

@echo off
Rem matching and extracting the create table statements
if exist 1_DDL.out (
  echo now extracting create table statements
  set myflag=false
  SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  for /f "delims=" %%i in (1_DDL.out) do (
    echo %%i
    echo %%i|find "CREATE">nul && set myflag=true
    if "!myflag!" == "true" (
      echo %%i >> 0.txt
      rem echo %%i
    ) else (
      echo not matching...
    echo %%i|find ";">nul && set myflag=false
) else (
  echo not found 1_DDL.out
Rem deleting the unused file
echo clearing the unused files
del 1_DDL.out
echo Done.


Rem matching and extracting the create table statements
if exist 1_DDL.out (
  echo now extracting create table statements
  set myflag=false
  rem any good idea?
  set tempflag=false
  SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  for /f "delims=" %%i in (1_DDL.out) do (
    echo %%i
    rem tackling the > operator
    rem echo "%%i"
    set tempflag = false
    echo %%i |find ";">nul && set tempflag=true
    echo "%%i"|find /i "create">nul && set myflag=true
    echo !myflag!
    if "!myflag!" == "true" (
      echo %%i >> DDL.txt
      rem echo %%i
    ) else (
      echo not matching...
    rem the next sentence do nth if there is a > in current %%i
    rem echo %%i|find ";">nul && set myflag=false
    if "!tempflag!" == "true" set myflag=false
) else (
  echo not found 1_DDL.out


Rem matching and extracting the create table statements
if exist 1_DDL.out (
  echo now extracting create table statements
  set myflag=false
  SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  for /f "delims=" %%i in (1_DDL.out) do (
    echo %%i
    rem tackling the > operator
    echo "%%i"
    echo "%%i"|find /i "create">nul && set myflag=true
    echo myflag !myflag!
    if "!myflag!" == "true" (
      echo %%i >> DDL.txt
      rem echo %%i
    ) else (
      echo not matching...
    echo "%%i"|find ";">nul && set myflag=false
) else (
  echo not found 1_DDL.out
echo "%%i"|find /i "create">nul && set myflag=true

这行执行时会报错find: `create': No such file or directory或者The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe,很诧异,之前执行都未出现此问题,google了一段时间没有找到解决办法。最后只能先改成findstr了。哪位大虾有解决办法共享下。
