                         * @param {string} filename 导出文件的文件名
                         * @param {string} type 默认导出文件的格式

                            // 是否允许导出
                            // 按钮配置
                                // 导出按钮配置
                                    menuItems: null,
                                    onclick: function() {
                                // 打印按钮配置
                            // 文件名
                            filename: '报表',
                            // 导出文件默认类型

                         * 图表的标题
                         * @param {string} text 图表的标题,如果不需要显示标题,直接设置为空字符串就行

                        title: {
                            text: '联合图表实例'

                         * X轴配置
                         * @param {array} categories X轴坐标分类值
                         * @param {object} labels 坐标标签配置对象
                         * @param {int} tickInterval 坐标轴的步进值
                         * @param {object} title 坐标轴标题

                        xAxis: {
                            // X轴分类
                            categories: ['苹果', '桔子', '梨子', '香蕉', '李子'],
                            // 坐标轴的标签
                                // 标签位置
                                align: 'center',
                                // 标签格式化
                                formatter: function(){
                                    return this.value;
                                // 标签旋转度数
                                rotation: 20,
                                // 标签交错显示的行数
                                staggerLines: 1
                            // X轴的步进值,决定隔多少个显示一个
                            tickInterval: 1,
                            // 坐标轴标题
                            title: {
                                text: '水果分类'

                         * y轴配置
                         * @param {object} labels 坐标标签配置对象
                         * @param {int} tickInterval 坐标轴的步进值
                         * @param {object} title 坐标轴标题

                        yAxis: {
                            // 坐标轴的标签
                                // 标签位置
                                align: 'right',
                                // 标签格式化
                                formatter: function(){
                                    return this.value + '个';
                            // y轴的步进值,决定隔多少个显示一个
                            tickInterval: 3,
                            // 坐标轴标题
                            title: {
                                text: '水果个数'

                         * 绘图的各选项、参数配置
                         * @param {object} series 数列,可以配置各种不同类型图表的默认参数
                         * @param {object} bar 横向柱状图配置参数
                         * @param {object} column 纵向柱状图配置参数
                         * @param {object} line 线性图
                         * @param {object} spline 圆滑曲线图配置参数
                         * @param {object} pie 饼状图

                             * 数列,对于所有的图表都可以适用的配置参数,属于共用性质。

                            series: {
                                // 鼠标样式
                                cursor: 'pointer',
                                    // 数据标注不可点击
                                    legendItemClick: false
                                // 当是柱状图时,柱状的宽度
                                pointWidth: 15

                             * 横向柱状图

                                // 数据点的点击事件
                                    click: function(event){
                                        //alert('The bar was clicked, and you can add any other functions.');
                                // 当值为0时,在图表中柱状体的长度设置
                                minPointLength: 2,
                                // 当具体的数据点被点击时的事件响应函数。如果不需要事件响应,可以删除。
                                        click: function(){
                                            //alert('This point was clicked. You can and any other functions.');
                                // 是否在图注中显示。
                                showInLegend: true,
                                // 是否堆叠,默认:null,数值:normal,百分比:percent
                                //stacking: 'normal',
                                // 调整图像顺序关系
                                zIndex: 1

                             * 纵向柱状图

                                // 数据点的点击事件
                                    click: function(event){
                                        //alert('The bar was clicked, and you can add any other functions.');
                                // 当值为0时,在图表中柱状体的长度设置
                                minPointLength: 2,
                                // 当具体的数据点被点击时的事件响应函数。如果不需要事件响应,可以删除。
                                        click: function(){
                                            //alert('This point was clicked. You can and any other functions.');
                                // 是否在图注中显示。
                                showInLegend: true,
                                // 是否堆叠,默认:null,数值:normal,百分比:percent
                                //stacking: null,
                                // 调整图像顺序关系
                                zIndex: 2

                             * 线性图,与spline的区别在于点与点之间的连线是直线还是圆滑曲线。

                                // 允许线性图上的数据点进行点击
                                allowPointSelect: true,
                                // 数据点的点击事件
                                    click: function(event){
                                        //alert('The bar was clicked, and you can add any other functions.');
                                // 当具体的数据点被点击时的事件响应函数。如果不需要事件响应,可以删除。
                                        click: function(){
                                            //alert('This point on the line was clicked. You can and any other functions.');
                                // 是否在图注中显示。
                                showInLegend: true,
                                // 调整图像顺序关系
                                zIndex: 3

