瘦肉–ScalerTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day91 20190311


For years, villagers believed that Endley Farm was hunted. The farm was owned by two brothers, Joe and Bob Cox. They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long. Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story. Farm labourers said that they always woke up to find that work had been done overnight. Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned. A farm worker, who stayed up all night claimed to have seen a figure cutting corn in the moonlight. In time, it became an accepted fact the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.

  No one suspected that there might be someone else on the farm who had never been seen. This was indeed the case. A short time ago, villagers were astonished to learn that the ghost of Endley had died. Everyone went to the funeral, for the 'ghost' was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man. After the funeral, Joe and Bob revealed a secret which they had kept for over fifty years.

音标:ɛl30-1:ðə dɛθ ɒv ə gəʊst

fɔː jɪəz, ˈvɪlɪʤəz bɪˈliːvd ðæt Endley fɑːm wɒz ˈhʌntɪd. ðə fɑːm wɒz əʊnd baɪ tuː ˈbrʌðəz, ˈʤəʊ ænd bɒb kɒks. ðeɪ ɪmˈplɔɪd ə fjuː ˈfɑːmhændz, bʌt nəʊ wʌn wɒz ˈwɪlɪŋ tuː wɜːk ðeə lɒŋ. ˈɛvri taɪm ə ˈwɜːkə geɪv ʌp hɪz ʤɒb, hiː təʊld ðə seɪm ˈstɔːri. fɑːm ˈleɪbərəz sɛd ðæt ðeɪ ˈɔːlweɪz wəʊk ʌp tuː faɪnd ðæt wɜːk hæd biːn dʌn ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt. heɪ hæd biːn kʌt ænd ˈkaʊʃɛdz hæd biːn kliːnd. ə fɑːm ˈwɜːkə, huː steɪd ʌp ɔːl naɪt kleɪmd tuː hæv siːn ə ˈfɪgə ˈkʌtɪŋ kɔːn ɪn ðə ˈmuːnlaɪt. ɪn taɪm, ɪt bɪˈkeɪm ən əkˈsɛptɪd fækt ðə kɒks ˈbrʌðəz ɪmˈplɔɪd ə ˌkɒnʃɪˈɛnʃəs gəʊst ðæt dɪd məʊst ɒv ðeə wɜːk fɔː ðɛm.

nəʊ wʌn səsˈpɛktɪd ðæt ðeə maɪt biː ˈsʌmwʌn ɛls ɒn ðə fɑːm huː hæd ˈnɛvə biːn siːn. ðɪs wɒz ɪnˈdiːd ðə keɪs. ə ʃɔːt taɪm əˈgəʊ, ˈvɪlɪʤəz wɜːr əsˈtɒnɪʃt tuː lɜːn ðæt ðə gəʊst ɒv Endley hæd daɪd. ˈɛvrɪwʌn wɛnt tuː ðə ˈfjuːnərəl, fɔː ðə gəʊst wɒz nʌn ˈʌðə ðæn ˈɛrɪk kɒks, ə θɜːd ˈbrʌðə huː wɒz səˈpəʊzd tuː hæv daɪd æz ə jʌŋ mæn. ˈɑːftə ðə ˈfjuːnərəl, ˈʤəʊ ænd bɒb rɪˈviːld ə ˈsiːkrɪt wɪʧ ðeɪ hæd kɛpt fɔːr ˈəʊvə ˈfɪfti jɪəz.



2. overnight/ˌəʊvəˈnaɪt/一夜期间


瘦肉–ScalerTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day91 20190311_第1张图片




every time 作“每当……”引导时间状语从句

stay up 熬夜

练习感悟:1.看似简单的一篇文,还是花了1h多才读顺,重点是was  none other than Eric Cox这里的连读总是卡壳,来来回回依旧是蹦单词的读法,好在存在一些读感。总之不断向前不断思考适合自己的学习方式。


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