Reinforcement Learning: an introduction 编程笔记——第二章

本博文讲的是Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction第二版,这本书的第二章节关于multi-armed bandits algorithm的python代码实现。整本书的代码实现在github上有,比较官方:。当我第一次看到这个代码的时候,感觉读起来有点晦涩,虽然整个代码看起来很工整,但是仔细分析一下逻辑关系会发现代码之间的耦合太多了,当然,我这里只是说第二章的代码,其他章节的代码还没看过。该链接中提供的第二章的代码如下:

# Copyright (C)                                                       #
# 2016 Shangtong Zhang([email protected])                  #
# 2016 Tian Jun([email protected])                                #
# 2016 Artem Oboturov([email protected])                             #
# 2016 Kenta Shimada([email protected])                         #
# Permission given to modify the code as long as you keep this        #
# declaration at the top                                              #

from __future__ import print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

class Bandit:
    # @kArm: # of arms
    # @epsilon: probability for exploration in epsilon-greedy algorithm
    # @initial: initial estimation for each action
    # @stepSize: constant step size for updating estimations
    # @sampleAverages: if True, use sample averages to update estimations instead of constant step size
    # @UCB: if not None, use UCB algorithm to select action
    # @gradient: if True, use gradient based bandit algorithm
    # @gradientBaseline: if True, use average reward as baseline for gradient based bandit algorithm
    def __init__(self, kArm=10, epsilon=0., initial=0., stepSize=0.1, sampleAverages=False, UCBParam=None,
                 gradient=False, gradientBaseline=False, trueReward=0.):
        self.k = kArm
        self.stepSize = stepSize
        self.sampleAverages = sampleAverages
        self.indices = np.arange(self.k)
        self.time = 0
        self.UCBParam = UCBParam
        self.gradient = gradient
        self.gradientBaseline = gradientBaseline
        self.averageReward = 0
        self.trueReward = trueReward

        # real reward for each action
        self.qTrue = []

        # estimation for each action
        self.qEst = np.zeros(self.k)

        # # of chosen times for each action
        self.actionCount = []

        self.epsilon = epsilon

        # initialize real rewards with N(0,1) distribution and estimations with desired initial value
        for i in range(0, self.k):
            self.qTrue.append(np.random.randn() + trueReward)
            self.qEst[i] = initial

        self.bestAction = np.argmax(self.qTrue)

    # get an action for this bandit, explore or exploit?
    def getAction(self):
        # explore
        if self.epsilon > 0:
            if np.random.binomial(1, self.epsilon) == 1:
                return np.random.choice(self.indices)

        # exploit
        if self.UCBParam is not None:
            UCBEst = self.qEst + \
                     self.UCBParam * np.sqrt(np.log(self.time + 1) / (np.asarray(self.actionCount) + 1))
            return np.argmax(UCBEst)
        if self.gradient:
            expEst = np.exp(self.qEst)
            self.actionProb = expEst / np.sum(expEst)
            return np.random.choice(self.indices, p=self.actionProb)
        return np.argmax(self.qEst)

    # take an action, update estimation for this action
    def takeAction(self, action):
        # generate the reward under N(real reward, 1)
        reward = np.random.randn() + self.qTrue[action]
        self.time += 1
        self.averageReward = (self.time - 1.0) / self.time * self.averageReward + reward / self.time
        self.actionCount[action] += 1

        if self.sampleAverages:
            # update estimation using sample averages
            self.qEst[action] += 1.0 / self.actionCount[action] * (reward - self.qEst[action])
        elif self.gradient:
            oneHot = np.zeros(self.k)
            oneHot[action] = 1
            if self.gradientBaseline:
                baseline = self.averageReward
                baseline = 0
            self.qEst = self.qEst + self.stepSize * (reward - baseline) * (oneHot - self.actionProb)
            # update estimation with constant step size
            self.qEst[action] += self.stepSize * (reward - self.qEst[action])
        return reward

figureIndex = 0

# for figure 2.1
def figure2_1():
    global figureIndex
    figureIndex += 1
    sns.violinplot(data=np.random.randn(200,10) + np.random.randn(10))
    plt.ylabel("Reward distribution")