                             * 曲线图,与spline的区别在于点与点之间的连线是直线还是圆滑曲线。

                                // 允许线性图上的数据点进行点击
                                allowPointSelect: true,
                                // 数据点的点击事件
                                    click: function(event){
                                        //alert('The bar was clicked, and you can add any other functions.');
                                // 当具体的数据点被点击时的事件响应函数。如果不需要事件响应,可以删除。
                                        click: function(){
                                            //alert('This point on the line was clicked. You can and any other functions.');
                                // 是否在图注中显示。
                                showInLegend: true,
                                // 调整图像顺序关系
                                zIndex: 3

                             * 饼状图

                                // 是否允许扇区点击
                                allowPointSelect: true,
                                // 点击后,滑开的距离
                                slicedOffset: 5,
                                // 饼图的中心坐标
                                center: [100, 80],
                                // 饼图的大小
                                size: 100,
                                // 数据标签
                                dataLabels: {
                                    // 是否允许标签
                                    enabled: true,
                                    // 标签与图像元素之间的间距
                                    distance: 10
                                // 数据点的点击事件
                                    click: function(event){
                                        //alert('The bar was clicked, and you can add any other functions.');
                                // 是否忽略隐藏的项
                                ignoreHiddenPoint: true,
                                // 当具体的数据点被点击时的事件响应函数。如果不需要事件响应,可以删除。
                                        click: function(){
                                            //alert('This point on the line was clicked. You can and any other functions.');
                                // 是否在图注中显示。
                                showInLegend: false,
                                // 调整图像顺序关系
                                zIndex: 0

                         * 数据图表标签配置
                         * @param {array} items 项目配置

                        labels: {
                            items: [{
                                    html: '水果总消耗量',
                                    style: {
                                        left: '65px',
                                        top: '8px',
                                        color: 'black'

                         * 数据源配置,本身是一个对象数组
                         * @param {string} type 图表的类型
                         * @param {string} name 数据序列的名称
                         * @param {array} data 数据序列,是一个对象数组

                        series: [{
                                type: 'column',
                                name: 'Jane',
                                data: [3, 2, 1, 3, 4]
                            }, {
                                type: 'column',
                                name: 'John',
                                data: [2, 3, 5, 7, 6]
                            }, {
                                type: 'column',
                                name: 'Joe',
                                data: [4, 3, 3, 9, 0]
                            }, {
                                type: 'spline',
                                name: '平均',
                                data: [3, 2.67, 3, 6.33, 3.33]
                            }, {
                                type: 'pie',
                                name: '水果总消耗量',
                                data: [{
                                        name: 'Jane',
                                        y: 13,
                                        color: '#4572A7' // Jane's color
                                    }, {
                                        name: 'John',
                                        y: 23,
                                        color: '#AA4643' // John's color
                                    }, {
                                        name: 'Joe',
                                        y: 19,
                                        color: '#89A54E' // Joe's color

        <script src="./js/highcharts/highcharts.js"></script>
        <script src="./js/highcharts/modules/exporting.js"></script>

        <div id="container"></div>
2. highstock实例代码,其中导出功能配置了本地化,用的是exporting中的导出接口。
<html >
     <head >
         <title >highstock报表示例 < /title >
         <meta http -equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" / >
         <script type = "text/javascript" src = "./js/jquery.min.js" > < /script >
         < ! -- 源数据 -- >
         <script type = "text/javascript" src = "./js/usdeur.js" > < /script >
         <script type = "text/javascript" >
            $( function() {

                 * highstock数据图表
                 * @param {object} chart 图表的相关参数配置
                 * @param {object} credits 图表版权信息参数配置
                 * @param {object} lang 图表语言参数配置
                 * @param {object} exporting 导出配置
                 * @param {object} title 标题配置
                 * @param {object} xAxis X轴配置
                 * @param {array} series 数据源配置

                 var chart1 = new Highcharts.StockChart({

                     * 图表配置
                     * @param {string} renderTo 图表加载的位置
                     * @param {int} width 图表的宽度
                     * @param {int} hight 图表的高度

                    chart : {
                        renderTo : 'container',
                         // 图表宽度
                        width : 700,
                         // 图表高度
                        hight : 500

