
New Windows Server Systems Events & Errors Lookup Center

Events and Errors Message Center

Advanced Search

Advanced Search provides powerful search options that produce a more specific set of results, depending on your search criteria. After entering a search query in any one of the text boxes, select any of the other advanced options that you want use; then click Go or press Enter to start your search. Advanced Search uses a weighted result set. This means that if an Event ID and an Event source are included in the query, those results that have both the Event ID and Event source will appear first in the list, followed by those results that have only the Event ID and then those that have only the Event source.

Note: If none of the text boxes have values (Event ID, Event source, Message text, File name), the search will not return any results.

Microsoft product: Select the Microsoft product that you want to search, or accept the default All Products option.

The All Products option is useful when you are not sure which application is causing the problem or which operating system you are using.

Version: You must select a Microsoft product or accept the All Versions option. The Version list is populated only after a product is selected.

The All Versions option is useful if you cannot find any information for a specific version of a Microsoft product. Broadening the search using this option might yield more results.

Event ID: The Event ID can be found in the Event Viewer log.

Event source: The Event source can be found in the Event Viewer log.

File name: The File name can be found in the Event Viewer log.

Message text: The event message text can be found in the Event Viewer log. Error message text is only available through the screen message. You can enter up to 225 characters in the Message text box.

The search results will contain all the words entered in this text box. For example, if you type service failed in the Message text box, the search results will be pages that contain both service and failed.

To specify a search for all the words entered in the exact order typed, use quotation marks. For example, if you type "service failed" in the Message text box, the search results will return only pages that contain the phrase service failed.

The Message search ignores certain parts of speech, such as articles and prepositions. To create a better Message search, always put the message text in quotation marks, which ensures that all words in the message are part of the search.

Language: Select the language that you want to use to filter your results, or accept the default selection. The default selection is your browser's Languages setting.


For better results: Enter more words. For example: use service failed instead of simply service.

The Message search ignores certain parts of speech, such as articles and prepositions. To create a better Message search, always put the message text in quotation marks, which ensures that all words in the message are part of the search.

Searching on certain parts of speech (for example: a, the, of, is), single digits (0-9), and certain symbols (%, &) will not yield results. If these words or characters are part of a phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks.

For searches on phrases: To search on an exact phrase in message text, place quotation marks around the words you want searched together. For example: enter “service failed” instead of service failed.

The Message search ignores certain parts of speech, such as articles and prepositions. To create a better Message search, always put the message text in quotation marks, which ensures that all words in the message are part of the search.

Wildcard search: Use of wildcard characters is supported.

Basic Search: If you are uncertain about the search parameters, try using the Basic Search.


Microsoft product: Select the Microsoft product that you want to search, or accept the default All Products option.

The All Products option is useful when you are not sure which program generated the message or which operating system you are using.

The basic search will search all the versions of the selected Microsoft product.

Search for: You can search for an Event ID, an Event source, a File name, some Message text, or a combination of these items. You can enter a maximum of 225 characters in the Message text box, including spaces.

To submit the query, click Go, or press Enter on your keyboard.


  • To search for a single-digit Event ID, use Advanced Search.
  • To have more control over your search results, choose the Advanced Search option.