def banditSimulation(nBandits, time, bandits):
    bestActionCounts = [np.zeros(time, dtype='float') for _ in range(0, len(bandits))]
    averageRewards = [np.zeros(time, dtype='float') for _ in range(0, len(bandits))]
    for banditInd, bandit in enumerate(bandits):
        for i in range(0, nBandits):
            for t in range(0, time):
                action = bandit[i].getAction()
                reward = bandit[i].takeAction(action)
                averageRewards[banditInd][t] += reward
                if action == bandit[i].bestAction:
                    bestActionCounts[banditInd][t] += 1
        bestActionCounts[banditInd] /= nBandits
        averageRewards[banditInd] /= nBandits
    return bestActionCounts, averageRewards

# for figure 2.2
def epsilonGreedy(nBandits, time):
    epsilons = [0, 0.1, 0.01]
    bandits = []
    for epsInd, eps in enumerate(epsilons):
        bandits.append([Bandit(epsilon=eps, sampleAverages=True) for _ in range(0, nBandits)])
    bestActionCounts, averageRewards = banditSimulation(nBandits, time, bandits)
    global figureIndex
    figureIndex += 1
    for eps, counts in zip(epsilons, bestActionCounts):
        plt.plot(counts, label='epsilon = '+str(eps))
    plt.ylabel('% optimal action')
    figureIndex += 1
    for eps, rewards in zip(epsilons, averageRewards):
        plt.plot(rewards, label='epsilon = '+str(eps))
    plt.ylabel('average reward')

# for figure 2.3
def optimisticInitialValues(nBandits, time):
    bandits = [[], []]
    bandits[0] = [Bandit(epsilon=0, initial=5, stepSize=0.1) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    bandits[1] = [Bandit(epsilon=0.1, initial=0, stepSize=0.1) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    bestActionCounts, _ = banditSimulation(nBandits, time, bandits)
    global figureIndex
    figureIndex += 1
    plt.plot(bestActionCounts[0], label='epsilon = 0, q = 5')
    plt.plot(bestActionCounts[1], label='epsilon = 0.1, q = 0')
    plt.ylabel('% optimal action')

# for figure 2.4
def ucb(nBandits, time):
    bandits = [[], []]
    bandits[0] = [Bandit(epsilon=0, stepSize=0.1, UCBParam=2) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    bandits[1] = [Bandit(epsilon=0.1, stepSize=0.1) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    _, averageRewards = banditSimulation(nBandits, time, bandits)
    global figureIndex
    figureIndex += 1
    plt.plot(averageRewards[0], label='UCB c = 2')
    plt.plot(averageRewards[1], label='epsilon greedy epsilon = 0.1')
    plt.ylabel('Average reward')

# for figure 2.5
def gradientBandit(nBandits, time):
    bandits =[[], [], [], []]
    bandits[0] = [Bandit(gradient=True, stepSize=0.1, gradientBaseline=True, trueReward=4) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    bandits[1] = [Bandit(gradient=True, stepSize=0.1, gradientBaseline=False, trueReward=4) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    bandits[2] = [Bandit(gradient=True, stepSize=0.4, gradientBaseline=True, trueReward=4) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    bandits[3] = [Bandit(gradient=True, stepSize=0.4, gradientBaseline=False, trueReward=4) for _ in range(0, nBandits)]
    bestActionCounts, _ = banditSimulation(nBandits, time, bandits)
    labels = ['alpha = 0.1, with baseline',
              'alpha = 0.1, without baseline',
              'alpha = 0.4, with baseline',
              'alpha = 0.4, without baseline']
    global figureIndex
    figureIndex += 1
    for i in range(0, len(bandits)):
        plt.plot(bestActionCounts[i], label=labels[i])
    plt.ylabel('% Optimal action')

