TITLE Calculate Elapsed Time ( TimingLoop.asm )
; This program uses GetTickCount to calculate the number
; of milliseconds that have elapsed since the program
; started.
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
startTime DWORD ?
dot BYTE ".",0
main PROC
INVOKE GetTickCount ; get milliseconds
mov startTime , eax
L1: mov edx , OFFSET dot ; display a dot
call WriteString
INVOKE Sleep , 100 ; sleep for 100ms
INVOKE GetTickCount
sub eax , startTime ; check the elapsed time
cmp eax , TIME_LIMIT
jb L1
L2: exit
main ENDP
END main
程序里用到了两个新函数:GetTickCount 和 Sleep。
GetTickCount 函数原型如下:
GetTickCount PROTO ; 返回值在EAX中
GetTickCount 用来返回系统启动以来所经过的毫秒数,因为计数值是一个双字,所以系统连续运行49.7天之后,计数值将归0.
Sleep 函数原型如下:
Sleep PROTO,
dwMilliseconds : DWORD
TITLE Calculate Elapsed Time ( TimingLoop.asm )
; This program uses GetTickCount to calculate the number
; of milliseconds that have elapsed since the program
; started.
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
TIME_LIMIT = 5000 ; 设定了截止时间5000毫秒
startTime DWORD ?
dot BYTE ".",0
main PROC
INVOKE GetTickCount ; 调用GetTickCount 得到程序开始的时间(系统启动以来的时间),保存在eax中
mov startTime , eax ; 将现在的时间保存在变量中
L1: mov edx , OFFSET dot ; display a dot
call WriteString
INVOKE Sleep , 100 ; 间隔100毫秒
INVOKE GetTickCount ; 再次得到现在的时间
sub eax , startTime ; 减去程序开始时的时间
cmp eax , TIME_LIMIT ; 看是否大于截止时间
jb L1 ; 如果小于则继续执行
L2: exit
main ENDP
END main