GraphQL 渐进学习 06-graphql-采用-mockjs-mock数据

GraphQL 渐进学习 06-graphql-采用-mockjs-mock数据


  • 开启 graphql mock数据 模式
  • 采用 mock.js 组件进行数据模拟
  • 模拟数据配置
    • 对象
    • 接口
    • 自定义类型
    • 联合
    • 查询


  • graphQL-example/mock.js


1. 安装 mock.js 依赖包

npm -S install mockjs

3. import 所需包对象

import {makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema, MockList} from 'graphql-tools'
import {graphql, GraphQLScalarType} from 'graphql'
import Mock from 'mockjs'
const Random = Mock.Random
  • addMockFunctionsToSchema 合成模拟函数

  • MockList 指定模拟数据条数

  • Mock 模拟数据生成对象

3. 编写 typeDefs

const typeDefs = `
  scalar Date

  type User {
    id: Int
    name: String
    posts(limit: Int): [Post]

  type Post {
    id: Int
    title: String
    views: Int
    author: User

  interface Message {
    content: String
  type Notice implements Message {
    content: String
    noticeTime: Date
  type Remind implements Message {
    content: String
    endTime: Date

  type Query {
    aString: String
    aBoolean: Boolean
    anInt: Int
    my: [User]
    author(id: Int): User
    topPosts(limit: Int): [Post]
    notices: [Notice]

  type Mutation {
    addUser: User
  • 定义中有 自定对象 接口 类型 查询 更新 ,复合普遍情况

4. 编写 typeResolvers

const typeResolvers = {
  Message: {
    __resolveType(data) {
      return data.typename // typename property must be set by your mock functions
  Date: new GraphQLScalarType({
    name: 'Date',
    description: 'Date custom scalar type',
    parseValue(value) {
      return new Date(value) // value from the client
    serialize(value) {
      // return new Date(value).getTime()
      return new Date(value) // value sent to the client
    parseLiteral(ast) {
      if (ast.kind === Kind.INT) {
        return parseInt(ast.value, 10) // ast value is always in string format
      return null

** 接口 联合 自定义类型 需要编写 typeResolvers 对象 **

5. 合并 Schema

const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  resolverValidationOptions: {
    requireResolversForResolveType: false

6. 编写模拟数据

const min = 100
const max = 99999
const mocks = {
  Int: () => Random.natural(min, max),
  Float: () => Random.float(min, max),
  String: () => Random.ctitle(10, 5),
  Date: () => Random.time(),
  User: () => (
      id: Random.natural(min, max),
      name: Random.cname(),
      posts: () => new MockList([6, 12]),
  • 可以发现都是对类型进行定义

  • MockList([6, 12]) 表示模拟 6 ~ 12 条数据

  • mock.js 语法请移步 Mock.js/Random

7. 开启模拟方式

addMockFunctionsToSchema({schema, mocks, preserveResolvers: true})
  • 没有看错就是一行代码


1. 请求 addUser 方法

# 请求
mutation {
  addUser {

# 输出
  "data": {
    "addUser": {
      "id": 61700,
      "name": "蔡杰"

2. 请求 me 查询

# 请求
  my {
    posts {

# 输出
  "data": {
    "my": [
        "id": 10861,
        "name": "林霞",
        "posts": [
            "id": 5295,
            "title": "老学通阶本照机世"
            "id": 74760,
            "title": "劳报办划说团可向代"
            "id": 96701,
            "title": "那管己单等半做状基"
            "id": 57025,
            "title": "值前真水员般两据和"
            "id": 15801,
            "title": "克文实验很即手边物"
            "id": 80493,
            "title": "强统消权红方"
        "id": 22464,
        "name": "萧超",
        "posts": [
            "id": 45890,
            "title": "子争安能军"
            "id": 6975,
            "title": "年阶高战思与称统争"
            "id": 52466,
            "title": "长需准之确"
            "id": 35372,
            "title": "手备造方专样反则"
            "id": 98486,
            "title": "种观点听进段周"
            "id": 35529,
            "title": "名据级个况交各"
            "id": 40534,
            "title": "要也义理平示家治"
            "id": 57121,
            "title": "观如王部被关约法"
            "id": 29170,
            "title": "求经风断治往市程"
            "id": 36344,
            "title": "器队热农时斯心"


  • graphql-tools/mocking

  • Mock.js/Random

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