还在为Linux下没有便捷的邮件程序苦恼,还在为复杂的邮件服务器架设Google N多网页? 对于小型,便捷的Linux下命令行邮件程序,sendEmail使得这一切变得轻松可行。一起来看看吧。
一、sendEmail介绍 SendEmail is a lightweight, command line SMTP email client. If you have the need to send email from a command line, this free program is perfect: simple to use and feature rich. It was designed to be used in bash scripts, batch files, Perl programs and web sites, but is quite adaptable and will likely meet your requirements. SendEmail is written in Perl and is unique in that it requires NO MODULES. It has an intuitive and flexible set of command-line options, making it very easy to learn and use. SendEmail is licensed under the GNU GPL, either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version. [Supported Platforms: Linux, BSD, OS X, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, & Windows XP] 总的来说sendEmail简单,轻量级,命令行,可伸缩,跨平台。二、下载与安装 下面的地址是sendEmail的下载及详细说明 http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/ 下面是安装描述,总共四个步骤就搞定。 ------------------ Installation ------------------ SendEmail is a perl script/program, and only needs to be copied to a directory in your path to make it accessible. Most likely the following steps will be sufficient: 1) Extract the package tar -zxvf sendEmail-v1.XX.tar.gz 2) Copy the sendEmail script to /usr/local/bin cp -a sendEmail-v1.XX/sendEmail /usr/local/bin 3) Make sure its executable chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sendEmail 4) Run it sendEmail or /usr/local/bin/sendEmail三、用法 直接输入sendEmail,将出现该工具的用法介绍,如下所示。由于用法也简单明了,因此不一一解释 robin@SZDB:~/dba_scripts/sendEmail-v1.56> ./sendEmail sendEmail-1.56 by Brandon Zehm Synopsis: sendEmail -f ADDRESS [options] Required: -f ADDRESS from (sender) email address * At least one recipient required via -t, -cc, or -bcc * Message body required via -m, STDIN, or -o message-file=FILE Common: -t ADDRESS [ADDR ...] to email address(es) -u SUBJECT message subject -m MESSAGE message body -s SERVER[:PORT] smtp mail relay, default is localhost:25 Optional: -a FILE [FILE ...] file attachment(s) -cc ADDRESS [ADDR ...] cc email address(es) -bcc ADDRESS [ADDR ...] bcc email address(es) -xu USERNAME username for SMTP authentication -xp PASSWORD password for SMTP authentication Paranormal: -b BINDADDR[:PORT] local host bind address -l LOGFILE log to the specified file -v verbosity, use multiple times for greater effect -q be quiet (i.e. no STDOUT output) -o NAME=VALUE advanced options, for details try: --help misc -o message-content-type= -o message-file=FILE -o message-format=raw -o message-header=HEADER -o message-charset=CHARSET -o reply-to=ADDRESS -o timeout=SECONDS -o username=USERNAME -o password=PASSWORD -o tls= -o fqdn=FQDN Help: --help the helpful overview you're reading now --help addressing explain addressing and related options --help message explain message body input and related options --help networking explain -s, -b, etc --help output explain logging and other output options --help misc explain -o options, TLS, SMTP auth, and more 查看详细的帮助文件,如下方式: ./sendEmail --help addressing ./sendEmail --help message四、示例 #发送者使用任意的邮箱方式发送邮件 robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t [email protected] \ > -u "Test Mail" \ > -m "This is a test mail from Robinson" Dec 18 14:10:23 szdb sendEmail[18494]: Email was sent successfully! #发送者使用一个真实存在的互联网邮件服务器来发送邮件 robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t [email protected] \ > -u "Test Mail" \ > -s smtp.163.com \ > -xu jackson \ > -xp temp_000 \ > -m "This is test mail from Robinson" Dec 18 14:13:24 szdb sendEmail[18500]: Email was sent successfully! 发送给多个邮件接收人 robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t "Robinson cheng " [email protected] \ > -u "Send email to mutiple people" \ > -m "This is a test mail" Dec 18 14:24:57 szdb sendEmail[18537]: Email was sent successfully! 使用抄送,密送接收人 robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t "Robinson cheng " \ > -cc [email protected] \ > -bcc [email protected] \ > -u "Test mail " \ > -m "This is a test mail" 发送带有附件的邮件 robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t "Robinson cheng " \ > -cc [email protected] \ > -u "Test mail with multi attached" \ > -m "This is a test mail with multi attached" \ > -a /users/robin/addmrpt_1_11584_11649.txt "/users/robin/Temp log" Dec 18 14:43:35 szdb sendEmail[18664]: Email was sent successfully! #使用文件内容作为邮件的body robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t "Robinson cheng " \ > -u "Test mail and the body from file contents" \ > -o message-file=/users/robin/addmrpt_1_11584_11649.txt Dec 18 14:50:39 szdb sendEmail[18715]: Email was sent successfully! robin@SZDB:~> cat addmrpt_1_11584_11649.txt | sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t "Robinson cheng " \ > -u "Test mail and the body from file contents" Reading message body from STDIN because the ' -m' option was not used. If you are manually typing in a message: - First line must be received within 60 seconds. - End manual input with a CTRL-D on its own line. Dec 18 14:47:31 szdb sendEmail[18709]: Message input complete. Dec 18 14:47:31 szdb sendEmail[18709]: Email was sent successfully! #发送邮件时读取html文件内容作为body robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t "Robinson cheng " \ > -u "HTML test mail" \ > -o message-file=/users/robin/CNMMBO_awrrpt_1_20121218.html Dec 18 14:54:07 szdb sendEmail[18721]: Email was sent successfully! #Author :Robinson #Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/robinson_0612 #发送html邮件 robin@SZDB:~> sendEmail -f [email protected] \ > -t [email protected] \ > -u "This is an html test mail" \ > -o message-content-type=html \ > -m "The body is html format" Dec 18 15:19:36 szdb sendEmail[18883]: Email was sent successfully!
