Android CTS Tips

Android CTS R2 Android 2.1 R2 Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)

Run CTS之前的注意点:

  1. Download TTS files     Settings/Speech synthesis/Install voice data
  2. 设置好google account
  3. 确保SDCard正常mount
  4. Screen lock unchecked
  5. Screen Timeout -> Never Timeout
  6. Check "Stay Awake", "Allow mock locations" and "User Debugging"  from Settings/Application/Development
  7. 将用来测试的SIM卡写上本机号码(可以用可写Sim号码的手机先写一下)
  8. 调整好time zone,以及date的format
  9. Install CtsDelegatingAccessibilityService.apk

adb install -r android-cts /repository/testcases/CtsDelegatingAccessibilityService.apk
On the device, enable Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility > Delegating Accessibility Service


    执行所有的测项:                    start --plan CTS
    执行某个测项:                        start --plan CTS -t [CTS_test_name]
    例出所有timeout的测项:      ls -r timeout -s [session ID]
    例出所有fail的测项:               ls -r fail -s [session ID]
                                                                                      0-new session; 1-last session.


    Usage: command options
    Avaiable commands and options:
        help: show this message
        exit: exit cts command line
        ls --plan: list available plans
        ls --plan plan_name: list contents of the plan with specified name
        add --plan plan_name: add a new plan with specified name
        add --derivedplan plan_name -s/--session session_id -r/--result result_type: derive a plan from the given session
        rm --plan plan_name/all: remove a plan or all plans from repository
        start --plan test_plan_name: run a test plan
        start --plan test_plan_name -d/--device device_ID: run a test plan using the specified device
        start --plan test_plan_name -t/--test test_name: run a specific test
        start --plan test_plan_name -p/--package java_package_name: run a specific java package
        start --plan test_plan_name -t/--test test_name -d/--device device_ID: run a specific test using the specified device
        start --plan test_plan_name -p/--package java_package_name -d/--device device_ID: run a specific java package using the specified device
        ls -p/--package: list available packages
        ls -p/--package package_name: list contents of the package with specified name
        add -p/--package root: add packages from root to repository
        rm -p/--package package_name/all: remove a package or all packages from repository
        ls -r/--result: list all result of sessions
        ls -r/--result -s/--session session_id: list detail case result of a specified session
        ls -r/--result [pass/fail/notExecuted/timeout] -s/--session session_id: list detail cases of a specified session by the specified result.
        history/h: list all commands in command history
        history/h count: list the latest count records in command history
        history/h -e num: run the command designated by 'num' in command history
        ls -d/--device: list available devices


