Have you ever heard the P principal .It is a very useful principal which will help you think over about the task or project or even your life.Now do not worry if you have not heard it before. I am going to tell you a lot of example about this principal.
Now let me explain it for you.
The P principal was suggested by <country-region w:st="on">Italy</country-region> management and economy thinker.He found at first,80% of income in <country-region w:st="on">Italy</country-region> was received by only 20% <place w:st="on"><country-region w:st="on">Italy</country-region></place> population. The assumption is the most of result in any situation are determined by a small number of the cause.But it has caused and result.
It is true within the range of world. That is to say.
20% of the world population has 80% wealth .So sometimes it is called 80 20 rule.It is quite common rule in the economy business.
In other area, there also is such a relationship :20% input into project or task or any kind whatever,Result in 80% of the output.But the other 80% input only take the 20% output.No business can tolerate such a big wastage . Every business has to be efficient If you could identify what the most productive 20% of the production .If you allocate your resource to the 80% out. You must have much bigger output for the investment you have made.
Give you a specific example:
In marketing .there is a common saying that every Ads knows over half of the budget is wasted but they just did not which half.You should analyze all of your spending in Ads and find which is the most productive dollars so maybe that is the money used effectively.You should find out what is your most productive 20%.And Then just drop all of the other spending and freeze up those resource to allocate the most productive 20% in your channel.Although the P principal is generated in the business area it can be applied more than just business area.
I can be applied to your own life you own time.
Let me take an actual example.
Sometimes I am very productive but sometimes I am not.And In fact the 80% of my time is not very productive.The most productive things I do is in the morning when it is my most live time.
When I am doing things useing my key skill the things I am good at.I will be more productive
When I am delegating if I spent my time delegating to do other things that is the most inefficient.
On the another side.there are 80% of my efforts are not very productive at all .
If you know when is you most productive time then you let your things to do during these time.
Just spend your time invest you resource on the only the things which are most productive.
I also found 80% knowledge I have learned only take my 20% time.but If I am still wanting to learn the other 20% then I have to take 80% to learn it.
On the contrary, the only 20% knowledge is useful in my work the 80% knowledge will never use.
So if you know the principal you should feel easy if you do not know something in your major.
It does not matter if you know it or not for even you know it maybe you can not find the chance to apply it in the practice.
Since we are the IT people and actually the IT people can be divided by I people and T people.
The I people know everything in his area very deeply but do not know other things.
The T people know the things not only on his major but also on the other fields.
The T people know widen knowledge in other area except his major.
The enterprise welcome the T people.
This also tell us we need not to dig too deeply.
1897年,意大利经济学家帕列托在对19世纪英国社会各阶层的财富和收益统计分析时发现:80%的社会财富集中在20%的人手里,而80%的人只拥有社 会财富的20%,这就是“二八法则”。“二八法则”反应了一种不平衡性,但它却在社会、经济及生活中无处不在。附:破窗理论等在商品营销中,商家往往会认 为所有顾客一样重要;所有生意、每一种产品都必须付出相同的努力,所有机会都必须抓住。而“二八法则”恰恰指出了在原因和结果、投入和产出、努力和报酬之 间存在这样一种典型的不平衡现象:80%的成绩,归功于20%的努力;市场上80%的产品可能是20%的企业生产的;20%的顾客可能给商家带来80%的 利润。遵循“二八法则”的企业在经营和管理中往往能抓住关键的少数顾客,精确定位,加强服务,达到事半功倍的效果。美国的普尔斯马特会员店始终坚持会员 制,就是基于这一经营理念。“二八法则”同样适用于我们的生活,如一个人应该选择在几件事上追求卓越,而不必强求在每件事上都有好的表现;锁定少数能完成 的人生目标,而不必追求所有的机会。