
1 * { } 0
3 li:first-line { } 2 (one element, one pseudo-element)
5 ul ol+li { } 3 (three elements)
7 ul ol li.red { } 13 (one class, three elements)
9 style=”” 1000 (one inline styling)
11 div p { } 2 (two HTML selectors)
13 div p.sith { } 12 (two HTML selectors and a class selector)
15 body #darkside .sith p { } 112 (HTML selector, id selector, class selector, HTML selector; 1+100+10+1)


1. 使用LVHA定义链接,即link-visited-hover-active,参考[Link Specificity]
2. 如果不是为了兼容浏览器,最好不要使用 !important
3. 使用ID让特性更具体,比如a.high写成 ul#blog li a.high

CSS工具与资 英文好的去看下

CSS Specificity for Poker Players
CSS specificity calculator
Understanding Specificity Tutorial
Cascade Inheritance: Specificity
CSS 2.1 Selectors Explained
CSS Specificity Bugs in IE
CSS Structure and Rules

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