
Display options
:previous_label — default: “<< Previous" (this parameter is called :prev_label in versions 2.3.2 and older!)
:next_label — default: “Next >>”
:page_links — when false, only previous/next links are rendered (default: true)
:inner_window — how many links are shown around the current page (default: 4)
:outer_window — how many links are around the first and the last page (default: 1)
:separator — string separator for page HTML elements (default: single space)


HTML options
:class — CSS class name for the generated DIV (default: “pagination”)
:container — toggles rendering of the DIV container for pagination links, set to false only when you are rendering your own pagination markup (default: true)
:id — HTML ID for the container (default: nil). Pass +true+ to have the ID automatically generated from the class name of objects in collection: for example, paginating ArticleComment models would yield an ID of “article_comments_pagination”.


Advanced options
:param_name — parameter name for page number in URLs (default: :page)
:params — additional parameters when generating pagination links (eg. :controller => “foo”, :action => nil)
:renderer — class name, class or instance of a link renderer (default: WillPaginate::LinkRenderer)
