Unity3d Shader(三) Pass(Culling & Depth Testing)透明立方体

Syntax 语法


Cull Back | Front | Off
Controls which sides of polygons should be culled (not drawn)
Back Don't render polygons facing away from the viewer (default).
Front Don't render polygons facing towards the viewer. Used for turning objects inside-out.
Off Disables culling - all faces are drawn. Used for special effects.
ZWrite On | Off
Controls whether pixels from this object are written to the depth buffer (default is On). If you're drawng solid objects, leave this on. If you're drawing semitransparent effects, switch to ZWrite Off. For more details read below.
ZTest Less | Greater | LEqual | GEqual | Equal | NotEqual | Always
How should depth testing be performed. Default is LEqual (draw objects in from or at the distance as existing objects; hide objects behind them).
深度测试如何执行。缺省是LEqual (绘制和存在的对象一致或是在其中的对象;隐藏他们背后的对象)
Offset Factor , Units
Allows you specify a depth offset with two parameters. factor and units. Factor scales the maximum Z slope, with respect to X or Y of the polygon, and units scale the minimum resolvable depth buffer value. This allows you to force one polygon to be drawn on top of another although they are actually in the same position. For example Offset 0, -1 pulls the polygon closer to the camera ignoring the polygon's slope, whereas Offset -1, -1 will pull the polygon even closer when looking at a grazing angle.
允许你定义用两个参数深度偏移。因子和单位。Factor 缩放Z的最大斜率,几何体的X和Y也一样,units缩放可计算的深度缓冲值。这允许你迫使一个几何体绘制在另一个的上层,尽管他们实际上是在同一个位置。例如偏移0,-1使得靠近摄像机的几何体忽略几何体的斜率,而偏移-1,-1则会几何体在一个几乎擦过的角度被观察使看起来更近些。
Glass Culling 玻璃剔除
Shader "Simple Glass" {
    Properties {
        _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0)
        _SpecColor ("Spec Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
        _Emission ("Emmisive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0)
        _Shininess ("Shininess", Range (0.01, 1)) = 0.7
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" { }
    SubShader {
        // We use the material in many passes by defining them in the subshader.
  // 我们通过把定义放在子着色器中以便可以在许多通道中访问材质
        // Anything defined here becomes default values for all contained passes.
  // 任何定义在这里的值都会变成所有内含的通道的默认值
        Material {
            Diffuse [_Color]
            Ambient [_Color]
            Shininess [_Shininess]
            Specular [_SpecColor]
            Emission [_Emission]
        Lighting On
        SeparateSpecular On
        // Set up alpha blending
  // 开启透明度混合
        Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
        // Render the back facing parts of the object.
  // 渲染对象的背面部分
        // If the object is convex, these will always be further away
  // 如果对象是凸, 总是离镜头离得比前面更远。
        // than the front-faces.
        Pass {
            Cull Front
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                Combine Primary * Texture
        // Render the parts of the object facing us.
  // 渲染对象面向我们的部分
