

On the other hand, oil-importing emerging economies—to which heavy industry has shifted—have become more energy-intensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed.(Text3. 2002)

emerging / i'mə:dʒiŋ / adj.新兴的

shift / ʃift / v.转移;变换

intensive  / inˈtensiv /  adj.密集的

squeeze / skwi:z / v.挤压;紧缩(某公司或机构)的资金;使...经济拮据



1.to which heavy industry has shifted可以还原为which heavy industry has shifted to。

2.have become中have只是助动词,核心动词为系动词become。因此have become做系动词。




Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect,” a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects—a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen—is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.(Text4. 2002)

Auto parts are also much cheaper in China than in the United States, because labor tends to be a larger share of the cost than final assembly. The global auto parts industry has shifted much of its production to China, partly because of low costs and partly because China’s steep tariffs make it impossible for multinational manufacturers to compete in the Chinese market unless they produce in China.



*labor / ˈleibə(r) / n.劳动;劳动力

*assembly / əˈsembli / n.装配;组装;会议

*steep / sti:p / adj.陡峭的;急剧的;过高的;不合理的

tariff / ˈtærif / n.关税

And quality is high at Chinese factories run by Western carmakers.


Global automakers already have built some of their most modern factories in China. A Ford factory in Hangzhou has 650 robots. A somewhat smaller General Motors factory in Shanghai has 530 robots that make Cadillacs with all-aluminum bodies—one of the latest and toughest manufacturing challenges even in the West.



aluminum / ˌæljəˈminiəm; ˌælə- / n.铝

G.M.’s China-made Buick Envision ranks slightly above average in initial quality surveys of American consumers among 13 compact sport utility vehicles, according to J.D. Power and Associates, the international quality rating company. The top three concerns of the Envision’s American buyers involved the ease of use of its voice recognition system and other consumer electronics—concerns indicating that American consumers were basically satisfied with the actual car.

据全球质量评级机构君迪(J. D. Power & Associates)称,在对美国消费者进行的新车质量调查中,通用汽车在中国制造的别克昂科威(Buick Envision)在13款紧凑型SUV中略高于平均水平。昂科威的美国购买者最担心的三个问题涉及语音识别系统的易用性和其他消费电子器件。这些担心表明,美国消费者对成品车辆基本满意。


concern / kənˈsə:n / n.担心,忧虑 v.涉及,使担忧

ease / i:z / n.容易;舒适,安逸

recognition / ˌrekəɡˈniʃn / n.识别;认可;赏识

indicate / ˈindikeit / v.表明;暗示;间接提及

Chinese domestic automakers still lag in quality surveys. But among the global brands, cars made in China come from assembly lines that are identical in almost every respect to factories in the West—except that the factories in China, because they are new, tend to be more automated. Jeff Cai, the general manager of the China automotive practice at J.D. Power, said that the relative newness of Chinese factories tended to balance out the limited experience and high turnover of Chinese workers.

在质量调查中,中国国内的汽车厂商依然处于下风。但在全球品牌中,中国制造的汽车来自几乎在各方面都与西方工厂一模一样的装配线,除了中国的工厂因为是新厂所以自动化程度往往更高以外。君迪负责中国汽车业务的总经理蔡明(Jeff Cai)说,中国的工厂相对较新往往能抵消中国工人的经验不足和高流动性。


lag / læɡ / v.缓慢移动;滞后

identical / aiˈdentikl / adj.相同的;同一的

automated / ˈɔːtəˌmeɪtɪd / adj.自动化的;机械化的

balance out 相抵,平衡;抵消

turnover / ˈtə:nəuvə(r) / n.人事变更率;成交量
