[2010-07-16]my idea may realize some day

i gonna prepare for IELTS in NewOriental
in order to be admitted by WIT in Ireland.
i surprised that Irish do not speak Irish but English
maybe they were ruled by england in history

so i had to break my expedition on Linux and my work on CSEUTUBE vids' website
i transfered back to cublog, because BLOGBUS' latency sucked.

having an idea of building a music player
called clyricplayer( clp for short)
when u:
>clp -p pokerface.mp3
it plays without lyrics
or plays with lyrics
>clp -l pokerface.mp3 pf.lrc
or even
>clp -m a.cpl pokerface.mp3 paparazzi.wmv
to make a playlist
gstreamer is a good tool
may choose to build the player by
and i will first program a lib called clyricd(crisp's lyric display) next term cuz it will be free
using C/C++ i prefered C but C++ will be easy to use
the CLP must support MP3, WAV, WMV, AAC
i think items on the list are rather basic
and finish it in my graduate school
