52. The French test.

1. 单词练习

exam  考试

formal examination 正式的考试

examination room 考场

pass 通过(vt ,vi)

I pass the exam,

I pass in English.

mathematics 数学

maths 英  math 美

question 问题

easy 容易的

easy money 容易的钱 ,  不义之财

easy come ,easy go 来得容易去得快

enough 足够地   程度副词


The book is very interesting. 这本书非常有趣

He often gets up very early.   他经常起的非常早。   get up 起床

My house is large enough.  我的房子足够大。

He got up early enough. 他起的足够早。

enough 当频度副词的时候, 要+在形容词,副词  之后。

paper n. 考卷

fails v.未及格,失败

I failed the exam.  我考试不及格。

I failed in English. 我的英语不及格。

answer 回答

answer my question 回答我的问题

answer the phone. 接电话

mark n. 分数

He got a high mark. 他考得比较高。

He got full marks. 他得了满分。

He got 90 marks out of 100 for English. 我考了90分。

rest 其它的东西

the rest of the day  今天是剩下部分

the rest of my life 剩下的时间 ,余生

have a rest 休息

difficult adj. 困难的

English is not a difficult language.  


hate 讨厌

low 低的

low tree  low price   low mark  low voice

cheer  振作,振奋

The good news cheered them all.


cheers 祝你健康  ,  干杯

guy 家伙, 人

top 上放,顶部  

top 10 排名前10

2. 课文讲解

How are you ?

How is the weather? 天气怎么样?

How is your wife ?  你的妻子怎么样?

How was the exam? 考试考的怎么样?

I think I passed in English and Mathematics. 我觉得我的英语跟数学可以通过。

what about  ?  = how about ?


I hope I have't failed.

I think that I failed the French paper.  我想我的法语考试可能要不及格。

could 能


Some of then are going  into the park.

I could answer sixteen of then questions. 我只能回答 16个题。

cheer up ! 争做起来

do 解答

next to ……  prep. 在...的旁边

The guy next to me .  在我旁边得那个家伙。

3. 语法部分

must   can    may   bad batter


can - could

may - might

1. 表示能力  只有can 表示能力的意思的时候 才能换成could,此时 could是can的过去式

He can run very fast.  他能跑的非常快。

He could run very fast.  他曾经跑的很快。

She can't swim. 她不会游泳。

She couldn't swim。 她曾经不会游泳。

2. 允许 ,征求别人的意见跟建议,这是could跟can意思几乎一样,但是could比can更委婉一点

Can I come in?

Could I come in?

3. 请求,要求

Can you open the window ,please?  你能开一下窗户吗?

Can you open the window ,please? 更加婉转

4. 单词句型讲解

clever 聪明的

smart 漂亮的,时髦的,聪明的

stupid 笨的

cheap 便宜的

dirt cheap 超便宜

fresh 新鲜的

freshman 新生

stale 不新鲜的

low 低的,矮的

loud 大声的

That music is loud enough. 那个音乐的声音已经住足够大了。

high adj. 高的

high  VS tall

high 表示山的高度

The mountain is very high.

tall 表示人,动物的高度

He is a tall boy.

Look! There is a boy in the tall tree.

high 和 tall 都可以表示建筑物的高,此时high更突出宏伟

There are many high / tall buildings along this street.

high - low ,  tall - short

a low building

hard 硬的

sweet 甜的

bitter 苦的

soft 软的

sour 酸的

5. 知识拓展


I think that he will not come tomorrow.

I don't think that he will come tomorrow.

如果主句的谓语动词是think, believe expect,suppose等表示主观上认为,推测,猜想,医院等词汇时,一般需要把宾语从句中的否定词放在它们后面。


I don't think that it will rain tomorrow.


I don't believe that he will help us.


I don't think that you are wrong?


I don't suppose that she has finished work.


I don't hope she will come.

I hope she won't come.


你可能感兴趣的:(52. The French test.)