# Figure 2.6
def figure2_6(nBandits, time):
    labels = ['epsilon-greedy', 'gradient bandit',
              'UCB', 'optimistic initialization']
    generators = [lambda epsilon: Bandit(epsilon=epsilon, sampleAverages=True),
                  lambda alpha: Bandit(gradient=True, stepSize=alpha, gradientBaseline=True),
                  lambda coef: Bandit(epsilon=0, stepSize=0.1, UCBParam=coef),
                  lambda initial: Bandit(epsilon=0, initial=initial, stepSize=0.1)]
    parameters = [np.arange(-7, -1, dtype=np.float),
                  np.arange(-5, 2, dtype=np.float),
                  np.arange(-4, 3, dtype=np.float),
                  np.arange(-2, 3, dtype=np.float)]

    bandits = [[generator(pow(2, param)) for _ in range(0, nBandits)] for generator, parameter in zip(generators, parameters) for param in parameter]
    _, averageRewards = banditSimulation(nBandits, time, bandits)
    rewards = np.sum(averageRewards, axis=1)/time

    global figureIndex
    figureIndex += 1
    i = 0
    for label, parameter in zip(labels, parameters):
        l = len(parameter)
        plt.plot(parameter, rewards[i:i+l], label=label)
        i += l
    plt.ylabel('Average reward')

epsilonGreedy(2000, 1000)
optimisticInitialValues(2000, 1000)
ucb(2000, 1000)
gradientBandit(2000, 1000)

# This will take somehow a long time
figure2_6(2000, 1000)


③交互的过程是(看simulation函数): 智能体选择并执行动作(chooseAction),环境根据动作产生激励信号(yieldReward),智能体根据反馈信号调整动作(updatePolicy)。上述不断循环,从而使得智能体的策略不断根据激励信号被优化。




# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C)                                                       #
# 2018 Dianye Huang ([email protected])
# Permission given to modify the code as long as you keep this        #
# declaration at the top                                              #

# 改程序参考github上的强化学习课程程序重新编写,逻辑更加清晰。编写环境和智能体两个类进行交互,将环境的信息
# 与智能体的信息隔离,使智能体成为单一的独立个体,并能够对智能体强化训练得到的参数复位,重新进行训练,以检
# 册算法的稳定性。

# stationary problem , 动作的价值是固定的,没有变化,而反馈给智能体的价值是夹杂了噪音的,需要通过多次行为来确定。
# bandit problem 是与当前状态没有关系的单步决策问题,不需要考虑上一时刻状态。动作作用于环境,然后直接获得reward
# non associative tasks, 动作的连续性和上下关联不大,

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# 环境部分 environment 负责接收动作action并反馈动作信息reward
class Bandit:
    def __init__(self, kArm=10, trueReward = 0):  # 设置相关初始变量
        self.kArm = kArm
        self.trueReward = trueReward  # 真实的每个动作对应的reward
        self.actionCount = 0  # 记录动作次数
        self.time = 0  # 记录运行时间
        # 根据输入的单一的反馈值,自动生成对于各个臂的反馈值,用于验证算法使用
        self.qTrue = []
        for i in range(0, self.kArm):

    def change(self):
        # 环境的改变即动作值的改变
        self.qTrue = []
        for i in range(0, self.kArm):

    def yieldReward(self, action): # 反馈奖励
        self.time += 1
        return np.random.randn() + self.qTrue[action]

    def getBestAction(self):  # 上帝视角的最优动作
        return int(np.argmax(self.qTrue))

    def getkArms(self):  # 环境参数配置输出,供agent使用,用于作为智能体表现性能的参照指标
        return self.kArm

    def getTime(self):
        return self.time

    def showqTrue(self, figureIndex):
        print('qTrue:', self.qTrue)
        sns.violinplot(data=self.qTrue + np.random.randn(200, 10))
        plt.ylabel("Reward distribution")

