


Picking up fungus wearing a straw cape






In my hometown, the villagers use the name fungus to call mushrooms.


On rainy days, especially after several days of continuous rain, many mushrooms show up in the wild. This is the time when our children wear adult’s straw capes, bamboo hats and large rain boots and go in groups up the mountains to pick up the fungus.


According to the classification made by the scientists, mushrooms are divided into 1 taxonomy, 2 kingdoms, 5 phyliums, 12 classes, 14 subclasses, 800 sections, 1400 families and 8500 genuses, a total of about 36,000 species.

按照美食家的说法,蘑菇营养丰富,能美容养颜,富含人体必需氨基酸、矿物质、维生素和多糖等营养成分,是一种高蛋白、低脂肪的营养保健食品,而且还含有抗癌或其他药用 成分,如香菇、双孢蘑菇、蜜环菌等,癌症患者多吃香菇能抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。

According to the food conoisseurs, mushrooms are good for beauty and are rich in nutrients such as essential amino acid, minerals, vitamins, and polysaccharides. They are a high protein, low fat, nutritional health food, also containing anticancer or other medical substances. It's useful to eat more mushrooms, such as Shiitake Mushrooms, AgaricusBisporus, Armillaria mellea, and so on, especially by cancer patients to inhibit the growth of tumor cells.


Except for sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, mushrooms have a sixth flavor -- fresh. When they are cooked with other food, the flavor is excellent and it’s a good "fresh flavor provider".


In China there are more than 1000 kinds of edible mushrooms and 400 kinds of poisonous mushrooms known. Among them, there are more than 40 kinds of mushrooms that are highly toxic to human beings. Many poisonous mushrooms have the same appearance as edible mushrooms, such as RussulaVinosa and RussulaEmetica, which are easily confused by a naked eye.

树林是所有蘑菇生长地中产量最高的地方,由于树种的不同,产量也不同,形态和种类也不同。在林缘地区,常常有成片的杂木林和灌木丛,它们也是蘑菇们的理想地方,这里生 长的蘑菇采集起来最为容易。

The forest is the most productive place in all of the mushroom growing fields. Due to variety of spieces, the mushroom yield is different, as well as the shape and variety. In the forest edge area, there are often mixed forests and bushes, which are ideal places for mushrooms, and mushrooms growing there are the easiest ones to collect.

分辨蘑菇有毒还是无毒,常用的有几种方法:比如可食用的无毒蘑菇多生长在清洁的草地或松树、栎树上,有毒蘑菇往往生长在阴暗、潮湿的肮脏地带。无毒的菌盖较平,表面平 滑,菌面上无菌环,下部无菌托,有毒的菌盖中央呈凸状,形状怪异,菌面厚实板硬,菌柄上有菌环,菌柄细长或粗长,易折断,下部有菌托。毒蘑菇虫蚁不食,有虫子取食痕迹 的蘑菇是无毒的。

There are several ways to tell whether a mushroom is poisonous or not. For example, edible, non-poisonous mushrooms will grow on clean grass, on pine trees or oak trees, while poisonous mushrooms tend to grow in dark, damp and dirty areas. A non-toxic mushroom cover is flat, the surface is smooth, with no ring on the surface and no sheath in the lower part. A toxic mushroom cover has a convex shape in the center, usually a strange shape, a thick, hard plate on the surface, gills underneath the cover which are always long or thick and long, a bottom easy to break, and a sheath the in the lower part. Insects and ants won't eat toadstools, therefore if there are traces of insect bites, the mushroom is non-toxic.


The fresh picked, wild mushrooms are torn off the strain, and the non-toxic secretion is as clear as water (white in some cases), the color of the fungus surface is unchanged. The toxic secretion is thick and russet, and discolored easily in the air after being torn off. Non-toxic mushrooms have a special fragrance and poisonous mushrooms have strange odors, such as spicy, sour, and sinful.


When picking wild mushrooms, you can use an onion on the top of the mushroom. If onion turns brown, it proves the mushroom is toxic, otherwise it’s non-toxic.

在煮野蘑菇时,放几根灯芯草,些许大蒜、大米或银器同煮,蘑菇煮熟,灯芯草变成青绿色或紫绿色则有毒,变黄者无毒;大蒜、大米或银器变色有毒,没变色仍保持本色则无毒 。

When cooking wild mushrooms, place some rushes, some garlic, rice or silverware, and cook them altogether. If the rushes turn green or purple-green, it's toxic, but if yellow then it’s non-toxic. If the color of the garlic, rice or silverware will change, it's toxic, but it’s non-toxic if their original color remained.


Take the suspicious mushroom that you have collected or bought, take out the juice and use some paper and let it be soaked with the juice. Then add a drop of dilute hydrochloric acid or white vinegar to the paper. If the paper turns red or blue, the mushroom is toxic.


On the barren red soil hills, most mushrooms are soft. We call them the nose mushrooms, and they are specially picked up for feeding pigs.


The Monastery people know a secret: Mushrooms are highly antioxidant which can effectively slow the aging process.



Axe,  published: Prose poetry collection "Waiting for you" , Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House; Prose poetry collection "Principal in debt",  The Hong Kong commercial press (HKPC); A short and medium story collection, "The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "Invisible bodyguard", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "The first marriage of brother Qian," and published by the China Federation of Literary Unions ...


Hi there! I’m Michael. Big fan of China, its culture and cuisine. Made a choice in 2017 to pack my things and come here from Europe. I love traveling, jogging and listening to music. 