有关Oracle RAC请参考
RAC 数据库的启动与关闭
再说 Oracle RAC services
Services in Oracle Database 10g
Migrate datbase from single instance to Oracle RAC
Oracle RAC 连接到指定实例
Oracle RAC 负载均衡测试(结合服务器端与客户端)
Oracle RAC 服务器端连接负载均衡(Load Balance)
Oracle RAC 客户端连接负载均衡(Load Balance)
ORACLE RAC 下非缺省端口监听配置(listener.ora tnsnames.ora)
ORACLE RAC 监听配置 (listener.ora tnsnames.ora)
配置 RAC 负载均衡与故障转移
CRS-1006 , CRS-0215 故障一例
基于Linux (RHEL 5.5) 安装Oracle 10g RAC
使用 runcluvfy 校验Oracle RAC安装环境
有关Oracle 网络配置相关基础以及概念性的问题请参考:
Oracle 监听器日志配置与管理
设置 Oracle 监听器密码(LISTENER)
配置ORACLE 客户端连接到数据库
Oracle 冷备份
Oracle 热备份
Oracle 备份恢复概念
Oracle 实例恢复
Oracle 基于用户管理恢复的处理
SYSTEM 表空间管理及备份恢复
Oracle 基于备份控制文件的恢复(unsing backup controlfile)
RMAN 概述及其体系结构
RMAN 配置、监控与管理
RMAN 备份详解
RMAN 还原与恢复
RMAN catalog 的创建和使用
基于catalog 创建RMAN存储脚本
基于catalog 的RMAN 备份与恢复
RMAN 备份路径困惑
linux 下RMAN备份shell脚本
Oracle 表空间与数据文件
Oracle 密码文件
Oracle 参数文件
Oracle 联机重做日志文件(ONLINE LOG FILE)
Oracle 控制文件(CONTROLFILE)
Oracle 归档日志
Oracle 回滚(ROLLBACK)和撤销(UNDO)
Oracle 数据库实例启动关闭过程
Oracle 10g SGA 的自动化管理
Oracle 实例和Oracle数据库(Oracle体系结构)
撤销:Ctrl/Command + Z
重做:Ctrl/Command + Y
加粗:Ctrl/Command + B
斜体:Ctrl/Command + I
标题:Ctrl/Command + Shift + H
无序列表:Ctrl/Command + Shift + U
有序列表:Ctrl/Command + Shift + O
检查列表:Ctrl/Command + Shift + C
插入代码:Ctrl/Command + Shift + K
插入链接:Ctrl/Command + Shift + L
插入图片:Ctrl/Command + Shift + G
强调文本 强调文本
加粗文本 加粗文本
H2O is是液体。
210 运算结果是 1024.
链接: link.
去博客设置页面,选择一款你喜欢的代码片高亮样式,下面展示同样高亮的 代码片
// An highlighted block var foo = 'bar';
项目 | Value |
电脑 | $1600 |
手机 | $12 |
导管 | $1 |
第一列 | 第二列 | 第三列 |
第一列文本居中 | 第二列文本居右 | 第三列文本居左 |
Single backticks | 'Isn't this fun?' |
‘Isn’t this fun?’ |
Quotes | "Isn't this fun?" |
“Isn’t this fun?” |
Dashes | -- is en-dash, --- is em-dash |
– is en-dash, — is em-dash |
Markdown将文本转换为 HTML。
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Gamma公式展示 Γ ( n ) = ( n − 1 ) ! ∀ n ∈ N \Gamma(n) = (n-1)!\quad\forall n\in\mathbb N Γ(n)=(n−1)!∀n∈N 是通过欧拉积分
Γ ( z ) = ∫ 0 ∞ t z − 1 e − t d t   . \Gamma(z) = \int_0^\infty t^{z-1}e^{-t}dt\,. Γ(z)=∫0∞tz−1e−tdt.
你可以找到更多关于的信息 LaTeX 数学表达式here.
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid
section 现有任务
已完成 :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
进行中 :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
计划一 : des3, after des2, 5d
计划二 : des4, after des3, 5d
可以使用UML图表进行渲染。 Mermaid. 例如下面产生的一个序列图::
如果你想尝试使用此编辑器, 你可以在此篇文章任意编辑。当你完成了一篇文章的写作, 在上方工具栏找到 文章导出 ,生成一个.md文件或者.html文件进行本地保存。
mermaid语法说明 ↩︎
注脚的解释 ↩︎