巴斯克维尔的猎犬 The Hound of the Baskervilles



巴斯克维尔的猎犬 The Hound of the Baskervilles_第1张图片
巴斯克维尔的猎犬 The Hound of the Baskervilles

作者:阿瑟·柯南·道尔 (Arthur Conan Doyle) [英国]

        在福尔摩斯的巧妙安排之下,他的忠实搭档华生医生陪伴亨利爵士回到巴斯克维尔庄园。 在巴斯克维尔庄园期间,华生医生接二连三地遇到了种种怪异之事,如半夜时分女人凄惨的哭声,管家白瑞摩夜间可疑的举动,还有他后来发现的一封查尔斯爵士死前未被完全烧毁的信件的碎片,等等。这诸多的疑团使他如坠入云雾之中。他决定开始深入虎穴探听虚实。

巴斯克维尔的猎犬 The Hound of the Baskervilles_第2张图片

第一章: 这宗案件开始了

The September sun was shining brightly into the windows of 221B Baker Street, and London was enjoying a beautiful late summer. I had finished my breakfast and was reading the newspaper. As usual, Holmes had got up late, and was still eating. We were expecting a visitor at half past ten, and I wondered whether Holmes would finish his breakfast before our visitor arrived.


Holmes was in no hurry. He was reading once again a letter he had received three days ago. It was from Dr James Mortimer, who asked for an appointment with Holmes.


"Well, Watson," Holmes said to me, "I'm afraid that a doctor from Devonshire won't bring us anything of real interest. His letter doesn't tell us anything about his business though he says it's very important. I hope we can help him."


At exactly half past ten there was a knock on our front door.


"Good," said Holmes. "Dr Mortimer is clearly a man who will not waste our time."


We stood up as our visitor was brought into the room.


"Good morning, gentlemen," he said. "I'm Dr James Mortimer, from Grimpen in Devonshire, and I think you must be Mr Sherlock Holmes." He shook hands with Holmes, who said:


"How do you do, Dr Mortimer? May I introduce my good friend, Dr John Watson, who helps me with my cases. I hope you will allow him to listen to our conversation."


"Of course," said Mortimer, as he turned to me and shook hands. "I need your help very badly, Mr Holmes. If it will be useful for Dr Watson to hear what I have to say, please let him stay and listen."


Mortimer did not look like a country doctor. He was very tall and thin. He had a long thin nose. His grey eyes were bright, and he wore gold glasses. His coat and trousers were old and worn. His face was young, but his shoulders were bent like an old man's and his head was pushed forward. He took some papers from his pocket, and said:


"Mr Holmes, I need your help and advice. Something very strange and frightening has been happening."


"Sit down, Dr Mortimer," said Holmes, "and tell us your problem. I'll help you if I can."


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