

But I guess I must havemade a pretty big racketbecause the next thing I knew, Dad was downstairs,yelling atme for eating Cheerios at 3:00 in the morning.

It took me a minute to figure out what the heck was going on.

After I did, I told Dad that Rodrick hadplayed a trickon me, and He was the one that should be getting yelled at.

make a racket 发出吵闹声,大声喧哗

英文解释:A racket is a loud unpleasant noise.

e.g. He makes such a racket I'm afraid he disturbs the neighbours.


The old machine used to make an awful racket.


yell at 冲着某人大叫

英文解释:If you yell, you shout loudly, usually because you are excited, angry, or in pain.

e.g. I'm sorry I yelled at you last night.



1)to yell encouragement/warning at [somebody] 冲某人大声叫喊鼓劲儿/大声警告某人

2)yell也可以做名词“大喊,吼叫”,let out a yell表示“大叫一声”。

play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

英文解释:behave in a deceptive or teasing way toward sb.

e.g. We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.


comment:也可以替换成play a joke on sb.

Dad walked down to thebasementtochew Rodrick out, and Itagged along. I couldn’t wait to see Rodrick get what was coming to him.

But Rodrickcovered uphis tracks pretty good.

Andto this day, I’m sure Dad thinks I’vegot a screw looseor something.

basement 地下室

英文解释:The basement of a building is a floor built partly or completely below ground level.

comment:电梯里的b1,b2也是basement 1和basement 2的缩写。

chew sb. out 叱责,训斥

英文解释:If you chew someone out, you tell them off in a very angry way.

e.g. He chewed out the player, who apologized the next time I saw him.


When Tom got back to Dallas, Perot called him over and chewed him out.


comment:chew的本意是咀嚼,chew over是反复思考的意思,chew up是细细咀嚼的意思。

tag along 尾随,尤指未经要求跟随

英文解释:If someone goes somewhere and you tag along, you go with them, especially when they have not asked you to.

e.g. I let him tag along because he had not been too well recently...


She seems quite happy to tag along with them.


comment:tag本意是标签的意思,也有跟随的意思。tag after sb.是跟随某人。

cover up 掩盖

英文解释:If you cover up something that you do not want people to know about, you hide the truth about it.

e.g. They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up...


How do we know you're not just covering up for your friend?


to this day 直到现在

英文解释:up to the present time

comment:I still don't know her name to this day.直到现在我还不知道她的姓名。

get a screw loose 神经错乱

英文解释:be slightly eccentric or mentally disturbed.

comment:screw本意是螺丝,这里引申螺丝松了代表神经错乱了。另一个词组have one's head screwed on是have common sense的意思。


Today at school we gotassignedto reading groups.

They don’tcome right outand tell you if you’re in the Gifted group or the Easy group, but you canfigure it outright away by looking at the covers of the books theyhand out.

assign 分配

英文解释:If you assign something to someone, you say that it is for their use.

e.g. The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.


He assigned her all his land in Ireland.


come right out 直截了当,坦率地

英文解释:informal to say something in a very direct way, often when other people think this is surprising

e.g. I’ll come right out and say it. This is the only legitimate excuse I can think of.


figure out 想出,弄明白

英文解释: to think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened

e.g. I can't figure out what he's trying to say


to have one's future figured out


comment:同义词组是work out。

hand out 分发

英文解释:to give something to each person in a group

e.g. One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.


Food is still being handed out.


