Unity Bolt


Bolt.Addons.Community插件服务于Bolt,使一些使用更加方便:https://github.com/RealityStop/Bolt.Addons.Community/releases 要对应Bolt版本,下载后直接导入,重新Build Unit Options



Icon Type Description
Float A number with or without decimal values, like 0.5 or 13.25.
Integer A number without any decimal value, like 3 or 200.
Boolean A value that can only be either true or false. Commonly used in logic or in toggles.
String A piece of text, like a name or a message.
Char One single character in a string, often alphabetic or numeric. Rarely used.
Enums There are many enums. Each one is a finite enumeration of options that are often seen in dropdowns.

For example, in Unity, the "Force Mode" enum can be either "Force", "Impulse", "Acceleration" or "Velocity Change".

Vectors Vectors represent a set of float coordinates, for example for positions or directions.

There are 3 vectors in Unity:
Vector 2, with X and Y coordinates for 2D;
Vector 3, with X, Y and Z coordinates for 3D;
Vector 4, with X, Y, Z and W coordinates, rarely used.
Game Object Game objects are the base entity in Unity scenes. Each game object has a name, a transform for its position and rotation, and a list of components.
Lists A list is an ordered collection of elements. The elements can be of any type, but most often, all elements of a list must be of the same type. You can retrieve and assign each element in a list by its zero-based index (position).
Dictionaries A dictionary is a collection in which element has a unique keythat maps to its value. For example, you could have a dictionary of age (integer values) by name (string key). You can retrieve and assign each element by its key.
Object "Object" is a special type. Like we said, every other type is also an object. But when you see, for example, that a node asks for an object, it usually means that it doesn't care about the type of that object.


Icon Kind Description
Flow Variables

Flow variables which are the equivalent to local variables.


Graph Variables

Graph variables are local to an instance of a flow graph. They have the smallest scope and cannot be accessed or modified outside their graph.


Object Variables

Object variables belong to a game object. They are shared across all graphs on that game object.


Scene Variables

Scene variables are shared across the current scene.


Application Variables

Application variables persist even when the scene changes. They will be reset once the application quits.


Saved Variables

Saved variables will persist even after the application quits. They can be used as a simple but powerful save system. They are saved in Unity's player prefs, which means they unfortunately can't refer to Unity objects like game objects and components.

存在player prefs中,一般放用户设置等记录



Embed: 嵌入式蓝图,该蓝图嵌入到Machine内部,该GameObject删除,蓝图跟随删除


两者之间可以通过 Convert按钮转换,大部分情况下我们使用Macro

  Embed Macro
Relation The graph is embedded in the machine itself. The graph is a macro asset that isreferenced by the machine.
Re-usability You cannot re-use the graph for other machines, but it will be shared across prefab instances. You can re-use the same macro for multiple machines, even if they're not on the same prefab.
Permanence If you remove the machine component, the graph will be deleted.
The graph will also be deleted if you switch the Source to Macro.
If you remove the machine component, the macro asset will still exist.
The graph will notbe deleted if you switch the Source to Embed.
Scene Reference The graph can refer to game objects from the current scene in its graph, as long as it's not saved as a prefab. The graph cannot refer to game objects from the current scene, because it does not "belong" to any scene.
Prefabs The machine should not be used if you instantiate your prefab while in the editor. The machine can safely be used on all prefabs.



Custom Units




using System;
using Ludiq; 
using Bolt; 
[UnitSurtitle("Sur Title")] 
[UnitSubtitle("Sub Title")] 
[UnitShortTitle("Short Title")] 
[UnitCategory("MyUnits")] //类似于文件夹指定 “Folder/SubFolder/SubSubFolder” 
public class InOutUnit : Unit



    public ControlInput input { get; private set; }


    public ControlOutput output { get; private set; }


    public ValueInput valueIn { get; private set; }


    public ValueOutput valueOut { get; private set; }

    protected override void Definition()


        input = ControlInput("in", Enter);

        output = ControlOutput("output");

        valueIn = ValueInput("valueIn");

        valueOut = ValueOutput("valueOut", ReturnFloat);

        Requirement(valueIn, valueOut);


    public ControlOutput Enter(Flow flow)


        return output;


    public float ReturnFloat(Flow flow)


        return flow.GetValue(valueIn);    



执行 Tools->Bolt->Build Unit Options,重新生成节点数据库:Assets/Ludiq/Bolt.Flow/Generated/UnitOptions.db


在对节点进行修改后,不用再次Build,只需要 Tools->Bolt->Update Unit Options

可以开启自动更新,Tools -> Ludiq -> Configuration












