Biztalk 调用带Soap Head WebService的方法

    前天有位网友正好也提到了类似的问题,正好以前我也作过这方面的项目;在Biztalk Orchestration中调用对方发布的WebService;但必须提供定义soap head作做一些处理;在Biztalk Orchestration中定义的soap Port  Request接受的消息只能是传参数,并没有soap head的消息;那要如何将soap head的消息一起传递给webservice呢;
    我通过Biztalk的帮助文件可以查到ms-help://MS.BTS.2006/BTS06Developing/html/4754dd23-386b-4093-8ea4-4da6b4d9279c.htm 标题是“ Using SOAP Headers in Orchestrations ” 其中有这样一段话
    You need a property schema to use defined SOAP header context properties in orchestrations. The property schema must have the target namespace of Each root element name in the property schema must match the root element name in the defined SOAP header. You can then set values for the context properties using the namespace of the property schema and the property name. 
    必须定义一个property schema 并且namespace必须是,还有定一个element property schema base 为MessageContextPropertyBase
