English Notes

English Notes


From now on, I will keeping on recording spoken English sentences .


Q:How are you doing/getting on/keeping? 你最近怎么样?

A:Just so so/Fine,thank you ,and you ? / I'm OK/ Very well/Not bad/All right, thank you. 很好谢谢。



Q:Let's go window-shopping. /Let's go window-shopping anyway. /Why don't we go window-shopping?/Shall we go window-shopping? 去商店逛逛?
A:I'm flat broke. 我身无分文。What a crowd!/It's so crowded!/What a big crowd! 人多得要命!


That's why he's so successful. 所以他才成功。
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
Where there's a will, there's a way.功夫不负有心人。



Q:What are your interests?/What are you interested in?/What kind of things are you interested in?/What do you like? 您对什么感兴趣?

A:I'm interested in architecture. 我对建筑感兴趣。





Do you know ...? 是问别人问题
Did you know ...? 是告诉人家一件事情

I don't know ... 是我不知道,回答不了你的问题
I didn't know ... 是指我以前不知道,你告诉了我我就知道了。或者是当时不知道,现在知道了。




How sweet! 你真可爱!


Unbelievable!/Incredible!/That's unbelievable!/I can't believe it! /Now way!难以置信! 怎么会呢!




Where is the Japanese/American Embassy? I lost my passport./My passport is missing./I can't find my passport. /I've misplaced my passport. 我找不到我的护照了。






Q:You're kidding!/You're joking!/You've got to be kidding!/You're pulling my leg!你在开玩笑吧!
A:No, I'm not. /No kidding!没有,我是认真的。



Did you punch in? /Did you punch out?上班(下班) 打出勤卡了吗?




I'm happy. (我很幸福。)
I'm ecstatic. (我高兴得忘乎所以了。) *希望进一步强调心情非常激动的感觉时。
I'm thrilled. (我太激动了。)
I'm so happy. (我高兴极了。)
I feel so happy. (我非常高兴。)
I'm in heaven. (我好像到了天堂。)
Yahoo! (呀嗬!) *表示高兴和喜悦的心情时。
Oh, boy! (哇!/太棒了!/好家伙!) *表示高兴、惊喜的同时,也表示稍觉为难的心情。注意,没有Oh, girl!的说法。




A:Thanks for your kindness./That's very nice of you./That's very kind of you./How kind of you.

B:Don't mention it./You're quite welcome. (您太客气了。)