                     * 版权信息配置,不用修改直接复制
                     * @param {boolean} enabled 是否显示版权信息
                     * @param {string} href 版权信息所链接到的地址
                     * @param {string} text 版权信息所显示的文字内容

                    credits :{
                        enabled : false,
                        href : "http://www.msnui.tk/Admin",
                        text : '微源网络科技'

                     * 语言配置,不用修改直接复制
                     * @param {array} months 配置月份语言
                     * @param {array} shortMonths 配置短月份
                     * @param {array} weekdays 配置星期
                     * @param {string} exportButtonTitle 导出按钮的标题文字
                     * @param {string} printButtonTitle 打印按钮的标题文字

                    lang :{
                        months : [ '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月'],
                        shortMonths : [ '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一', '十二'],
                        weekdays : [ '星期天', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'],
                        exportButtonTitle : '导出PDF',
                        printButtonTitle : '打印报表'

                     * 导出配置,不用修改直接复制
                     * @param {boolean} enabled 是否允许导出
                     * @param {object} buttons 关于与导出和打印按钮相关的配置对象
                     * @param {string} filename 导出文件的文件名
                     * @param {string} type 默认导出文件的格式

                    exporting :{
                         // 是否允许导出
                        enabled :true,
                         // 按钮配置
                        buttons :{
                             // 导出按钮配置
                            exportButton :{
                                menuItems : null,
                                onclick : function() {
                             // 打印按钮配置
                            printButton :{
                                enabled :false
                         // 文件名
                        filename : '报表',
                         // 配置导出接口
                        url : 'http://' + location.hostname + '/test/Highcharts-2.3.2/example/exporting/index.php',
                         // 导出文件默认类型
                        type : 'application/pdf'

                     * 图表的标题
                     * @param {string} text 图表的标题,如果不需要显示标题,直接设置为空字符串就行

                    title : {
                        text : '图表实例标题'

                     * 域选择配置
                     * @param {array} buttons 缩放选择按钮
                     * @param {int} selected 默认选择缩放按钮中的第几个
                     * @param {boolean} inputEnabled 是否允许input标签选框

                    rangeSelector : {
                         // 缩放选择按钮,是一个数组。
                         // 其中type可以是: 'millisecond', 'second', 'minute', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'ytd' (year to date), 'year' 和 'all'。
                         // 其中count是指多少个单位type。
                         // 其中text是配置显示在按钮上的文字
                        buttons : [{
                                type : 'month',
                                count : 1,
                                text : '1月'
                            }, {
                                type : 'month',
                                count : 3,
                                text : '3月'
                            }, {
                                type : 'month',
                                count : 6,
                                text : '6月'
                            }, {
                                type : 'year',
                                count : 1,
                                text : '1年'
                                type : 'year',
                                count : 3,
                                text : '3年'
                            }, {
                                type : 'all',
                                text : '所有'
                         // 默认选择域:0(缩放按钮中的第一个)、1(缩放按钮中的第二个)……
                        selected : 1,
                         // 是否允许input标签选框
                        inputEnabled : false

                     * 气泡示说明标签
                     * @param {string} xDateFormat 日期时间格式化

                    tooltip :{
                         // 日期时间格式化
                        xDateFormat : '%Y-%m-%d %A'

                     * X轴坐标配置
                     * @param {object} dateTimeLabelFormats x轴日期时间格式化,不用修改直接使用

                    xAxis :{
                         // 如果X轴刻度是日期或时间,该配置是格式化日期及时间显示格式
                        dateTimeLabelFormats : {
                            second : '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M:%S',
                            minute : '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
                            hour : '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
                            day : '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
                            week : '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
                            month : '%Y-%m',
                            year : '%Y'

                     * 数据源配置,本身是一个对象数组
                     * @param {string} name 数据序列的名称
                     * @param {array} data 数据序列,是一个对象数组。data的结构:[[时间戳, 值], [时间戳, 值], [时间戳, 值], ……]

                    series : [{
                            name : '数据名称',
                            data : usdeur
         < /script >
     < /head >
     <body >
         <script src = "./js/highstock/highstock.js" > < /script >
         <script src = "./js/highstock/modules/exporting.js" > < /script >

         <div id = "container" > < /div >
     < /body >
< /html >
