
Requirements for Slicer Extensions

Slicer Catalog根据以下条件将所有的extensions 分为了以下的三类

Category 1

Category 1 extensions must meet the following conditions:

  • comply with the Slicer License(遵守Slicer许可证)
  • compile and install on all platforms supported by Slicer(编译并安装在Slicer支持的所有平台上)
  • have test coverage of better than 60%. See issue #2172
  • have documentation at a level of quality comparable to slicer core modules(文档的质量与Slicer的核心模块相当)
  • have a designated person to answer emails in relation to the extension which are posted on both the users and developers Slicer mailing lists.(在用户和开发人员的Slicer邮件列表中,有一个指定的人来回复与extension 相关的电子邮件)
  • are updated to support new versions of the OS, new versions of packages (such as VTK, ITK), etc.(不断更新以支持版本操作系统、新版本的依赖包(如VTK、ITK等))
  • have clear description, icon, screenshots and tutorials(有清晰的描述,图标,截图和教程)

Category 2

Category 2 extensions must meet the following conditions:

  • be available under a compatible open source license(可在兼容的开源许可下使用)
  • have a designated maintainer to respond to questions about the extension(有指定的维护人员来回答有关扩展的问题)
  • have a clear declaration about the license under which the code is distributed(对代码发布所依据的许可证有明确的声明)
  • have documentation page(有文档页面)
  • have clear description, icon, screenshots and optionally tutorials(有清晰的描述,图标,截图和可选的教程)

Category 3

Category 3 Slicer Extensions cover everything else, including developers who do not want to share their source code or extensions.

  • I do not want to share my source code: When source code is not shared, it is not possible to inspect the code for malicious content. This is a potential security risk that we will not accept for the Slicer website.
  • Developers are free to set up their own Midas servers for hosting extensions if they want to host category 3 extensions, or can just make .tar.gz files and either install the package manually from the Extension manager or set the module path in Slicer manually.
  • 自己不想公开源码的Extension可以尝试第三种方案


