Better late than never

接触社会后才知道英语有多重要,本人现在处于实习阶段,是个美小护,临床上接触的老师学历都不怎么高,但是大家却各自身怀绝技,如画画,歌唱,跳舞,等在科室都有代表人物,有的老师英语真的棒棒哒,特别羡慕,自己虽然一直在学,但是独自学效果肯定不如大家一起来嘛!独乐乐不如众乐乐嘛!哈哈,想每天坚持写点英语文章!写的肯定有瑕疵,但是Better late than neve今天背了一段写作文特别棒的句子

In summary.despite of the social and environmental challenges facing us, we should have the aboundant confidence in our ability to address such problems. Firstly ,it is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be  introduceed and enforced to harness and curb this urgent problems.Secondly ,it is high time that the campaign was initiated by authoritise to raise people's awareness of this. grim reality.with our shared efforts ,it is only be a matter of time before the problems  becomes things of the past ,I firmly believe.

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