Scaffolding Techniques

Scaffolding Techniques_第1张图片

It is really important for language teachers giving support to their students in order to help them learn to express themselves more clearly and prcisely. And scaffolding is one the most useful techniques that is worthy to be used in classes.

Scaffolding is that the teacher encourage students to tell their own stories or thoughts. Nodding, eye-contacting and some words like "uh-huh" or "yes" responding to the speaker are all good scaffolding tactics. And sometimes simple questions can be asked to elicit more information about the topic. Basically, any help for students that makes them to speak more and speak better can be seen as scaffolding techniques.

This summer, I took part in an English Language Camp to improve my English. In the two-week programme, I talked a lot with my classmates and the foreign teacher. I liked the way foreign teacher gave me the word unobtrusively when I had trouble finding the right words for my thoughts. It was really helpful. By getting words that suits the conversation, I felt less embrassed.

This is a teaching technique that will help studnet speak fluently ...

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