# 智能体部分 agent,他能够执行的功能包括 ①选择动作,②从环境中获取reward,③调整动作策略, ④学习参数复位
# 使用动作值估计的方法使收益最大化
class Agent:
    def __init__(self, actionNum=10, method='SampleAverages',paraList=None):
        self.time = 0
        self.actionNum = actionNum
        self.currenAction = None
        self.method = method
        if self.method == 'SampleAverages':
            # para[0]->epsilon
            self.epsilon = paraList[0]
            self.qEst = np.zeros(actionNum)  # 估计每个动作的值, Est->estimate
            self.actionCount = np.zeros(actionNum)
        elif self.method == 'Incremental':
            # para[0]->epsilon; para[1]->step size
            self.epsilon = paraList[0]
            self.stepSize = paraList[1]
            self.qEst = np.zeros(actionNum)  # 估计每个动作的值, Est->estimate
        elif self.method == 'OptimisticInitial':  # 参数1 步长,参数2 reward初始值
            # para[0]->epsilon; para[1]->step size; para[2]-> optimistic values
            self.epsilon = paraList[0]
            self.stepSize = paraList[1]
            self.optimisticValue = paraList[2]
            self.qEst = np.zeros(actionNum) + self.optimisticValue # 估计每个动作的值, Est->estimate
        elif self.method == 'UCB': # Upper Confidance Bound method, action-value + explaoration factor
            # para[0]->step size; para[1]->c
            self.stepSize = paraList[0] # params: stepSize, optimistic value and c(control the degree of exploration)
            self.c = paraList[1]
            self.qEst = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
            self.actionCount = np.zeros(actionNum)
        elif self.method == 'Gradient':
            self.sum = 0
            self.Ht = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
            self.alpha = paraList[0]
            self.baseLine = paraList[1]
            self.averageReward = 0
            self.actionProb = np.zeros(self.actionNum)

    def chooseAction(self):
        self.time += 1  # 每个时间步执行一个动作
        if self.method == 'SampleAverages' or self.method == 'Incremental' or self.method == 'OptimisticInitial':
            # 属于epsilon-greedy的策略,根据动作值进行动作的选择
            # explore \ epsilon probability for exploration
            if self.epsilon > 0:
                if np.random.binomial(1, self.epsilon) == 1:
                    self.currenAction = np.random.choice(self.actionNum)  # 随机返回一个动作
                    return self.currenAction
            # exploit -- greedy policy  1-epsilon probability for exploitation
            self.currenAction = int(np.argmax(self.qEst))  # 公式(2-2)的策略
        elif self.method == 'UCB':
            explrProb = self.c*np.sqrt(np.log(self.time)/(self.actionCount+1)) # 1 for the case of divided by zero
            self.currenAction = int(np.argmax(self.qEst+explrProb))
        elif self.method == 'Gradient':
            # 更新选择动作的概率
            expEst = np.exp(self.Ht)
            self.actionProb = expEst / np.sum(expEst)  # soft-max function 公式(2.9)
            self.currenAction = np.random.choice(self.actionNum, p=self.actionProb)
        return self.currenAction

    def updatePolicy(self, reward):
        # 更新动作值的估计, qEst_update
        if   self.method == 'SampleAverages':
            self.actionCount[self.currenAction] += 1  # 统计执行的动作
            self.qEst[self.currenAction] += 1.0/self.actionCount[self.currenAction]*(reward - self.qEst[self.currenAction])  # 利用迭代的方法,可以不用去累加Reward,做一个简单的推导即可 书本P21 公式(2.1)
        elif self.method == 'Incremental' or self.method == 'OptimisticInitial':
            self.qEst[self.currenAction] += self.stepSize*(reward-self.qEst[self.currenAction])  # exponential recency-weighted average
        elif self.method == 'UCB':  # optimistic initial values + incremental + ucb
            self.actionCount[self.currenAction] += 1
            self.qEst[self.currenAction] += self.stepSize * (reward - self.qEst[self.currenAction])
        elif self.method == 'Gradient':
            oneHot = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
            oneHot[self.currenAction] = 1
            if self.baseLine:
                self.averageReward += (reward - self.averageReward)/ float(self.time)  # 计算baseline期望均值
                self.Ht += self.alpha * (reward - self.averageReward) * (oneHot - self.actionProb)
                self.Ht += self.alpha * reward * (oneHot - self.actionProb)

    def reset(self):
        self.time = 0  # 重新复位策略后时间重新计算
        # 参数复位
        if self.method == 'SampleAverages':
            self.qEst = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
            self.actionCount = np.zeros(self.actionNum)  # numpy 包下的array数据类型的操作,python自带的列表类型无法使用
        elif self.method == 'Incremental':
            self.qEst = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
        elif self.method == 'OptimisticInitial':  # 参数1 步长,参数2 reward初始值
            self.qEst = np.zeros(self.actionNum) + self.optimisticValue # 估计每个动作的值, Est->estimate
        elif self.method == 'UCB':
            self.qEst = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
            self.actionCount = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
        elif self.method == 'Gradient':
            self.averageReward = 0
            self.Ht = np.zeros(self.actionNum)
            self.actionProb = np.zeros(self.actionNum)

    def savePolicy(self):

    def loadPolicy(self):

