Elon Musk第一周复盘


Elon Musk, the creator of SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, worn born in South Africa in 1971. This book paints an unforgettable picture of Musk’s unique personality, insatiable drive, and ability to thrive through hardship.

Since he was young, he was lost in all kinds of books and cemented his bookworm reputation through his clumsy way. However, due to his rude and really weird behavior, he didn’t endear himself to the peers. Not only that, he suffered a torturous period in high school for being bullied by others for a long time.

For he has been dreaming of a place that would allow his personality and dreams to flourish, he first left for Canada in 1988. At there, he embarked on his university life and met with Justine Wilson, his ex-wife. During this period, he had some truly big ideas as well as viewed the Internet, renewable energy and space as his lifelong goals.

After graduation, he began with his start-ups from scratch in Silicon Valley with his brother, Kimbal. They started up Zip2 first, a Global Link Information Network company. Then is X.com, a full-service online financial institution. In this period, he undergone business coups and setbacks, and learned profound lessons.


When Elon gets into something, he develops just this different level of interest in it than other people. That is waht differentaites Elon from the rest of humanity.



这恰好验证了我们在Peak中学到的理论,人人都可以成为专家,差别只在与你掌握的能力和运用的方法。Elon遇到自己想要研究的领域或想要破解的难题时,he could lose himself for hours.而我们大多数人只是浅尝截止,刚碰到一点点阻碍困难就告诉自己不是这块料,等着真正的“大神”来解救。如果你自己都没有一点“钻”劲儿,你又怎能指望自己做出点成绩来呢?

For Elon, the word no does not exit, and he excepts that attitude from everyone around him.

想想自己经常会有这样的"NO"状况,特别是从前在学习路上,因为小时候没有好好学习,所以求学路上这么多年,除了学习外,别的方面都发挥出了自己的特色和能力。可是,有的时候,你越是怕什么,就越不敢面对什么,就会一直拖着拖着拖着...。我学英语其实并不好,甚至不如普系学生的英文水平扎实,但过去,由于意志力不够,很难对自己下狠心,特别是语法,总是犯低级错误,其实说来说去,就是因为自己骨子里缺乏一种力量,say no的力量,坚韧的力量,战胜自己的力量。因为这点,近几年在学习方面真是吃了不少苦头,所以,洗心革面,决定从头来过,战胜自己,克服自己,改变自己。

You have to put yourself in a position where you say.

这点恰好和 the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Person中谈到的leadership和management相对应,多数情况下,别人看你在什么位子取决于你把自己放在什么位子。身边总会有这样的人,看起来默默无闻,沉默寡言,同学们也不太把他当回事儿,但他心中有一股力量要让自己与众不同,当他把自己暗自放在一个自己想要的位置,努力成为那个位置的人,迟早别人也会把他看作那个位置的人,马云,俞敏洪都是鲜明的例子。但是the process must be painful.

Do or die but don't give up.

这是我最喜欢的一句。希望可以不断强化自己,磨练自己,never give up, never put myself in a comfortable zone.


1. I was floored by it and angry.

be floored by sth, you are unable to respond it because you are so surprised by it.

[be V-ed by/ V-ed by]

【例句】He was floored by the announcement.

【仿句】She seemed floored by his proposal.

2. He seemed spellpound by his life.

Elon could lose himself for hours bu end.

The most striking part of Elon's character as a young boy was his compulsion to read.

He'd been obsessed with video games.


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