
What is the one thing some people do to get a better life?

Nelson Wang,


When I was growing up, I often asked myself, what is one thing that I can do today for a better life tomorrow?

I would come up with a hundred different answers. I should work out every morning. I should work longer hours. I should find a mentor. I should learn to enjoy life more. I should have a better sense of humor. I should spend more time with family and friends.

当我逐渐成长,我经常问自己,我今天做什么,明天有更美好的生活。 我可能会提出一百多种不同答案。我应该每个早晨都锻炼,我应该工作时间更久一点。我应该找个良师益友。我应该学会多享受生活一点。我应该多一点幽默感。我应该花更多的时间陪陪家人和朋友。

What I didn’t realize is that they all had one thing in common.


I should have focused on improving myself every single day.


Now that I’m 32, I’ve finally realized I should have just focused on that one thing. Want to know why?


Greatness compounds over time. Over the short term, small improvements may seem…well…small. But over an extended period of time, those small incremental improvements turn into massive transformations that can dramatically alter your life.


