CNN 感受野计算公式

0. Calculating Receptive Field of CNN

CNN 感受野计算公式_第1张图片

感受野指的是一个特定的 CNN 特征(特征图上的某个点)在输入空间所受影响的区域。一个感受野可以用中信位置和打表来表征。然而,对于一个 CNN 特征来说,感受野中的每一个像素值并不是同等重要。一个像素点越接近感受野中心,它对输出特征的计算所起作用越大。这意味着某一个特征不仅仅是受限在输入图片中某个特定的区域(感受野),并且呈指数级聚焦在区域的中心。

l_{k} = l_{k-1}+ \left [ (f_{k}-1)*\prod_{i=1}^{k-1}s_{i} \right ]
其中 l_{k-1} 为第 k-1 层对应的感受野大小,f_k 为第 k 层的卷积核大小,或者是池化层的池化尺寸大小。


The receptive field (RF) lk of layer k is:
l_{k} = l_{k-1}+ \left [ (f_{k}-1)*\prod_{i=1}^{k-1}s_{i} \right ]
where l_{k-1} is the receptive field of layer k−1, f_k is the filter size (height or width, but assuming they are the same here), and s_i is the stride of layer i.
The formula above calculates receptive field from bottom up (from layer 1). Intuitively, RF in layer k covers (f_k−1)∗s_{k−1} more pixels relative with layer k−1. However, the increment needs to be translated to the first layer, so the increments is a factorial — a stride in layer k−1 is exponentially more strides in the lower layers.

1. 举个例子


No. Layers Kernel Size Stride
1 Conv1 3*3 1
2 Pool1 2*2 2
3 Conv2 3*3 1
4 Pool2 2*2 2
5 Conv3 3*3 1
6 Conv4 3*3 1
7 Pool3 2*2 2

感受野初始值 l_0 = 1,每层的感受野计算过程如下:
l_0 = 1
l_1 = 1 + (3-1) = 3
l_2 = 3 + (2-1)*1 = 4
l_3 = 4 + (3-1)*1*2 = 8
l_4 = 8 + (2-1)*1*2*1 = 10
l_5 = 10 + (3-1)*1*2*1*2 = 18
l_6 = 18 + (3-1)*1*2*1*2*1 = 26
l_7 = 26 + (2-1)*1*2*1*2*1*1 = 30


  • Calculating Receptive Field of CNN
  • A guide to receptive field arithmetic for Convolutional Neural Networks
  • 你知道如何计算CNN感受野吗?这里有一份详细指南
  • 卷积神经网络中感受野的详细介绍

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