经济学人精读 [65] The Economist | On their bikes

经济学人精读 The Economist [65]

选自 | January 27 2018 | Finance and Economics | 财经板块







Poverty and migration[贫困与迁徙]

On their bikes[在他们的脚踏车上][读完全文后更好理解题目]

One way to alleviate rural poverty is to nudge people into cities[减轻农村贫困的一种途径是将人们推向城市

o  One way to do…is to do…

BESIDES shoes and shrimp, Bangladesh exports poverty cures[除了鞋和虾,孟加拉国还出口解决贫困的方法]. Microfinance[小额信贷]was developed there in the late1970s before spreading[20世纪70年代晚期,小额信贷在传开之前,是从这里发展起来的]. In 2002 BRAC, a charity, started giving[提供,赠与,给予]assets such as cows (and training in how to manage them) to desperately poor women[2002年,一个慈善机构BRAC开始向极度贫困的妇女提供财产,比如奶牛(并培训她们如何管理它们)]. That approach has spread, too[这种方法也传开了]. The latest poverty remedy[疗法]to emerge from Bangladesh is different: it targets men, and rather than trying to make people more productive in their villages, it encourages them to move[在孟加拉国出现的最新的贫困疗法有所不同:将男人作为目标,并鼓励他们迁移,而不是尝试在村庄让人们提高生产力]. 

o  Cure:解决方法,对策;remedy:疗法,补救办法,纠正办法

o  Rather than doing…, it does …

In Rangpur, a northern district, agricultural labourers endure an annual hunger in the autumn, known asmonga[在一个北部地区朗布尔,务农劳动者每年秋天都会遭受饥荒,被称为monga]. The rice crop has been planted but is not ready to harvest, so work is scarce[水稻已经种好了,但是还没有准备好收割,因此,工作是稀缺的]. Jobs abound in the cities, but poor farmers are loth to[不愿意做…]use their dwindling savings on a bus ticket[工作都聚集在城市,但是贫困农民不愿意将他们微薄的存款花在汽车票上]. It is a good example of a poverty trap[这是贫困陷阱的一个很好的例子]. 

o  Be loth to do sth…不愿做…不情愿做…

o  Use dwindling savingon a bus ticket

o  It is a good example of…

So, for the past ten years, researchers led by Mushfiq Mobarak, an economist at Yale University, have tried offering cash to poor households so long as somebody moves to a city to look for work[因此,在过去的十年,由耶鲁大学经济学家Mushfiq Mobarak 领导的研究人员已经尝试向贫困户提供现金,只要有人搬到城市找工作]. The effects of this intervention have been measured through randomised controlledtrials[随机对照试验], including a large one, covering133 villages, which began in 2014[这种干预的效果是通过随机对照试验来衡量的,包括一个从2014年开始的覆盖133的村庄的对照组]. They turn out to be strong[最终发现效果明显]. 

o  As/so long as只要,如果

o  Turn out to/that…最终发现,最终成为

Predictably, money encourages movement[不出所料,钱可以刺激迁徙]. In villages where no cash was offered,34% of poor households sent a migrant to a city duringmonga[在没有提供钱的村庄,有34%的贫困户在monga期间派一人迁到城市]. In those where a few households were offered grants of 1,000 taka (about $12), 59% of them sent someone to acity[在那些给一些贫困户提供了1000塔卡(大约12美元)的村庄,有59%的家庭派人去了城市]. But in villages where most poor households were offered cash, fully 74% of those approached sent a migrant[但是,在那些给绝大多数贫困户提供了现金的村庄,有74%的家庭都派出了移居者]. That suggests a snowball effect: if lots migrate, the hesitant may follow[这表明了一个滚雪球效应:如果有大量的移居者,犹豫不决的人可能会跟随]. 

Household income rises, largely because men are able to work more hours each day[家庭收入增加,绝大部分是因为男人每天能够工作的小时数更多]. Sree Jotin, an agricultural labourer with a small plot of his own in Rangpur, reckons that he earns about 250 taka a day in the fields[在朗布尔拥有一小块自己的地的务农者Sree Jotin估计,他每天在地里能大概挣到250塔卡]. In Dhaka, where he worked as a cycle-rickshaw[人力三轮车]driver last November and December, he pulls in about 700[去年11月和12月,他在达卡作一名人力三轮车车夫,挣到了大概700塔卡]. He pays 100 taka to rent a rickshaw and 110 for food, but makes far more than he could at home (he sleeps in a corner of the garage, so has no housing costs)[他花100塔卡租人力三轮车,110塔卡买食物,但是远比他在家挣得多(他睡在车库的角落里,因此没有住宿花费)]. Though he believes Dhaka’s filthy[肮脏的]air is damaging his health, he is glad he moved[尽管,他认为达卡空气污染对他的健康有害,但是他很高兴他迁移到城市]. 

Village life is profoundly affected, and not just because more men are sending money home[乡村生活受到了深远的影响,并且不仅仅是因为更多的男人开始向家里汇钱]. With so many workers absent, agricultural wages rise[随着众多工人空缺,务农工资提高]. Oddly[出乎意料地], households that are encouraged to send somebody to a city end up earning slightly more from rural work than households in the control villages[出乎意料的是,那些被鼓励派人到城市的家庭挣得的钱最终比对照村庄家庭做农活挣得的钱仅多一点点]. Many men shuttle between country and town, working where they can[很多男人在乡下和城市之间穿梭往返,在他们能工作的地方工作]. Researchers are now trying to work out whether urban economies have been affected[研究人员现在正在尝试弄清楚城市经济是否被影响]. Fully 140,000 villagers were helped to move in 2017[2017年,总共14万村民被帮助迁移]. Such a large wave could have depressed[降低,减少]pay for unskilled work in the cities[这样大规模的迁移可能会对减少城市非技术工作的薪水]. 

o  Shuttle between…and…在…和…之间穿梭往返

o  Work out解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂;锻炼

o  Depress降低,减少

Could the same approach work elsewhere[相同的方法在其他地方起作用吗]? Mr Mobarak points out that Bangladesh is unusually homogeneous for such a populous country[Mobarak先生指出对于这样一个人口大国,孟加拉国有着不寻常的同类特征]. As a result, villagers can move around easily[因此,村名能够很容易地迁移]. It has several competent[有能力的,能干的]charities, including one called RDRS, which handed out the money in Rangpur[它拥有一些有能力的慈善机构,包括一个叫RDRS的机构,在朗布尔发放资金]. The government does little to curtail urban migration[政府很少限制城市迁移]. Other countries where Mr Mobarakis trying to launch similar programmes may prove tougher[在其他国家,Mobarak先生尝试去启动相似的项目,可能会为更加困难]. A trial has begun in West Timor, inIndonesia[试验已经在印度尼西亚西帝汶开始]. After that, all going well, comes China[在那之后,如果一些顺利的话,将在中国试验]. 



Feb 08 | 582 words





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