iai_kinect2 和 libfreenect2的区别

iai_kinect2 is a collection of ROS nodes that build on-top of libfreenect2 to make the data (ie: point clouds) that a Kinect2 produces available through a set of publishers. In other words: Iai_kinect2 is a ROS driver for Kinect2. But it needs libfreenect2 to be able to communicate with the Kinect2 hardware.

For what OpenNI is, see wikipedia/OpenNI. In the context of ROS it's basically an alternative to libfreenect.

I have already installed libfreenect2. Do I also need to install iai_kinect2.

If you want to have point clouds, RGB and IR images from your Kinect2 published as ROS msgs, then yes: libfreenect2 is not enough. There may be alternative drivers, but I can't suggest one (iai_kinect2 has always worked well for me).

[..] iai_kinect2 [..] I am unable to install [..] properly?

If you are having trouble installing it, you could either post a question on this board, or (possibly better) open an issue over at code-iai/iai_kinect2/issues.






