万年积累健康智慧总结给你!吃是生存需要但每个人都吃错了!-Healthy&Happy 22




万年积累健康智慧总结给你!吃是生存需要但每个人都吃错了!-Healthy&Happy 22_第1张图片






我们人体快乐和三个大脑成分有关:多巴胺,血清素,正肾上腺素,运动和社交产生的快乐因子也和产生这几种元素有关。西方的抗抑郁药都是基于人工合成这几种成分给患者,但容易产生依赖感,越吃越多,所以人体靠运动产生更合理。The three natural brain chemicals that are associated with feeling good—dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin—work in concert with one another.


酒精确实是一种抑郁因子,很多人喝了酒会情绪低落哭泣是正常的,当然我之前喝了酒就兴奋也正常,那是因为没喝多酒量好,但到一定程度,确实处罚情绪低落,抑郁者尤其不建议喝酒。 same amount can be detrimental for the emotional heart. Because it triggers feelings of sadness, alcohol serves as a depressant.


真正的心理医生看眼睛,肠道和消化专家看舌头:眼睛心灵窗口,舌头消化系统窗口;如果眼神透彻,一个人心灵基本比较干净,灵魂净化深一些;我很相信面相,很多人一看就知道性格有哪些问题和命运大体如何,很多人一看就不快乐,拒绝快乐;更多人被生活磨破了皮和心;还有一些人一看就能量十足,吸引很多人在周围,感知他她的正能量,从而会更好发展,这都是科学的。说到肠道健康,如果头天晚上吃了不健康食物,第二天舌头看着很可怕,蒙了一成末霜活着颜色深,都是肠胃在受罪和投诉。the eyes are the windows of the soul, the tongue is the window of the digestive system.


生病就是能量不通和障碍,身心产生的阻碍物质是ama,可以理解为一种粘粘的垃圾,如果我们吃的不对和没有消化,就堵塞在身体各个部位形成炎症和疾病;如果情绪堵塞就会产生各种心理敏感,不通和错误方向,必定痛苦;如果头脑堵塞就会迟钝,失去学习动力和能力,感知和第六感地下,没有灵感和突破。Physical ama obstructs our biological processes and is formed when the food we eat is not digested properly. Emotional ama is a residue carried from one experience to another, obstructing the full enjoyment of the here and now. Mental ama blocks access to our inner knowledge, our intuition.

这种堵塞令人厌恶,因为会引发抑郁,没有能量和容易疲惫,大脑反应迟钝和记忆里下降,思路不清晰,暴饮暴食或者厌食,容易感知疼痛,各种痛,头痛,肩膀痛,颈椎痛,背痛,肌肉酸痛,容易生病,肠道消化减慢,便秘,长痘痘,发胖,你就想吧,基本我们每个人经常感受到的不舒适,各种毛病和心烦意乱,都是堵塞引起,所以超级不喜欢Ama!Ama cements depression, causing some of its main symptoms: low energy and fatigue, cloudy or slowed thinking, poor memory, appetite disturbances, increased sensitivity to pain, headaches, backaches, sore muscles, constipation, and low immunity to disease


抑郁症的根就是意识深处的病,阿育吠陀就是意识基础的健康医学。我认为一切疾病都是起心动念引起的各种反应,所以一直强调身病心医,心病身医!非常认可中医和阿育吠陀疗法的意识为根基,也是为啥我周围咨询我各种问题很多人都建议呼吸练习冥想打坐,和侄子抑郁PTSD抗战也是从打坐开始,今儿解决饮食营养和运动,睡眠问题,但承认这是个长期过程,不会很快彻底解决。the roots of depression, we must dive into consciousness. Ayurveda is, after all, a consciousness-based system of health;

肠道里有个独立大脑,但和我们上面大脑相通,所以说Gut feeling是非常科学的,是古代圣人的科学推断,我一直认为古代yogi和佛陀都是科学家,物理学家,量子力学专家,心理学大师,哲学先贤,各种桂冠都不过分,分分秒秒打破诺贝尔奖!Gut feelings reflect a scientific fact. Your gut indeed has a mind of its own.

