SDT每日币圈快讯】2018年4月10日 【SDT Daily Crypto News】2018/04/10

1. [行情] 排名前十的数字货币今日全线下跌,neo下跌7.67%。

[Crypto market] TOP 10 cryptocurrencies all slided today, NEO dropped by 7.67%.

2. [NEO] NEO将要启动横跨四月的“欧洲之行”。

[NEO] NEO are going to start Europe Tour that will span April!

3. [观点] 迅雷集团CEO陈磊认为,区块链的创新改变了社会组织结构,给了中国一个超越美国和西方国家的机会,这是新时代最重要最需要把握的机会。

[Opinion] Chen Lei, the CEO of Xunlei Group CEO, believes that the innovations in blockchain changed the social organization structure and gave China an opportunity to surpass the USA and other western countries. This is the most important and most urgent-need opportunity which should be seized in new period.

4. [观点] 许逸超:如果一个行业需要大规模的分布式协作,非常依赖用户进行创造、分享、共享,这就天然适合用区块链的思想来进行改造。

[Opinion] Yichao Xu: If a industry need extensive distributed cooperation, and really rely on the innovation and sharing of its users, then this industry would be suitable for being remoulded with the help of blockchain thinking.

5. [观点] Visa副董事长Ellen Richey指出:我们知道我们可以利用区块链提高效率,对企业的交易提高它的速度。尤其是针对零售的客户,因为零售客户非常的复杂,非常的分散,记录的不同地方,不是很透明,速度也不够快。

[Opinion] Elena Richey, vice chairman of Visa, pointed out that entrepreneur knows he can use blockchain to increase efficiency and the speed of business transactions. It is especially for the retail customers, because retail customers are very scattered, recorded in different places, not very transparent, and not fast enough as well.

6. [观点] 中国银行前行长李礼辉在博鳌论坛上表示:“中国主要是基于我们有巨大的市场规模和市场潜力,另外也还有足够的投资能力。所以我们中国的区块链底层技术的研发和应用技术的研发,我个人觉得还是走在全球的前列。”

[Opinion] Li Lihui, former head of the Bank of China, said on the Boao Forum that China, mainly based on its huge market size and market potential, as well as sufficient investment capacity, has taken the most advantages in the area of developing and appling technologies for China's blockchain technology. At present, Li Lihui is responsible for the blockchain research work under the Internet Finance Association.

7. [观点] 据澎湃消息,在美国时间4月9日举办的LendIt朗迪峰会上,瑞波币(Ripple)创始人Chris Larsen表示,数字货币只是区块链中很小的领域,虽然ICO(首次代币发行)受到政府部门的质疑,但是以后也要谋求区块链的合理市场地位。区块链的应用不但能够降低资金交易的成本,也能够用于物联网等领域,交易成本能够大幅下降。

[Opinion] According to the rumor, on the LendIt Langdi Summit held on April 9th, the founder of Ripple, Chris Larsen, stated that cryptocurrency is only a small area in the blockchain. Although ICO (first token issuance) is challenged by the government, it needs to seek a reasonable market position for the blockchain in the future. The applications of blockchain can not only reduce the cost of capital transactions, but also can be used in areas such as the Internet of Things, and transaction costs can be greatly reduced.

8. [监管]  工信部信软司一直密切关注区块链技术、应用和产业化发展,积极采取有效措施推动国内区块链技术研发和应用探索等工作。后续,信软司也将继续加强与各方的协同互动,努力营造良好发展环境,促进区块链务实健康发展。

[Supervising] The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has been paying close attention to the development of blockchain technology, and industrialization. It has actively taken effective measures to promote the application of domestic blockchain technology. In the follow-up, the Ministry will also continue to strengthen synergies with blockchain teams, strive to create a good environment for development, and provide a pragmatic and healthy condition for the blockchain.


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