Clean Command

Clean command

(from JBuilder's help)

The Clean command removes all build output of the other targets, such as the classes directory, JARs, WARs, and so on. If the source and output paths are the same, the output directory is not deleted but the build output is deleted. What the Clean command removes is dependent upon the node selected:

Project nodes — recursively deletes the output directory. This only occurs if the output directory is a subdirectory of the project. Clean doesn't delete the output directory if it's the same as the source directory or a subdirectory of the source directory.

 Java nodes — deletes the corresponding .class files and any generated files, such as files generated by the java2iiop compiler. Also removes resources.

Package nodes — deletes the corresponding .class files and any resources. Resource nodes — deletes the copies in the output directory.

Documentation nodes — deletes all HTML and HTM files in the Javadoc output directory.

Archive nodes — deletes the archive file(s) and executables.

  — deletes any WAR files and the WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes directories.

There are several ways to execute the Clean command: Right-click the project file in the project pane and choose Clean. Right-click an appropriate node or nodes in the project pane and choose Clean. Right-click the file tab in the content pane and choose Clean <filename>. Add the Clean Project command to the Project menu and choose Project|Clean Project.

As with the Make and Rebuild commands, the Clean command only appears on the context menu when appropriate nodes are selected. 