这里是各种冥想和瑜伽修行方法,好多我都世界各地学习尝试和好奇过,最后karma比较好开始学习内观vipassana和ashtanga瑜伽,佛教,知道最适合自己,建议每个人都在没有确定一起长期练习的冥想和信仰基础上多做尝试,但一旦找到真爱就一直爱下去,不要犹豫,因为坚信denotation是境界高峰体验,我们致力于达到高峰体验,谁不喜欢高潮呢!Biofeedback, concentration meditation, cognitive restructuring, guided imagery, hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, the relaxation response, progressive muscle relaxation, sensory deprivation techniques, transcendental meditation, qigong, activity-oriented meditation, primordial sound meditation, tai chi, mindfulness-based stress reduction, walking meditation, Vipassana, Ninjutsu, Zen meditation, Buddhist meditation, Christian meditation techniques, kundalini meditation, Kriya yoga, self-inquiry meditation, Tratak meditation, and cathartic dancing meditation—there are so many choices!

为啥喜欢早起,5000-7000年历史证明人体这个时候能量非常适合客服惰性提升能。Between the hours of 6 and 10 a.m., Ayurveda explains, the natural world is marked by a heavy lethargic quality typical of Kapha dosha.


我们对于食物太随意,没有看到她们都是传送生命信息的活物,所以mindful eating为啥重要,就是等同于我们吃它就是接收食物信息,感受带来的能量,如果食物不新鲜,充满血气和负能量,我们能好吗?相反正能量食物,带来的是爱,生活的真实和美好,prana能量,我们就会轻松充盈,能量平衡和稳定。think of food as packets of information, couriers of universal intelligence and transporters of life-sustaining prana. (When consciousness meets food, life tastes good!)

如果吃的食物既没有补充身体需要的正面能量和信息,有没有对灵魂带来滋补,我们就会不停的需要更多的食物!有没有很熟悉,暴饮暴食,渴望甜食碳水化合物,咸辣食物,都是吃的不对路。When food neither nourishes the body nor feeds the spirit, we are left yearning for more.


之前就讲过,想不死,肠里无屎!这里也是肠道里没有食物,垃圾堵塞毒物Ama就会被消除,所以到家辟谷,断食,瑜伽士fasting都是这个道理,头脑清明,我自己体会就是断食7日身体轻松,头脑通透,情绪积极!If there is no food in the digestive tract, then ama is digested instead.

有意思,如果对一切都很满意的人不会暴饮暴食和渴求食物!这个击中很多人脆弱的自以为很幸福的活的很好的假象,确实对于吃的执念是底轮,生存欲念,最底层的需求,但非常难以克服,并不是不吃,而是没有把它看的那么重要和生活围绕着它而转动,确实我们非常兴奋的学习和旅游工作玩耍时没有想着吃,或者比较少!如果我们想要表现最好的身体一面,也就很容易控制吃的欲望,但如果压力和底轮欲望非常大,就渴求得很!Satisfied people are not as inclined to overeat or to have cravings.


只有饿的时候才吃,简单道理多么不容易做到,因为自然反应经常被忽视,觉着该吃不见得饿,馋绝对不是饿,为啥7日辟谷就是发现原来7天不吃饭完全不饿(在营养补充完善的基础上,这个需要专业人士也就是我指导才可以);古代贤人说情绪不好,紧张和难过都不应该吃饭,因为消化不好。估计现代人就没有吃的机会了!Eat when you are hungry. Hunger is Mother Nature’s prompt that it is time to eat. Learn to recognize the natural signals, and eat only when you are hungry. The sages advise you not to engage in emotional eating. You probably already knew that, but did you know that if you eat when you are upset, nervous, or unhappy, the food is not digested efficiently。

只吃7分饱,都听说过,基本很少做到!从科学角度来讲,如果胃里满了,就没有氧气可以帮助消化食物,消化效率会降低;吃多了不仅消化系统不工作到最佳状态,我们头脑昏沉,情绪会受影响,没有办法专注打坐,无法健康运动,更没有办法高效率工作!Eat to only 75 percent full.  Nothing works effi- ciently on overload, including your digestive system. If you stop before you are full, you’ll have room to breathe, and oxygen works wonders in the metabolic process.


