Movable Type 4.3 Beta Released

Welcome to the MT 4.3 Beta! Below you can find a link to download the application as well as known issues and release notes. Keep in mind this is pre-release software and while we are actively QAing, it should not be used in a production environment. Download * * Known Issues * Comment pagination has only been tested in Safari and Firefox. It may not work in IE yet. * Styling of comment pagination may need a little more work. * Test email functionality needs an in-app notice after email is sent (currently it is just logged in the activity log). * Documentation for the new features are still being created, but some details are in the release notes below. Filing Bugs You can file bugs in our FogBugz instance and should put all new bugs in the 'Slapshot Beta 1' Fix-for. If you do not have an account there and would like to file bugs, please leave a comment on this page and we'll get you set up. Release Notes 4.3a1 Pagination for comments Comments can now be paginated with the addition of a dynamic API request from mt-comments.cgi. The default and community template sets have been updated to use comment pagination by default. Asset Management: Manage assets in an entry (AssetAgent) There is a new asset manager in the sidebar of the entry edit screen. It will list all assets that are associated with the entry. You can associate assets with an entry without including the asset in the entry body. You can also remove asset associations without removing the link to the asset from the entry body. Asset Management: Reconsider infrastructure: reference of assets in entry bodies (paths coded) We have (finally) removed the form tag that surrounds image assets in the entry body. Hallelujah. Community: Investigate commenting and sessions across domains on the same MT instance The default setting for SingleCommunity is now '1'. This means that cookies will now work across all blogs on your installation (excluding cross-domain). If you have been using your Movable Type install to run each blog as a separate community, you should add 'SingleCommunity 0' to your mt-config.cgi file. [PATCH] mt:Entries 'category' attribute broken under dynamic publishing Fixed bug where logical operators for category filtering in mt:Entries would not work in dynamic publishing. FB: LaunchBackgroundTasks 1 doesn't work for MT-4.261 We believe to have fixed the bug that was causing LaunchBackground tasks to fail. The case is officially still open, but we want to make sure the community is aware a fix is in. manage assets dies when image type and class conflict Image asset types (JPEG, PNG and GIF) are now determined based on file compression instead of file extension. This prevents publishing errors when Image::Magick is used to resize improperly labeled images. sort_order doesn't work for mt:Comments with lastn in static publishing When applying a lastn to mt:Comments in the context of an entry, it would always use the 50 most recent comments, even if sort_order was set to 'ascrend'. mt:Comments will now sort first and filter second. Create Dashboard Stats TTL directive and allow users to turn stats off We have added two new config directives for controlling the dashboard stats. We have added StatsCacheTTL, which is set in minutes and determines how long before the cached statistics expire (default is 15), and StatsCachePublishing, which determines if stats are published at all. It can be set to 'Off' and 'OnLoad', with OnLoad being the current behavior as well as the default. Schwartz: expose errors Added a new listing screen that shows errors from the Schwartz queue. It is available from the system tools menu. Improve ease of use and styles for search pagination Improved styling of search pagination in the Community template set when there are dozens of pages. Allow Republish from Object Listing or Search Results You can now publish entries from the internal search result listings. Template tags: mt:Authors should take an ID You can now limit mt:Authors with an 'id' (for user ID) or 'username' modifier. Add XML::Parser to mt-check mt-check.cgi now looks for XML::Parser. Make include_blogs="all" work in all contexts Fixed a bug where IncludeBlogs="all" did not work when used in mt-search.cgi querystring. Create a tool in system settings to send a test email Added the ability to test sending from inside the app on the Global general settings page. Expose settings within app (DebugMode) You can now set DebugMode from the Global general settings page. Expose settings within app (RaiseError) We have made the Date::ObjectDriver RaiseError flag available as a config directive and are setting it to 1 by default. This provides more accurate descriptions of database errors than were previously provided. Expose settings within app (PerformanceLogging) You can now set the PerformanceLogging, PerformanceLoggingPath and PerformanceLoggingThreshold config directives from the Global general settings page. Improve level of application logging upon object creation, deletion, modification (blog settings) When changes are made to blog settings, an entry is added to the activity log. [PATCH] MTEntryTags retrieves tags assigned to an asset with the same ID under dynamic publishing / MySQL Fixed a bug where a dynamically published template which contains an <entrytags> template tag retrieves tags for the entry ID in context and also retrieves any tags assigned to an asset which has the same ID number as the entry. Doc links for *.pack template tags go to Google Tag links inside the apps for our packs (e.g. Community) are now being sent to instead of Google. %-C archive file path specifier does not replace underscores in category basename with dashes Archive path specifier %-C now produced dashes instead of underscores. can't retrieve "mt.supportedMethods" call on Windows Server 2003 Fixed a bug where mt-xmlrpc.cgi gave no response or error using Windows IIS. [PATCH] Dynamically published weblog pages display "Page not found" error Fixed an error where viewing a dynamically published weblog page results in a "Page not found" error being displayed if the template which publishes the page has a template_identifier field value of "NULL" in the mt_template table in the Movable Type database. [PATCH] Custom fields template tags cause "You used an '[CF Tag Name]' tag outside of the context of the correct content;" error Fixed an issue where using a custom field tag occasionally produced an error when previewing or publishing.</entrytags>
