
http://www.xmqbysj.com jsp毕业设计

摘  要

关键字  设备管理、JSP、SQLServer、MyEclipse

With the rapid development of science and technology, advanced medical equipment modernization is the material base of modern hospital, is an advanced means of medical treatment, medical equipment management has become an important field of modern hospital management. Therefore, the management of medical equipment requirements are also getting higher and higher, to the whole process of medical equipment abandonment, from procurement to maintenance, the need for strict and scientific management, we must use modern means of science and technology set up medical management idea, the improvement of medical equipment management, information management of medical equipment, in order to obtain the best benefit.
In this system the integrated application of SQLServer, Servlet, JSP knowledge. Structure design of webpage interface to practicality, has the characteristics of easy operation, simple, convenient. In the design, first of all, has obtained the good effect of art using the static page HTML language on the website of the fine processing and in site. Secondly, to learn and practice a lot for the dynamic programming, JSP Java programming and SQLServer database, and applied to the construction of the site.
In this paper, a detailed and comprehensive discussion of medical equipment management system. The main function of this system: equipment category management, equipment information management, supplier management, equipment management.

Key Words  device management, JSP, SQLServer, MyEclipse

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