上一顿没有完全被消化就不要吃,一顿饭通常3-6个小时被排出胃进入肠道,所以6-18小时吃饭间隔有科学道理,就是一天两顿,间隔大约6小时和18个小时,非常适合瑜伽修行和冥想。但也很难,需要自律和认识到他的存在合理性。Do eat until the previous meal is digested. Digesting a meal can take anywhere from three to six hours. Digestion consists of a natural assembly line. If you throw something on the line while the previous items are still in process, you will create a jam. Give yourself time to thoroughly digest your food before eating again.

和中国传统饮食建议一致和不一致,饭前,中,后不要大量喝液体食物,影响消化之火!小口OK,所以南方的喝汤和很多人喝饮料过多,都无助于消化之火熊熊燃烧!Avoid large amounts of liquid before, during, or after meals.Don’t squelch your digestive fire. Sipping is fine during meals, but large amounts of liquid dampen the digestive process.

太阳高照人体新陈代谢最高,所以午餐吃得最多,晚餐一定要少吃(或者不吃),因为身体要休息,如果晚上睡觉身体里很多食物,就会产生很多Ama障碍物!我们都有类似体验,一个胀胀的胃睡觉质量不好不说,非常难受,各种毛病都来啦。Make lunch the largest meal of the day. You are part of the natural world. When the sun is at its highest, your metabolic processes are at their strongest. Eat the largest meal at that time. At night the body is shutting down, preparing for rest. Eating large meals late turns your body into a tank of ama.


避免冰的饮料和碳水饮料,美国人和喜欢喝带气的人(冒下头)要不开心了,因为会破坏消化酶,酶制剂对于pH很挑剔,所以碳酸饮料酸PH值不适合,任何改变身体pH值的食物都对消化食物有影响。Avoid iced drinks and carbonated beverages. Your digestive enzymes and other vital factors were intended to operate at body temperature. Iced drinks hamper the digestive process. (Ice water is neither nice nor wise.) Enzymes also function best within a narrow pH range. Carbonated beverages are, in general, highly acidic. By altering the pH of the physiology, they impair the breakdown of food.

避免过多生食食物,因为营养成分过多,对消化系统要求很高,这个和rawlist理念或有冲突,我见过一些美国rawlist,都很消瘦,也很难评判他们营养观,只能科学地讲,过多生食对我们压力很大。Avoid large quantities of raw foods. Raw foods do have a higher nutritional content than cooked foods, but they are difficult to digest. In order for our physiology to benefit from the extra nutritional value of raw foods, it must produce a more scorching digestive fire. Thus, we only succeed in taxing our digestive system if we eat raw foods in excess.

迷恋食物就是体内,情绪,灵魂过多障碍物Ama体现!cravings are the result of ama.


咀嚼,24次,甚至更多,可以让食物更大面积和口腔里消化酶接触,消化道里和其他辅助消化物质接触,肠胃里和益生菌亲密相拥,都有助于食物消化吸收排除垃圾ama,而且营养素更好被吸收。其实一个真正消化吸收好的人吃的很少就可以获得无数能量,而且容易吃多就胖(冒一下头),因为任何营养成分都没有被浪费,排出体外的都是真正垃圾ama,所以不能多吃,容易给身体负担,灵魂负重!Chew your food well. Your teeth play an important role in the digestive process. By breaking food down into smaller pieces, chewing increases the surface area of the food particles. Enzymes and other biochemicals then have more area on which to work, and the food is broken down into nutrients more efficiently.

生理上的迷恋食物就会想念吃甜食或者咸的食物,心理上迷恋食物就会想吃某哥具体食物,巧克力,薯片,冰激凌(冒一下头);这个我们经常体验到,周围朋友通常会说,想吃咸的啦,辣的啦,都是生理上的贪食;很多人去旅行,就会说我一定要吃某种当地的食物,心理上的渴望。没啥对错,只是客观自己审视一下,真实是什么!A craving that is a biological need comes in the form of a desire for a particular taste that may be lacking in your diet; sweet and salty are the most common. A craving that is a psychological desire comes in the form of wanting a specific food, such as choco- late, pastry, potato chips, or ice cream.

你可能感兴趣的:(万年积累健康智慧总结给你!吃是生存需要但每个人都吃错了!-Healthy&Happy 22)