# 开始仿真 并 记录数据,整合连接智能体与环境之间的交互,记录交互数据的仿真函数
def simulation(env, player, nBandits, time):
    # 智能体表现指标记录变量
    bestCount = np.zeros(time)  # 最佳动作统计
    averageReward = np.zeros(time) # 平均反馈累加值
    # 开始进行n轮bandits, 每轮time个时间步
    for i in range(0, nBandits):
        env.change()  # 改变环境反馈的动作值,在一定范围内改变
        for t in range(time):
            # agent与环境交互和调整动作策略的过程
            action = player.chooseAction()      # player选择动作
            reward = env.yieldReward(action)    # 环境根据动作返回奖励
            player.updatePolicy(reward)         # player根据当前动作得到的reward调整策略,更新动作值
            # 统计记录策略调整的效果的响应指标
            averageReward[t] += reward
            if action == env.getBestAction():   # 当前的决策与环境最好的动作相等时,累计加1
                bestCount[t] += 1
        # 重置智能体策略,用于评估算法的稳定性
        player.reset()  # 从0到time 训练完毕后reset policy进行下一次的训练,查看训练效果,从而估计算法的平均性能
    # 求解平均性能
    averageReward /= nBandits
    bestCount /= nBandits
    return averageReward, bestCount

# 用于画图使用
# 画图主要画两种图,①平均奖励值, ②最优动作概率
class Plot:
    def __init__(self):

    def plotting(self, data, figureIndex, labelStr, xStr, yStr):
        plt.figure(figureIndex)  # 设置画图标号
        plt.plot(data, label=labelStr)  # 绘制数据图表,设置图标
        plt.xlabel(xStr)  # x轴标签
        plt.ylabel(yStr)  # y轴标签
        plt.legend()     # 打开图例

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 绘图对象实例化
    plot = Plot()

    # 交互对象实例化
    env = Bandit(10, 4)  # 实例化环境对象
    env.showqTrue(figureIndex=1)  # 显示reward参数分布

    # --------------- 智能体1 仿真-------------
    # 特定的智能体的实例化
    player = Agent(env.kArm, method='Gradient', paraList=[0.1, False])
    # 开始仿真并返回待记录数据
    avgReward, bestCount = simulation(env, player, 2000, 1000)
    # 绘制相关图表
    plot.plotting(avgReward, 2, 'Gradient (alpha=0.1, without baseline)', 'Steps', 'Average Reward')
    plot.plotting(bestCount, 3, 'Gradient (alpha=0.1, without baseline)', 'Steps', 'Optimal Action')

    # ---------------- 智能体2 仿真-------------
    player = Agent(env.kArm, method='Gradient', paraList=[0.1, True])
    avgReward, bestCount = simulation(env, player, 2000, 1000)
    plot.plotting(avgReward, 2, 'Gradient (alpha=0.1, with baseline)', 'Steps', 'Average Reward')
    plot.plotting(bestCount, 3, 'Gradient (alpha=0.1, with baseline)', 'Steps', 'Optimal Action')

    # ---------------- 智能体3 仿真-------------
    player = Agent(env.kArm, method='Gradient', paraList=[0.4, False])
    avgReward, bestCount = simulation(env, player, 2000, 1000)
    plot.plotting(avgReward, 2, 'Gradient (alpha=0.4, without baseline)', 'Steps', 'Average Reward')
    plot.plotting(bestCount, 3, 'Gradient (alpha=0.4, without baseline)', 'Steps', 'Optimal Action')

    # ---------------- 智能体4 仿真-------------
    player = Agent(env.kArm, method='Gradient', paraList=[0.4, True])
    avgReward, bestCount = simulation(env, player, 2000, 1000)
    plot.plotting(avgReward, 2, 'Gradient (alpha=0.4, with baseline)', 'Steps', 'Average Reward')
    plot.plotting(bestCount, 3, 'Gradient (alpha=0.4, with baseline)', 'Steps', 'Optimal Action')

    # 打开绘制图表开关

Reinforcement Learning: an introduction 编程笔记——第二章_第1张图片

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