

The Singularity is Near / 《奇点临近》
作者:Ray Kurzweil
初版时间:Originally published in 2005



Chapter 1 The Six Epochs

  • The Intuitive Linear View Versus the Historical Exponential View
  • The Six Epochs
    • Epoch 1: Physics and Chemistry.
    • Epoch 2: Biology and DNA.
    • Epoch 3: Brains.
    • Epoch 4: Technology.
    • Epoch 5: The Merger of Human Technology with Human Intelligence.
    • Epoch 6: The Universe Wakes Up.


  • 指数增长/exponential growth:如果用指数增长的角度看,Kurzweil认为很多目前不可能的事情在未来都有可能发生。他成书的时候还没有AlphaGo给大众科普AI,现在大家都明了了AI以及其他科技的潜力。
  • Kurzweil用exponential growth的角度看,奇点会出现在2045年前后。
  • Epoch 5 也就是 Epoch 3 中的brains性能和 Epoch 4 中的 technology性能达到平衡后的产物。一旦两者平衡了,又会产生出何种混合的新事物?按照Kurzweil的推算,我们有生之年可以得见。

Chapter 2 A Theory of Technology Evolution

  • The Law of Accelerating Returns
  • The Nature of Order.
  • The Life Cycle of a Paradigm.
  • Fractal Designs.
  • Farsighted Evolution.
  • The S-Curve of a Technology as Expressed in Its Life Cycle
    • The Life Cycle of a Technology.
    • From Goat Skins to Downloads.
  • Moore's Law and Beyond
    • Moore's Law: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
    • The Fifth Paradigm.
    • Fractal Dimensions and the Brain.
  • DNA Sequencing, Memory, Communications, the Internet, and Miniaturization
    • Information, Order, and Evolution: The Insights from Wolfram and Fredkin's Cellular Automata.
    • Can We Evolve Artificial Intelligence from Simple Rules?
  • The Singularity as Economic Imperative
    • Get Eighty Trillion Dollars—Limited Time Only.
    • Deflation ... a Bad Thing?


  • Accelerating returns即是指慢—快—慢的这种循环往复的S curve
  • Fractal theory / 分形理论:「复杂」只不过是「简单」的多重叠加。
  • 科技、技术进步,市场更加公平公开透明,这些条件引发的deflation/通缩并不一定是坏事。

Chapter 3 Achieving the Computational Capacity of the Human Brain

  • The Sixth Paradigm of Computing Technology: Three-Dimensional Molecular Computing and Emerging Computational Technologies
  • The Bridge to 3-D Molecular Computing.
  • Nanotubes Are Still the Best Bet.
  • Computing with Molecules.
  • Self-Assembly.
  • Emulating Biology.
  • Computing with DNA.
  • Computing with Spin.
  • Computing with Light.
  • Quantum Computing.
  • The Computational Capacity of the Human Brain
  • Accelerating the Availability of Human-Level Personal Computing.
  • Human Memory Capacity.
  • The Limits of Computation
  • Reversible Computing.
  • How Smart Is a Rock?
  • The Limits of Nanocomputing.
  • Setting a Date for the Singularity.
  • Memory and Computational Efficiency: A Rock Versus a Human Brain.
  • Going Beyond the Ultimate: Pico- and Femtotechnology and Bending the Speed of Light.
  • Going Back in Time.


  • 作者简略介绍了计算机技术的sixth paradigm(我们现在是fifth paradigm),6th涉及到诸多前沿科技。一旦这种底层的计算机技术借助前沿科技产生质的突破,计算机的性能亦会大幅提高。
  • 人脑其实也是一种机器,有其计算能力的极限、存储容量的极限。计算机计算性能达到人脑完全可能。
  • 关于计算机的发展局限,作者是很乐观的。总结下来基本就是局限是暂时的,方法是可见的,打破局限只是时间上的问题。

