Express 中设置缓存Cache-control的maxAge

浏览器缓存机制,其实主要就是HTTP协议定义的缓存机制(如: Expires Cache-control等)

express.static(root, [options])

express.static 是 Express 内置的唯一一个中间件。是基于 serve-static 开发的,负责托管 Express 应用内的静态资源。

root 参数指的是静态资源文件所在的根目录。

options 对象是可选的,支持以下属性:

属性 描述 类型 默认值
dotfiles Option for serving dotfiles. Possible values are “allow”, “deny”, and “ignore” String “ignore”
etag Enable or disable etag generation Boolean true
extensions Sets file extension fallbacks. Boolean false
index Sends directory index file. Set false to disable directory indexing. Mixed “index.html”
lastModified Set the Last-Modified header to the last modified date of the file on the OS. Possible values are true orfalse. Boolean true
maxAge Set the max-age property of the Cache-Control header in milliseconds or a string in ms format Number 0
redirect Redirect to trailing “/” when the pathname is a directory. Boolean true
setHeaders Function for setting HTTP headers to serve with the file. Function  

var express = require('express');
var path = require("path");
var app = express();
var options = { 
    maxAge: 3600000    
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "./"), options));


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